• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
file revert-users-2.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

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file revert-users-2.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

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bug 1842 - adding the ability to revert users to the default portal with a confirm step and a strong warning

Fixes error when no role is chosen when creating a task.

Apply patch 536 for bug 1918. Fixes message key typos.

Adds in a administrative page to update the status of all projects

It's a functional package, not just a skeleton.

Switch to the list builder.

Fix for Bug 1786. Fixes calculation of latest finish and latest start dates

when the project is ongoing

fix from Sloan: only show attachment link if user has write privs in the appropriate place in file storage to store the attachment

file spam-recipients.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

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file spam-recipients.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

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file spam-recipients.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

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fix from Sloan: allow sender of bulk mail to choose recipients within the group instead of having to send to all)

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query didn't work in oracle (should be in an xql file but at least this will make it work)

General comments did not correctly display when using mime_types such as

text/enhanced. Fixed.

Fixing version url value in the .info file, it was at an older version that could cause a constraint violation in an apm table when upgrading.

Fixed duplicate subject. Pointed out by Eduardo.

Added parameter normalize_system_to to calendar::item::get to solve #1711: Outlook Synch creates wrong item start/end time

Fixed #1711: Outlook Synch creates wrong item start/end time

For Outlook you need to convert from user's timezone to system's timezone. Outlook syncing works fine for me now. I'll have other people with reallifish configurations test it as well.

Apparently some logic error. Exists_and_not_null returns true if the file exists. A negation of this therefore returns true if the variable does not exists...

Added cron support for keepalive


Add expand / collapse all functionality for javascript bookmarks.

Need to escape \ in javascript literal.

fix from Sloan: if cms is installed but not mounted, a blank sweep interval will be used meaning no sweeps will occur, but this is not always correct. Add a default for this case

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More changes related to .LRN integration which ... now works at least to

the point of correctly rendering the .LRN Control Panel page!

Changes to make integration with .LRN (or other integrated apps) easier.

fix from Sloan: allow admin to restrict to registered users on a per-subsite basis

fix from Sloan: only show 'this is what we show other users' message to admins, which includes the user looking at their own portrait