• last updated 18 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fix permissions link

Match up Postgres upgrade scripts with the function creation scripts.

Fix infinite loop that occurs in task creation.

remove postgres tag

adding element to the form to call a javascript function that checks or unchecks all recipients

Fix so include-optional works from inside tcl proc.

datamodel changes for extend_id and search_id map

removing the remove links

taking out old links to email templates using internatinalization

show write actions only when write_p is 1

changing harcoded url by generated url using export_vars in tclwebtest tests

    • -13
    • +12
added one proc to use aa_log_result using a boolean var from the testcase

Fixed assign_add_self_widget for I18n

Fixed problem with the display of empty party_ids

New Translations

Added I18N to task-calender

we don't need to put show_calendar_name_p in the multirow, removing it

make sure we also pass show_calendar_name_p to month view

fixed show_calendar_name_p so that it is passed to the multirow, it determines whether we show the calendar name in [ ] or not

Add include file for fs_chunk procedure.

Fix fs_chunk include procedure. use template::adp_include instead of template::adp_compile with eval.

fixed the user_add_confirm_email_body message key

Note title is no longer ambiguous.

Added support for phone urls for the telecom numbers

More translations

Added relation procs

Solved problem with I18n of search lists

Added support for leads

Support for sending mails from folders

Email sending of files

Added an install hook for the install.xml