Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.72.2.11 -r1.72.2.12
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl 11 Feb 2014 11:53:08 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:43 -0000
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
if {$::tcl_version < 8.5
|| ([regexp {8[.]5[.]([0-9]+)$} $::tcl_patchLevel _ minor] && $minor < 4)
-} {
- ns_log error "We require for this version of xotcl-core at least Tcl 8.5.4 (avail: Tcl $::tcl_patchLevel)"
- return
+ } {
+ ns_log error "We require for this version of xotcl-core at least Tcl 8.5.4 (avail: Tcl $::tcl_patchLevel)"
+ return
package require xotcl::serializer
@@ -40,21 +40,21 @@
# emulate slots up to a certain point
namespace eval ::xo {
::xotcl::MetaSlot create ::xo::Attribute \
- -parameter {
- {name "[namespace tail [::xotcl::self]]"}
- {domain "[lindex [regexp -inline {^(.*)::slot::[^:]+$} [::xotcl::self]] 1]"}
- {multivalued false}
- {required false}
- default
- type
- spec
- pretty_name
- {pretty_plural ""}
- {datatype "text"}
- constraint_values
- help_text
- validator
- }
+ -parameter {
+ {name "[namespace tail [::xotcl::self]]"}
+ {domain "[lindex [regexp -inline {^(.*)::slot::[^:]+$} [::xotcl::self]] 1]"}
+ {multivalued false}
+ {required false}
+ default
+ type
+ spec
+ pretty_name
+ {pretty_plural ""}
+ {datatype "text"}
+ constraint_values
+ help_text
+ validator
+ }
} else {
namespace eval ::xo {
@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@
set object_type [my domain]
if {[regexp {^::([^:]+)::} $object_type _ head]} {
set tail [namespace tail $object_type]
- set pretty_name "#$head.$tail-$name#"
- #my log "--created pretty_name = $pretty_name"
+ set pretty_name "#$head.$tail-$name#"
+ #my log "--created pretty_name = $pretty_name"
} else {
error "Cannot determine automatically message key for pretty name. \
- Use namespaces for classes"
+ Use namespaces for classes"
@@ -186,11 +186,11 @@
array set names ""
foreach c [concat $cl [$cl info heritage]] {
foreach s [$c info slots] {
- set n [namespace tail $s]
- if {![info exists names($n)]} {
- lappend so $s
- set names($n) $s
- }
+ set n [namespace tail $s]
+ if {![info exists names($n)]} {
+ lappend so $s
+ set names($n) $s
+ }
return $so
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
if {[ns_conn isconnected]} {
set msg "[self]: $msg ([self callingclass]->[self callingproc])"
if {$html} {
- util_user_message -html -message $msg
+ util_user_message -html -message $msg
} else {
util_user_message -message $msg
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
::xotcl::Object log "### Call Stack (level: command)"
for {set i 0} {$i < $max} {incr i} {
if {[catch {set s [uplevel $i self]} msg]} {
- set s ""
+ set s ""
::xotcl::Object log "### [format %5d -$i]:\t$s [info level [expr {-$i}]]"
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
# ns_log notice "--T :ttrace::isenabled"
# set blueprint [ns_ictl get]
# ns_ictl save [append blueprint [::Serializer serializeExportedMethods \
-# [::Serializer new -volatile]]]
+ # [::Serializer new -volatile]]]
# unset blueprint
# ns_log notice "--T [ns_ictl get]"
@@ -406,25 +406,25 @@
ns_ictl ondelete ::xo::at_delete
-# proc trace_cleanup {args} {
-# set name [lindex $args 1]
-# #ns_log notice "*** cleanup <$args> '$name'"
-# if {[::xotcl::Object isobject $name]} {
-# ns_log notice "*** cleanup $name destroy"
-# $name destroy
-# }
-# }
+ # proc trace_cleanup {args} {
+ # set name [lindex $args 1]
+ # #ns_log notice "*** cleanup <$args> '$name'"
+ # if {[::xotcl::Object isobject $name]} {
+ # ns_log notice "*** cleanup $name destroy"
+ # $name destroy
+ # }
+ # }
} else {
# register only once
if {"::xo::freeconn" ni $registered} {
if {[catch {ns_ictl trace freeconn ::xo::freeconn} errorMsg]} {
- ns_log Warning "ns_ictl trace returned: $errorMsg"
+ ns_log Warning "ns_ictl trace returned: $errorMsg"
if {"::xo::at_delete" ni [ns_ictl gettraces delete]} {
if {[catch {ns_ictl ondelete ::xo::at_delete} errorMsg]} {
- ns_log Warning "ns_ictl ondelete returned: $errorMsg"
+ ns_log Warning "ns_ictl ondelete returned: $errorMsg"
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
ns_log notice "ON DELETE done ([expr {$t1-$t0}]ms)"
# ::xo::Module is very similar to a plain tcl namespace: When it is
# created/recreated, it does not perform a cleanup of its
@@ -677,32 +677,32 @@
::xo::system_stats proc thread_info {pid tid} {
set fn /proc/$pid/task/$tid/stat
