• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Initial revision

files that were originally in site-wide search - ported by Neophytos Demetriou. Files were moved to the kernel, because it made sesse to do so

Fixed seq/sequence in static-pages-create.sql

XQL files missing from previous commit

    • -0
    • +18
    • -0
    • +19
Fix APM to allow for LSB-compliant Paths. It didn't allow "www" in the

path of packages.

more fixup

More fiddling.

Fixing commit emails.

Adding commit email support

    • -0
    • +166
Datamodel loads in postgresql. Beginning work on Tcl

added missing declare

added .xql files for www/admin/orders directory

fixed search query

fixed money_select query

used db_map for dynamic queries with date calcs

used db_map for dynamic sql queries with date calcs

added db_map for dynamic queries with dates

fixed date filters by adding db_map for dynamic sql

Check Links also working for individual users

Bookmarks administration (by Admin) working...

    • -0
    • +47
Port package_instantiate_object

    • -0
    • +56
Port queries

fixed uplevel name collision

fixed missing " for set carrier_info

fixed trigger for address_id insert

fixed date queries to use timespan_days for interval calculation

fixed date queries by using db_map

changed $addess_link to checkout-2

postgresql returns the full timestamp including the time which screws up some procs which assume that the date returned is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. a simple to_char statement fixes the problem

fixed missing queries and incorrect query names