• last updated 16 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Update dotlrn package versions to 2.6.0 for the last dotlrn release.

    • -5
    • +5
  1. … 28 more files in changeset.
typo on message key name.

- reduce the uglyness of the hack slightly

    • -8
    • +11
Ugly hack to fight against a problem with tDom

    • -1
    • +11
- add "level" to includelet html-file

    • -2
    • +39
- fix commit

    • -1
    • +1
Fix redirect to referrer

- restrict redirect from child-resources when parent eq ".."

    • -1
    • +1
- providing support to hide columns in child-resources

- allow child-resources to render siblings

    • -6
    • +27
    • -2
    • +34
- provide simple approach to hide columns in a table widget

- reduce verbosity

    • -1
    • +5
- added includelet html-file

- don't save empty tags (many thanks to Selim Erol for this fix)

    • -4
    • +6
- remove obsolete file

    • -9
    • +0
- yui requires an URL for each menu entry, even if disabled. Simplifiy interface by providing default oref of "#"

- deactivate autorender for YUIMenu

- fix class for disabled menu entries

- insert missing ul for yuimenu

removed bogus bak directory in scorm-player.

- the (deprecated) function ad_parameter was called with wrong arguments, "-package_id" was treated as parameter for non-positional argument "package_key" ("ad_parameter GeneralCommentsP -package_id [ad_conn package_id]"). Changed to "parameter::get"

- the (deprecated) function ad_parameter was called with wrong arguments, "-package_id" was treated as parameter for non-positional argument "package_key" ("ad_parameter BehaveLikeFilesystemP -package_id [ad_conn package_id]"). Changed to "parameter::get"

- reset ::ad_conn(request) after "ad_conn -reset"

- user as internal value for disabled form fields boolean values rather than "disabled"

- fix bracketing and improve comment

- use same notification user_id for category-based notifications as in other cases

- add "show object" for site-wide admins to menu-bar

- use content of form-field html_title as HTML title of the document when rendering a FormPage

- improve comment

Modified the search callback to return the name of the page that the

content includelet resides upon rather than "Untitled", much in the spirit

of the code that returns the URL of the page rather than of the content

includelet itself.

- reset form-fields of type "file" in cases validation failed in the form

- added AsyncLogFile which is a client class for AsyncDiskWriter

- reduce latencies induced from the file system

- update dependencies, bumped version number to 0.43

- added async disk writer class

- bumped version number to 0.122