• last updated 6 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
adds missing template .adp

Removing unnecessary files

New Admin Portlet

Testing commit after updating the postcommit_actions script. Please ignore.

Removed import of whrandom, which is deprecated. The module wasn't being used, actually, but there was some commented-out code that referenced it, so I added a comment about what to do (use random) if the code is needed again.

Merged fix from HEAD.

Removed uneeded case for callbacks.

Merged fix from head.

remove some duplication

looks like there is a missing user_id parameter in the callback

Make sessions information optional

Fixed callback bug - implementations don't know what the args of the contract are.

Redirect to confirmation page after application

Rewrite eval calls to properly handle list elements in args that have

spaces in the. eval ds_conn $args is handled correctly. eval "ds_conn

[join $args]" is not.

Adding several configurable behaviors, with defaults that preserve previous behavior. They are: ability to display full news items even when there are more than 1, ability to turn off attribution when displaying full item content, ability to also display subgroup news items.

support for specifying reason on approval of prereqs. support for custom approval email per section

Updated messages

UI fixes

Adding all the teardowns that call to the tclwebtest procs for forums

include reason in notif email

Use two columns

Updated proper support for assessment applications

Bugfix on member states

Bugfixes on new application request

Update product name when updating section

allow to enter a reason for rejecting applications

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file tclwebtest-procs.tcl was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2005-09-26 09:03:14 +0000

Adding the procs of all the web, smoke tests made in tclwebtest for forums

file tclwebtest-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

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    • +0
add list of assessment sections to be linked to an anchor and be able to go to a section quickly