if {[file readable $fn]} {
- set f [open $fn]; set s [read $f]; close $f
+ set f [open $fn]; set s [read $f]; close $f
} elseif {[file readable /proc/$pid/task/$pid/stat]} {
- set f [open /proc/$pid/task/$pid/stat]; set s [read $f]; close $f
+ set f [open /proc/$pid/task/$pid/stat]; set s [read $f]; close $f
} else {
- return ""
+ return ""
lassign $s tid comm state ppid pgrp session tty_nr tpgid flags minflt \
- cminflt majflt cmajflt utime stime cutime cstime priority nice \
- numthreads itrealval starttime vsize rss rsslim startcode endcode \
- startstack kstkesp kstkeip signal blocked sigignore sigcatch wchan \
- nswap cnswap ext_signal processor ...
+ cminflt majflt cmajflt utime stime cutime cstime priority nice \
+ numthreads itrealval starttime vsize rss rsslim startcode endcode \
+ startstack kstkesp kstkeip signal blocked sigignore sigcatch wchan \
+ nswap cnswap ext_signal processor ...
# utime and stimes are jiffies. Since Linux has HZ 100, we can
# multiply the jiffies by 10 to obtain ms
return [list utime [expr {$utime*10}] stime [expr {$stime*10}]]
} else {
::xo::system_stats proc thread_info {pid tid} {
- return ""
+ return ""
::xo::system_stats proc gettid {} {
set hex [ns_thread getid]
foreach t [ns_info threads] {
if {[lindex $t 2] eq $hex} {
- return [list name [lindex $t 0] tid [lindex $t 7]]
+ return [list name [lindex $t 0] tid [lindex $t 7]]
return ""
@@ -749,13 +749,13 @@
set threadInfo [ns_info threads]
if {[file readable /proc/$pid/statm] && [llength [lindex $threadInfo 0]] > 7} {
foreach t $threadInfo {
- array unset s
- array set s [my thread_info $pid [lindex $t 7]]
- if {[info exists s(stime)]} {
- set group [my thread_classify [lindex $t 0]]
- my aggregate $group $varnames(utime) $s(utime)
- my aggregate $group $varnames(stime) $s(stime)
- }
+ array unset s
+ array set s [my thread_info $pid [lindex $t 7]]
+ if {[info exists s(stime)]} {
+ set group [my thread_classify [lindex $t 0]]
+ my aggregate $group $varnames(utime) $s(utime)
+ my aggregate $group $varnames(stime) $s(stime)
+ }
foreach group [array names utimes] {
@@ -777,11 +777,11 @@
::xo::broadcast proc send {cmd} {
foreach thread_info [ns_info threads] {
switch -glob -- [lindex $thread_info 0] {
- -conn:* -
- -sched:* {
- set tid [lindex $thread_info 2]
- nsv_lappend broadcast $tid $cmd
- }
+ -conn:* -
+ -sched:* {
+ set tid [lindex $thread_info 2]
+ nsv_lappend broadcast $tid $cmd
+ }
@@ -798,152 +798,152 @@
set tid [ns_thread id]
if {[nsv_exists broadcast $tid]} {
foreach cmd [nsv_get broadcast $tid] {
- ns_log notice "broadcast received {$cmd}"
- if {[catch $cmd errorMsg]} {
- ns_log notice "broadcast receive error: $errorMsg for cmd $cmd"
- }
+ ns_log notice "broadcast received {$cmd}"
+ if {[catch $cmd errorMsg]} {
+ ns_log notice "broadcast receive error: $errorMsg for cmd $cmd"
+ }
my clear
proc ::xo::getObjectProperty {o what args} {
- switch $what {
- "mixin" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info mixin]}
- return [$o info object mixin classes]
- }
- "instmixin" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info instmixin]}
- return [$o info mixin classes]
- }
- "instproc" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info instprocs {*}$args]}
- return [$o info methods -type scripted {*}$args]
- }
- "instcommand" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info instcommands {*}$args]}
- return [$o info methods {*}$args]
- }
- "instforward" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info instforward {*}$args]}
- return [$o info methods -type forwarder {*}$args]
- }
- "proc" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info procs {*}$args]}
- return [$o info object methods -type scripted {*}$args]
- }
- "command" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info procs {*}$args]}
- return [$o info object methods {*}$args]
- }
- "forward" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info forward {*}$args]}
- return [$o info object methods -type forwarder {*}$args]
- }
- "slots" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info slots]}
- return [$o info object methods -type forwarder]
- }
- "class" {
- #if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info class]}
- return [$o info class]
- }
- "superclass" {
- #if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info superclass]}
- return [$o info superclass]
- }
- "heritage" {
- #if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info heritage]}
