• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Snapshots work for batch sync API

Getting rid of leftover log statements

Bug fixes in Batch sync API

More noquote fixes.

    • -2
    • +2
Merge in fix for postgresql 7.3 from HEAD.

- Generalized party::update

- Added party::get_by_email

Batch Sync API mostly complete

etp__create_page accepts item_id.

Added file upload for postgresql.

Allow file upload

*** empty log message ***

making the server parameter overridable on the command line

    • -1
    • +15
    • -13
    • +19
changed bulk mail logging from Notice to Debug

*** empty log message ***

minor UI changes to site map

changed scheduled proc logging from Notice to Debug

cleaned up daemontools

    • -13
    • +11
    • -102
    • +129
Fixed bug in adding site-wide-admin to .LRN. Made the oracle shell a login shell to get sqlplus in PATH. Added running of Tcl API tests

    • -0
    • +28
bug fix for bug #791, added __ prefix to local vars to mimize clobbering

Minor interface changes

*** empty log message ***

adding oracle recreate scripts. A bunch of fixes in install.sh to get the Collaboraid test servers to work

    • -63
    • +90
    • -0
    • +19
    • -0
    • +4
    • -0
    • +1
Make acs_user::update update authority_id and username

seems like we need the memoize procs when installing packages during bootstrap so sourcing that file first

added some descriptions

seems create or replace view doesn't work with PG 7.2 so changing to create view

- Make aa_*-assertion procs return true/false of whether the assertion passed, so you can use that to branch out on assertions, e.g. if { [aa_true "..." [info exists var]] } { aa_log "var is $var" }

- cleaning up the rollback stuff

Removed this file, it was empty

The with_catch logic was broken