• last updated 16 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fixed portal datasource

making ::twt::do_request try 10 times before giving up if host is unreachable (I've experienced some socket connet problems recently

    • -14
    • +14
    • -1
    • +1
    • -3
    • +37
twiddle braces for expr in rand routines

fixing the page header of install page. Defaulting all system emails to admin email

Add link to set parameters

Added URL to the aspell project at SF in the ns_log statement.

Nicer fix for news parameters containing []'s problem

added auto-mount

adding dotlrn-news-aggregator to the dotlrn-core alias as the applet is now part of dotlrn

adding news-aggregator to the dotlrn-prereq alias as it's now part of dotlrn

Initial revision

    • -0
    • +55
Added dotlrn-photo-album

making sure the proper proc is used to re-generate catalog files after automatic message key and lookup generation. Previously the description tags didn't get written to the message files

Initial revision

    • -0
    • +212
Added photo-album portlet

Resolves bug #945. Merged two duplicate I18N keys.

Resolves bug #944. Merged two duplicate I18N keys.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- documented difference between -edit_request and -select_query. Fix bug #746

added missing template

file site-node.adp was initially added on branch openacs-org.

    • -0
    • +0
file site-node.tcl was initially added on branch openacs-org.

    • -0
    • +0
Fixed relative path, removed extra single quotes not needed outside plpgsql


Drop and recreate fs_folders view to get rid of fs-simple.

changing checkout script to use new dotlrn-prereq alias. Correcting rerun all tests URL in tcl-api-tests

    • -1
    • +1
fixing typo I introduced in last commit

fixing bug 957: adding recurring events broken in PG. Adding ::INT casts to arguments of add_months() and to_interval() calls

Latest version

Fixed bug in item::get_revision_content, upvar'ing happened after the variable had been populated

- Added item_id to array returned by bcms::item::get_item

- Split get_item_by_url up into separate get_item_id_by_url helper proc

- Various cleanups and bug fixing

nsv_get acs_application was failing sometimes on install and I wasn't able to track down why. To avoid further hassle I removed that nsv since we don't need it