- return [$o info heritage]
- }
- "subclass" {
- #if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info subclass]}
- return [$o info subclass]
- }
- "parameter" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info parameter]}
- set result ""
- foreach p [$o info configure parameters] {lappend result [$o info parameter name $p]}
- return $result
- }
- "isclass" {
- if {[info commands $o] eq ""} {return 0}
- if {[catch {set p [$o info precedence]}]} {return 0}
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in $p} {return [expr {"::xotcl::Class" in $p}]}
- return [nsf::is class $o]
- }
- "isobject" {
- if {[info commands $o] eq ""} {return 0}
- if {[catch {set p [$o info precedence]}]} {return 0}
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in $p} {return 1}
- return [nsf::is object $o]
- }
- "instargs" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info instargs {*}$args]}
- return [$o info method args {*}$args]
- }
- "args" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info args {*}$args]}
- return [$o info object method args {*}$args]
- }
- "instargdefault" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {
- return [uplevel [list $o info instdefault {*}$args]]
- }
- lassign $args method arg varName
- foreach p [$o info method parameters $method] {
- lassign $p name default
- if {$name eq $arg} {
- uplevel [list set $varName $default]
- return [expr {[llength $p] == 2}]
- }
- }
- return 0
- }
- "argdefault" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {
- return [uplevel [list $o info default {*}$args]]
- }
- lassign $args method arg varName
- foreach p [$o info object method parameter $method] {
- lassign $p name default
- if {$name eq $arg} {
- uplevel [list set $varName $default]
- return [expr {[llength $p] == 2}]
- }
- }
- return 0
- }
- "array-exists" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o array exists {*}$args]}
- return [$o eval [list array exists :{*}$args]]
- }
- "array-get" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o array get {*}$args]}
- return [$o eval [list array get :{*}$args]]
- }
- "array-set" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o array set {*}$args]}
- return [$o eval [list array set :{*}$args]]
- }
- "set" {
- if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o set {*}$args]}
- return [$o eval [list set :[lindex $args 0]]]
- }
- "isnxobject" {
- if {[info commands ::nsf::dispatch] ne "" && [info commands $o] ne ""} {
- return [::nsf::dispatch $o ::nsf::methods::object::info::hastype ::nx::Object]
- } {
- return 0
- }
- }
- default {
- error "no idea how to return $what"
- }
+ switch $what {
+ "mixin" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info mixin]}
+ return [$o info object mixin classes]
+ "instmixin" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info instmixin]}
+ return [$o info mixin classes]
+ }
+ "instproc" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info instprocs {*}$args]}
+ return [$o info methods -type scripted {*}$args]
+ }
+ "instcommand" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info instcommands {*}$args]}
+ return [$o info methods {*}$args]
+ }
+ "instforward" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info instforward {*}$args]}
+ return [$o info methods -type forwarder {*}$args]
+ }
+ "proc" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info procs {*}$args]}
+ return [$o info object methods -type scripted {*}$args]
+ }
+ "command" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info procs {*}$args]}
+ return [$o info object methods {*}$args]
+ }
+ "forward" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info forward {*}$args]}
+ return [$o info object methods -type forwarder {*}$args]
+ }
+ "slots" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info slots]}
+ return [$o info object methods -type forwarder]
+ }
+ "class" {
+ #if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info class]}
+ return [$o info class]
+ }
+ "superclass" {
+ #if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info superclass]}
+ return [$o info superclass]
+ }
+ "heritage" {
+ #if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info heritage]}
+ return [$o info heritage]
+ }
+ "subclass" {
+ #if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info subclass]}
+ return [$o info subclass]
+ }
+ "parameter" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info parameter]}
