• last updated 4 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fixing issue with class_name and pretty_name

Rewrite to use ad_form. Added dates for class and community generation. Added help texts

Made sure you can search in the first names as well

fixing wrong function call

Fixed some german language keys. Added functionality for displaying course information before joining

fixing wrong function name

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Support for changing the active dates of a community and ordering the classes by this active date

Wrong naming of upgrade script

file upgrade-2.1.3-2.2.0d1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

setting the default on alter is not supported in PG7.4

The upgrade script was named incorrectly. Fixes #2710

file upgrade-0.6-0.7d.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

A couple of content_item__new functions were missing so I recreated them all

file upgrade-5.2.0b9-5.2.0b10.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

Fixed typo.

Fixed a bug that deletes previously defined validate blocks when extending an ad_form.

Added localisations.

Re-organised files: coordinators can now collaborate in the coordinate directory.

Added localisations.

remove line declaring call to ds_comment

Added a bunch of info pages, localisations, and library procs.

Added list of faculties to index page. Note: index page is a scratch pad for things to display on that page. Really needs to be beautified.

applying patch 712 for bug 2546

Applied #720. fixed 2561

Applied #721, fixed #2563

Added fs::get_object_pretty_name from patch #722

Applied #725, fixed #1936

Apply #743, fix #2690

Applied patch #747 to fix provides information

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  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Minor fixes to the master files