• last updated 14 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

added search procs

    • -1
    • +3
Make sure the broken pages are not loaded

make sure that the logger_project exists

Cleaning up dependencies, name differences and other stuff

    • -1
    • +6
    • -0
    • +137
Preformance tunning

Unified project search

Performance tuning

Made sure to use resources instead of shared/images

Fixing problems with transactions and deadlocks

Now need for transaction

Performance tuning for the tasks query

Added second page for the project overview as the one page design is overloaded

New language keys

Speeding up search

Fixing some bugs and provide some documentation on what is happening with the project_new callback

    • -2
    • +6
Change project::new to use content::item::new

Send the comment to all assignees except the one writing it (no need to inform him

Additional search if not found

Made sure the task difference works, added the locales

    • -1
    • +8
    • -1
    • +4
Made sure we can add people from the project to the task again at a later stage

upped version numbers

Fixed date issues and made sure the assignment when adding a new task works even if you selected multiple roles for a person.

Made tasks portlet work with orderby_p

hours_to_complete might not exist

Added appropriate noquotes

Changed orderby_tasks to tasks_orderby

Make PM adhere to naming conventions for orderby

Only rate if there is someone to rate

Trailing "\" causes "info complete" to fail, because another line of input

is (naturally enough) expected. This causes our automated test that all

tcl files have correct syntax fails. Why did the script appear to run

correctly? Probably because the parsed .adp file is glommed onto the end

of the .tcl file before it is actually executed.