+ set result ""
+ foreach p [$o info configure parameters] {lappend result [$o info parameter name $p]}
+ return $result
+ }
+ "isclass" {
+ if {[info commands $o] eq ""} {return 0}
+ if {[catch {set p [$o info precedence]}]} {return 0}
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in $p} {return [expr {"::xotcl::Class" in $p}]}
+ return [nsf::is class $o]
+ }
+ "isobject" {
+ if {[info commands $o] eq ""} {return 0}
+ if {[catch {set p [$o info precedence]}]} {return 0}
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in $p} {return 1}
+ return [nsf::is object $o]
+ }
+ "instargs" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info instargs {*}$args]}
+ return [$o info method args {*}$args]
+ }
+ "args" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o info args {*}$args]}
+ return [$o info object method args {*}$args]
+ }
+ "instargdefault" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {
+ return [uplevel [list $o info instdefault {*}$args]]
+ }
+ lassign $args method arg varName
+ foreach p [$o info method parameters $method] {
+ lassign $p name default
+ if {$name eq $arg} {
+ uplevel [list set $varName $default]
+ return [expr {[llength $p] == 2}]
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ "argdefault" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {
+ return [uplevel [list $o info default {*}$args]]
+ }
+ lassign $args method arg varName
+ foreach p [$o info object method parameter $method] {
+ lassign $p name default
+ if {$name eq $arg} {
+ uplevel [list set $varName $default]
+ return [expr {[llength $p] == 2}]
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ "array-exists" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o array exists {*}$args]}
+ return [$o eval [list array exists :{*}$args]]
+ }
+ "array-get" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o array get {*}$args]}
+ return [$o eval [list array get :{*}$args]]
+ }
+ "array-set" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o array set {*}$args]}
+ return [$o eval [list array set :{*}$args]]
+ }
+ "set" {
+ if {"::xotcl::Object" in [$o info precedence]} {return [$o set {*}$args]}
+ return [$o eval [list set :[lindex $args 0]]]
+ }
+ "isnxobject" {
+ if {[info commands ::nsf::dispatch] ne "" && [info commands $o] ne ""} {
+ return [::nsf::dispatch $o ::nsf::methods::object::info::hastype ::nx::Object]
+ } {
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ error "no idea how to return $what"
+ }
+ }
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/03-doc-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/03-doc-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.6.2.4 -r1.6.2.5
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/03-doc-procs.tcl 13 Oct 2013 18:15:13 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/03-doc-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:43 -0000
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
[$scope do xo::getObjectProperty $obj isobject]}
} -proc scope {} {
if {[info exists ::xotcl::currentThread]} {
- # we are in an xotcl thread; the body won't be accessible directly
- return $::xotcl::currentThread
+ # we are in an xotcl thread; the body won't be accessible directly
+ return $::xotcl::currentThread
return ""
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
#return "$scope$kind [self]"
set script [info script]
if {$script eq "" && [info exists ::xotcl::currentScript]} {
- set script $::xotcl::currentScript
+ set script $::xotcl::currentScript
set root_dir [acs_root_dir]
set root_length [string length $root_dir]
@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@
} -proc object_link {{-noimg:boolean off} scope obj} {
set link ""
if {$noimg} {
- return "$link$obj"
+ return "$link$obj"
} else {
- return "$obj$link"
+ return "$obj$link"
} -proc object_url {{-show_source 0} {-show_methods 1} scope obj} {
@@ -99,38 +99,38 @@
} -proc proc_index {scope obj instproc proc_name} {
if {$scope eq ""} {
- return "$obj $instproc $proc_name"
+ return "$obj $instproc $proc_name"
} else {
- return "$scope $obj $instproc $proc_name"
+ return "$scope $obj $instproc $proc_name"
} -proc source_to_html {{-width 100} string} {
set lines [list]
foreach l [split $string \n] {
- while {[string length $l] > $width} {
- set pos [string last " \{" $l $width]
- if {$pos>10} {
- lappend lines "[string range $l 0 $pos-1] \\"
- set l " [string range $l $pos end]"
- } else {
