• last updated 17 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
small fix to toggle_pinned

added templates for prev and next

fixed up display procs

commiting some diffs

aks: minor logging text changes

    • -9
    • +19
aks: small fix

aks: checking in a bunch of memoization, and some small fixes

made some improvements to the subgroup membership widget

    • -6
    • +18
making description optional

aks: removed log_time calls, some cleanup

Most of this fixes up the creation of application groups for subsites.

Subsites - for PG at least - still have some serious problems that need


fixed links & navigation

updated calendar to have an item editing page (this is NOT YET functional on PG, finalizing testing)

    • -0
    • +33
    • -0
    • +62

1. Hitting the site with the host name only (http://foo.com) reveals that

[ns_conn urlc] is incorrectly set to "1" and [ns_conn urlv] to [list "\"\""].

I've masked this in the ad_conn structure, so [ad_conn urlc] == 0 and

[ad_conn urlv] == [list].

2. When a cookie is set to an empty string, ad_set_cookie sets it to

"\"\"". I've modified ad_get_cookie to return the empty string if the

cookie it grabs from the browser is "\"\"". I looked quite carefully around

the toolkit and saw no code that appears to depend on this abberant behavior.

AKS: rename non-full cal portlet to "Day Summary"

adding the remove_user functionality

cleaning up some queries

    • -1
    • +1
removed unnecessary query in one case

    • -4
    • +9

using templating system constructs instead of straight tcl code

fixed query to be more foolproof against sorting weirdness in the connect by

minimized number of queries

these are oracle specific queries they should be in an oracle specific file

    • -5
    • +59
updated package metadata to reflect file removal

fixed broken memoized call; made memoized procs private

quick fix

getting rid of cc_users

20 queries to 1 query

minimizing number of queries

bringing back one_instance_p