• last updated 18 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
upgrade swfupload, fix bug with multi file upload with flash 10, fix bugs with drag and drop, create url and renaming tree folders

gravatar includelet added

check, if the external utility "tail" is available

provide "extends" entry in version array returned by apm_get_package_repository

- Provide windows compatibility for "upgrade/install" from repository.

Fixed Issues:

windows has no /dev/null,

don't use "gunzip" but "gzip -d",

gzip requires on windows -S switch,

no sh (instead of "cd DIR; tar ..." use "tar ... -C")

no mv (use "file rename" instead)

broken downloads via ns_httpopen + fcopy

reduce verbosity

updating security::locations logic to match get_https_port and not show a secure location if there is none.

deprecating ecommerce httpsModule parameter because it creates much havoc in acs-tcl/tcl/security-procs.tcl having ecommerce dependency.

removing ecommerce dependency

-substitution of * for % in value var ( var name was not defined ).

-using "i" as base_table for constructing the glob_clause when rendering yui-carrousel since the listing proc uses algo i as base_table.

remove deprecated calls to ad_parameter

remove deprecated calls to ad_parameter

improve wording in comment

adding another tuning suggestion in lieu of caching user specific paginated queries

- factoring out common code

- new includelet: yui-carousel

improve offsets in sprites

add option to delete users from the admin pages (acs-admin/users/one)

    • -0
    • +26
Changed apm_load_packages to load package libraries and queries in dependency

order, rather than alphabetical order.

Debugging my dependency-driven package tcl library loader code uncovered a

"bug" in "my code" that was actually a missing dependency in assessment

portlet. Being a portlet, it oughtta be dependent on new-portal, dontcha


fixing tcl syntax error

removing cache from get_regular_product_list, and adding a note about what to do instead if need be. This fixes pagination. Added pagination label

updating ecds_pagination_by_items to work with lib/pagination-bar

general UI improvements

minor fixes

adding flexible, user friendly pagination bar, particularly handy with category pages that contain many more parts than displayed

    • -0
    • +1
    • -0
    • +31
updating ecds_pagination_by_items to be more user friendly ie only using exponential pagination for large numbers of pages; also adding ecds_keyword_search_update which helps to consistently automatically populate products.search_keywords

remove deprecated calls to ad_parameter

remove deprecated calls to ad_parameter

    • -15
    • +15
applying fix for category-browse-subcategory to this file

updating products display to fix an offset reference error