- # search for a match right of the target
- set pos [string first " \{" $l $width]
- if {$pos>10} {
- lappend lines "[string range $l 0 $pos-1] \\"
- set l " [string range $l $pos end]"
- } else {
- # last resort try to split around spaces
- set pos [string last " " $l $width]
- if {$pos>10} {
- lappend lines "[string range $l 0 $pos-1] \\"
- set l " [string range $l $pos end]"
- } else {
- break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- lappend lines $l
+ while {[string length $l] > $width} {
+ set pos [string last " \{" $l $width]
+ if {$pos>10} {
+ lappend lines "[string range $l 0 $pos-1] \\"
+ set l " [string range $l $pos end]"
+ } else {
+ # search for a match right of the target
+ set pos [string first " \{" $l $width]
+ if {$pos>10} {
+ lappend lines "[string range $l 0 $pos-1] \\"
+ set l " [string range $l $pos end]"
+ } else {
+ # last resort try to split around spaces
+ set pos [string last " " $l $width]
+ if {$pos>10} {
+ lappend lines "[string range $l 0 $pos-1] \\"
+ set l " [string range $l $pos end]"
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lappend lines $l
set string [join $lines \n]
set html [ad_quotehtml $string]
@@ -240,10 +240,10 @@
::xotcl::Class instproc ad_instproc {
- {-private:switch false}
- {-deprecated:switch false}
- {-warn:switch false}
- {-debug:switch false}
+ {-private:switch false}
+ {-deprecated:switch false}
+ {-warn:switch false}
+ {-debug:switch false}
proc_name arguments doc body} {
uplevel [list [self] instproc $proc_name $arguments $body]
my __api_make_doc inst $proc_name
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@
array set elements [nsv_get api_library_doc $file_index]
set oldDoc [expr {[info exists elements(main)] ? \
- [lindex $elements(main) 0] : ""}]
+ [lindex $elements(main) 0] : ""}]
set prefix "This file defines the following Objects and Classes"
set entry [::xotcl::api object_link $scope [self]]
if {![string match "*$prefix*" $oldDoc]} {
@@ -349,3 +349,10 @@
A Class defined as a subclass of ::Test for testing the
documentation stuff...
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/05-db-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/05-db-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.97.2.5 -r1.97.2.6
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/05-db-procs.tcl 11 Feb 2014 11:53:08 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/05-db-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:43 -0000
@@ -133,10 +133,10 @@
set sequenceName $sequence
set nextval [::xo::dc get_value nextval "select nextval(:sequenceName)"]
} elseif { [::xo::dc db_0or1row nextval_sequence {
- select nextval(:sequence) as nextval
- where (select relkind
- from pg_class
- where relname = :sequence) = 'S'
+ select nextval(:sequence) as nextval
+ where (select relkind
+ from pg_class
+ where relname = :sequence) = 'S'
}]} {
# We do not have an according sequence-table. Use the system catalog to check
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@
set p [split $package_key_and_version_older_than]
if {[llength $p] != 2} {
error "package_key_and_version_older_than should be\
- of the form 'package_key version'"
+ of the form 'package_key version'"
lassign $p package_key version
set installed_version [apm_highest_version_name $package_key]
@@ -757,25 +757,25 @@
::xotcl::Class create ::xo::db::Class \
-superclass ::xotcl::Class \
-parameter {
- pretty_name
- pretty_plural
- {supertype acs_object}
- table_name
- id_column
- {abstract_p f}
- {name_method ""}
- {object_type [self]}
- {security_inherit_p t}
- {auto_save false}
- {with_table true}
- {sql_package_name}
+ pretty_name
+ pretty_plural
+ {supertype acs_object}
+ table_name
+ id_column
+ {abstract_p f}
+ {name_method ""}
+ {object_type [self]}
+ {security_inherit_p t}
+ {auto_save false}
+ {with_table true}
+ {sql_package_name}
} -ad_doc {
- ::xo::db::Class is a meta class for interfacing with acs_object_types.
- acs_object_types are instances of this meta class. The meta class defines
- the behavior common to all acs_object_types. The behavior common to
- all acs_objects is defined by the class ::xo::db::Object.
- @see ::xo::db::Object
+ ::xo::db::Class is a meta class for interfacing with acs_object_types.
+ acs_object_types are instances of this meta class. The meta class defines
+ the behavior common to all acs_object_types. The behavior common to
+ all acs_objects is defined by the class ::xo::db::Object.
