• last updated 21 hours ago
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beautify link

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  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
At least order by the date in descending order

Cleaned up logger

Fixed error with default variable_id (missing negation). Furthermore dealt with the fact that we might have multiple party_ids as assignees

Permission check is not needed here

Make the code fault tolerant and executable in a connectionless environment

Added deadlock protection (or so I hope)

No need for the variable to be ordered by name, and this gives us a gain of 52 vs 2 MS on our system

Made sure that log entries are logged with project tasks again

Fixing message key missing. thanks to michaels for pointing this out strongly.

Fixing issue with problems of error on callback. If the callback for project_new is not executed, the one on edit fails. Therefore I just made sure that it is retried before. Additionally fixed an error on the project_new callback

Removing two left outer joins when they were unnecessary

Added support for multiple project_ids

Got rid of mapping tables as this is solved with data links now

integration with PM remodelled

Fixed mapping

Made sure .LRN was not needed. Furthermore increased version number so we don't get into trouble with possible new development on oacs-5-2

i heart logger! (well, at least i don't hate it as much now); tweaked a couple of queries, made csv output project name and bumped version

make logger entry display page instance aware again

bump version

couple more i18n changes. no more on 5.1 for logger, I hope

    • -3
    • +3
remove expensive query for project manager info if logger instance is not linked to PM; bump package version

fix up message key syntax in listbuilder adp chunks and get rid of i18n garbage in index.adp

fix the massively borked en_US catalog file and bump version

    • -135
    • +11
New I18N

    • -0
    • +23
  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Fixed issue with the status_description not showing in I18N format

New I18N

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
changed to use new data-link table

  1. … 21 more files in changeset.