• last updated 14 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added entity Transaction, Package and Pkg Instance and some important


add postgres data model scripts so far

    • -0
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add to the main functions list that this package ensures credits = debits.

small formatting change

Flush out vision statement and introduction

Add more of the structure of the documents; add vision statement

Start separating requirements from design; but still on same page

add Business_Entity as an entity in the ER diagram

img tags have attrib src or source? not source, must be src

include the picture of the data model in the index

small typo

Initial index page for docs... quite emptyish... let's see what it looks like

changed data model picture from UML to ER diagram

added cardinality edges to diagram

flushed out main entity types for financial accounting system

This is a method of using dia to diagram the data model. Dia can produce

.png format files on the command line, so I wrote a makefile which produces

datamodel.png from datamodel.dia and also contains a pattern rule to

produce any.png from any.dia.

Requirements for running the make:

- gnu make

- dia

    • binary
Initial commit for package t-account.

initially, only the empty dirs sql, www, tcl.

each instance of this package will represent a collection of financial

T-accounts. Transactions will post to at least two accounts, crediting

one and debiting the other. The requirements for the transaction to go

forward are: (1) all accounts posted to must exist in the package

instance being posted to, and (2) total debits must equal total

credits. As I become aware of reports and other documents, I will try

to add them.