+ @see ::xo::db::Object
#::xo::db::Class set __default_superclass ::xo::db::Object ;# will be supported in XOTcl 1.6
@@ -876,16 +876,16 @@
set table_name [::xo::db::Class get_table_name -object_type $object_type]
if {$table_name ne ""} {
if {[catch {
- ::xo::dc dml delete_instances "delete from $table_name"
- if {$drop_table} {
- ::xo::dc dml drop_table "drop table $table_name"
- }
+ ::xo::dc dml delete_instances "delete from $table_name"
+ if {$drop_table} {
+ ::xo::dc dml drop_table "drop table $table_name"
+ }
} errorMsg]} {
- my log "error during drop_type"
+ my log "error during drop_type"
::xo::db::sql::acs_object_type drop_type \
- -object_type $object_type -cascade_p $cascade_p
+ -object_type $object_type -cascade_p $cascade_p
return ""
@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@
-id_column $id_column \
-table_name $table_name \
-sql_package_name [namespace tail $classname] \
- -noinit
+ -noinit
} else {
#my log "--db we have a class $classname"
@@ -941,22 +941,22 @@
set slots ""
foreach att_info $attributes {
lassign $att_info attribute_name pretty_name pretty_plural datatype \
- default_value min_n_values max_n_values
+ default_value min_n_values max_n_values
# ignore some erroneous definitions in the acs meta model
if {[my exists exclude_attribute($table_name,$attribute_name)]} continue
set defined_att($attribute_name) 1
set cmd [list ::xo::db::Attribute create $attribute_name \
- -pretty_name $pretty_name \
- -pretty_plural $pretty_plural \
- -datatype $datatype \
- -min_n_values $min_n_values \
- -max_n_values $max_n_values]
+ -pretty_name $pretty_name \
+ -pretty_plural $pretty_plural \
+ -datatype $datatype \
+ -min_n_values $min_n_values \
+ -max_n_values $max_n_values]
if {$default_value ne ""} {
- # if the default_value is "", we assume, no default
- lappend cmd -default $default_value
+ # if the default_value is "", we assume, no default
+ lappend cmd -default $default_value
append slots $cmd \n
@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@
regexp {^[^a-zA-Z]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s} $line _ fq_name
if {![info exists fq_name]} {
ns_log notice "--***** Could not retrieve argument name for $proname\
- argument $n from line '$line' in $prosrc'"
+ argument $n from line '$line' in $prosrc'"
set fq_name arg$n
set name $fq_name
@@ -1380,12 +1380,12 @@
if {[my isclass $name]} {
if {[$name exists object_type]} {
# The specified class has an object_type defined; return it
- return [$name object_type]
+ return [$name object_type]
if {![$name istype ::xo::db::Object]} {
# The specified class is not subclass of ::xo::db::Object.
# return acs_object in your desparation.
- return acs_object
+ return acs_object
# Standard mapping rules
@@ -1466,7 +1466,7 @@
@return list of object_types
} {
return [::xo::dc list get_object_types \
- [my object_types_query -subtypes_first $subtypes_first]]
+ [my object_types_query -subtypes_first $subtypes_first]]
::xo::db::Class ad_instproc create_object_type {} {
@@ -1523,14 +1523,14 @@
if {[self] ne "::xo::db::Object"} {
if {[my exists id_column] && ![info exists db_slot($id_column)]} {
- # create automatically the slot for the id column
- my slots [subst {
- ::xo::db::Attribute create $id_column \
- -pretty_name "ID" \
- -datatype integer \
+ # create automatically the slot for the id column
+ my slots [subst {
+ ::xo::db::Attribute create $id_column \
+ -pretty_name "ID" \
+ -datatype integer \
-create_acs_attribute false
- }]
- set db_slot($id_column) [self]::slot::$id_column
+ }]
+ set db_slot($id_column) [self]::slot::$id_column
#my log "--setting db_slot of [self] to [array names db_slot]"
@@ -1545,14 +1545,14 @@
foreach {slot_name slot} [my array get db_slot] {
set column_name [$slot column_name]
set column_specs($column_name) \
- [$slot column_spec -id_column [expr {$column_name eq $id_column}]]
+ [$slot column_spec -id_column [expr {$column_name eq $id_column}]]
if {[array size column_specs]>0} {
if {$table_name eq ""} {error "no table_name specified"}
if {$id_column eq ""} {error "no id_column specified"}
if {![info exists column_specs($id_column)]} {
- error "no ::xo::db::Attribute slot for id_column '$id_column' specified"
+ error "no ::xo::db::Attribute slot for id_column '$id_column' specified"
set table_specs [list]
foreach {att spec} [array get column_specs] {lappend table_specs " $att $spec"}
@@ -1570,18 +1570,18 @@
foreach {slot_name slot} [my array get db_slot] {
