• last updated 6 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Change the appearance of closed tasks in the project view page. Also remove

link to processes.

Prevent throwing errors when users assign the same user to the same task twice

    • -20
    • +0
Release of 2.20b3 version.

Fix error in task calendar which showed dates off by one task deadline

Fixes html in email notifications.

    • -0
    • +1
Move date cleanup to proc.

Move some code to a proc, to clean up task-add-edit page just a little bit.

Take out assignee from tasks list -- it is unwieldy if there are lots of

assignees (unscalable interface)

Releasing version 2.20b1

Adding in ability to attach files to a general comment attached to a project

or task. It seems like the general comment files were never added in as well..

Fix bug where duplicate tasks would appear in tasks view

Show all people assigned to a task instead of just person filtered to

be shown.

General comments to HTML email

Bump version to 2.16b2. Add a pm::status::default_open proc.

Fix appearance of email notifications. Old description is now no longer in h4

Fixes bug where tasks aren't assigned deadlines.

Fixes a bug when urls are constructed from within another package.

Also fixes the links in daily reminder emails.

file calendar-users-update.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

    • -0
    • +0
Adding in files left out from last commit.

    • -0
    • +22
file upgrade-2.15b4-2.16b1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

    • -0
    • +0
Release of 2.16b1 of project manager: features an improved task calendar

and better daily reminders. More HTML email.

Close tag in email sent out when tasks are closed.

Fix bug where hours logged to a task wouldn't show up if the default

logger variable (hours2) for a project was not the same as the default

variable (hours).

Fix bug in pm::task::close that prevented notifications from going out.

Adds in HTML email notifications. Note: requires bug fix in

acs-tcl/tcl/html-email-procs.tcl (copy from head of oacs-5-1)

Fixes bug which prevents daily reminder emails from going out

closed to Closed.

Simplify the email notifications.

Add option to edit tasks en masse from tasks page.

Fixes bug that prevented display of all tasks on calendar