• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
adding dotlrn-photo-album and photo-album-portlet to dotlrn-core alias

adding dotlrn-news-aggregator to the dotlrn-core alias as the applet is now part of dotlrn

adding dotlrn-weblogger to dotlrn-core module

adding the dotlrn-all alias with all dotlrn packages

adding curriculum packages to dotlrn-core

Added homework and survey stuff

rem dotlrn-research / research-portlet from the modules list

updated for dotlrn-research research-portlet

temporarily removed dorlrn-research from the dotlrn-core alias until

it's ready on oracle and pg

really remover dotlrn-bboard and bboard-portlet from dotlrn-core

rem sloan-bboard, dotlrn-bboard, bboard-portlet from core, added forums-portlet, dotlrn-forums to core

mods to dotlrn-core: added bm-portlet and dotlrn-bm, removed survey-portlet and dotlrn-survey

think I got it right this time

hate cvs more

hate cvs



one more time

try again

updating modules list so you can do "cvs co dotlrndoc" for example

added dotlrn-core alias

initial checkin

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.