$slot instvar name column_name
if {$column_name ne [my id_column]} {
- lappend updates "$column_name = :$name"
- lappend vars $name
+ lappend updates "$column_name = :$name"
+ lappend vars $name
if {[llength $updates] == 0} return
my instproc save {} [subst {
::xo::dc transaction {
- next
- my instvar object_id $vars
- ::xo::dc dml update_[my table_name] {update [my table_name]
- set [join $updates ,] where [my id_column] = :object_id
- }
+ next
+ my instvar object_id $vars
+ ::xo::dc dml update_[my table_name] {update [my table_name]
+ set [join $updates ,] where [my id_column] = :object_id
+ }
@@ -1596,14 +1596,14 @@
my log "ID insert in $__table_name, id = $__id = [my set $__id]"
foreach {__slot_name __slot} [[self class] array get db_slot] {
- my instvar $__slot_name
- if {[info exists $__slot_name]} {
- lappend __vars $__slot_name
- lappend __atts [$__slot column_name]
- }
+ my instvar $__slot_name
+ if {[info exists $__slot_name]} {
+ lappend __vars $__slot_name
+ lappend __atts [$__slot column_name]
+ }
::xo::dc dml insert_$__table_name "insert into $__table_name
- ([join $__atts ,]) values (:[join $__vars ,:])"
+ ([join $__atts ,]) values (:[join $__vars ,:])"
@@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@
if {[string length $sql_package_name] > 30} {
error "SQL package_name '$sql_package_name' can be maximal 30 characters long!\
- Please specify a shorter sql_package_name in the class definition."
+ Please specify a shorter sql_package_name in the class definition."
if {$sql_package_name eq ""} {
error "Cannot determine SQL package_name. Please specify it explicitely!"
@@ -1644,12 +1644,12 @@
if {![regexp {^[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*$} [my table_name]]} {
error "Table name '[my table_name]' is unsafe in SQL: \
- Please specify a different table_name$table_name_error_tail."
+ Please specify a different table_name$table_name_error_tail."
if {[string length [my table_name]] > 30} {
error "SQL table_name '[my table_name]' can be maximal 30 characters long!\
- Please specify a shorter table_name in the class definition."
+ Please specify a shorter table_name in the class definition."
if {![regexp {^[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*$} [my id_column]]} {
@@ -1676,7 +1676,7 @@
if {[my with_table]} {
set table_definition [my table_definition]
if {$table_definition ne ""} {
- ::xo::db::require table [my table_name] $table_definition
+ ::xo::db::require table [my table_name] $table_definition
my mk_save_method
@@ -1687,13 +1687,13 @@
::xo::db::Class instproc get_context {package_id_var user_id_var ip_var} {
my upvar \
- $package_id_var package_id \
- $user_id_var user_id \
- $ip_var ip
+ $package_id_var package_id \
+ $user_id_var user_id \
+ $ip_var ip
if {![info exists package_id]} {
if {[info commands ::xo::cc] ne ""} {
- set package_id [::xo::cc package_id]
+ set package_id [::xo::cc package_id]
} elseif {[ns_conn isconnected]} {
set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
} else {
@@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@
if {![info exists user_id]} {
if {[info commands ::xo::cc] ne ""} {
- set user_id [::xo::cc user_id]
+ set user_id [::xo::cc user_id]
} elseif {[ns_conn isconnected]} {
set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
} else {
@@ -1711,9 +1711,9 @@
if {![info exists ip]} {
if {[ns_conn isconnected]} {
- set ip [ns_conn peeraddr]
+ set ip [ns_conn peeraddr]
} else {
- set ip [ns_info address]
+ set ip [ns_info address]
@@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@
my get_context package_id creation_user creation_ip
set id [::xo::db::sql::acs_object new \
- -object_type [::xo::db::Class class_to_object_type [self]] \
+ -object_type [::xo::db::Class class_to_object_type [self]] \
-title $object_title \
-package_id $package_id \
-creation_user $creation_user \
@@ -1763,13 +1763,13 @@
my get_context package_id creation_user creation_ip
::xo::dc transaction {
set id [my new_acs_object \
- -package_id $package_id \
- -creation_user $creation_user \
- -creation_ip $creation_ip \
- ""]
+ -package_id $package_id \
+ -creation_user $creation_user \
+ -creation_ip $creation_ip \
+ ""]
#[self class] set during_fetch 1
if {[catch {my create ::$id {*}$args} errorMsg]} {
- my log "Error: $errorMsg, $::errorInfo"
+ my log "Error: $errorMsg, $::errorInfo"
#[self class] unset during_fetch
my initialize_acs_object ::$id $id
@@ -1815,8 +1815,8 @@
method to avoid object name clashes.
@destroy_on_cleanup If this flag is true, the objects (and ordered
- composite) will be automatically destroyed on cleaup (typically
- after the request was processed).
+ composite) will be automatically destroyed on cleaup (typically
+ after the request was processed).
@initialize can be used to avoid full initialization, when
a large series of of objects is loaded. Per default, these objects
@@ -1841,37 +1841,37 @@
set sets [uplevel [list ::xo::dc sets -dbn $dbn [self proc] $sql]]
foreach selection $sets {
if {$named_objects} {
- set object_name ::[ns_set get $selection $object_named_after]
- set o [$object_class create $object_name]
+ set object_name ::[ns_set get $selection $object_named_after]
+ set o [$object_class create $object_name]
} else {
- set o [$object_class new]
+ set o [$object_class new]
if {$as_ordered_composite} {
- $__result add $o
+ $__result add $o
} else {
- if {$destroy_on_cleanup} {
- $o destroy_on_cleanup
- }
- lappend __result $o
+ if {$destroy_on_cleanup} {
+ $o destroy_on_cleanup
+ }
+ lappend __result $o
foreach {att val} [ns_set array $selection] {$o set $att $val}
if {[$o exists object_type]} {
- # set the object type if it looks like managed from XOTcl
- if {[string match "::*" [set ot [$o set object_type]] ]} {
- $o class $ot
- }
+ # set the object type if it looks like managed from XOTcl
+ if {[string match "::*" [set ot [$o set object_type]] ]} {
+ $o class $ot
+ }
if {$initialize && [$o istype ::xo::db::Object]} {
- if {![$o exists package_id]} {
- if {[$o exists object_package_id]} {
- $o set package_id [$o set object_package_id]
- } else {
- ns_log warning "[namespace tail [$o info class]] $o has no package_id and no object_package_id"
- }
- }
- if {[catch {$o initialize_loaded_object} errorMsg]} {
- ns_log error "$o initialize_loaded_object => [$o info vars] -> $errorMsg"
- }
+ if {![$o exists package_id]} {
+ if {[$o exists object_package_id]} {
+ $o set package_id [$o set object_package_id]
+ } else {
+ ns_log warning "[namespace tail [$o info class]] $o has no package_id and no object_package_id"
+ }
+ }
+ if {[catch {$o initialize_loaded_object} errorMsg]} {
+ ns_log error "$o initialize_loaded_object => [$o info vars] -> $errorMsg"
+ }
#my log "--DB more = $continue [$o serialize]"
@@ -1890,15 +1890,15 @@
set tn [$cl table_name]
if {$tn ne ""} {
lappend tables $tn
- #my log "--db_slots of $cl = [$cl array get db_slot]"
- foreach {slot_name slot} [$cl array get db_slot] {
+ #my log "--db_slots of $cl = [$cl array get db_slot]"
+ foreach {slot_name slot} [$cl array get db_slot] {
# avoid duplicate output names
set name [$slot name]
if {![info exists names($name)]} {
lappend attributes [$slot attribute_reference $tn]
set names($name) 1
- }
+ }
if {$cl ne [self]} {
lappend join_expressions "$tn.[$cl id_column] = [my table_name].$id_column"
@@ -1943,16 +1943,16 @@
if {$tn ne ""} {
lappend tables $tn
- if {$all_attributes} {
- foreach {slot_name slot} [$cl array get db_slot] {
+ if {$all_attributes} {
+ foreach {slot_name slot} [$cl array get db_slot] {
# avoid duplicate output names
set name [$slot name]
if {![info exists names($name)]} {
lappend select_attributes [$slot attribute_reference $tn]
set names($name) 1
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
if {$cl ne [self]} {
lappend join_expressions "$tn.[$cl id_column] = [my table_name].$id_column"
@@ -1968,11 +1968,11 @@
set sql [::xo::dc select \
- -vars [join $select_attributes ,] \
- -from "[join $tables ,] $from_clause" \
- -where [string trim "[join $join_expressions { and }] $where_clause"] \
- -orderby $orderby \
- -limit $limit -offset $offset]
+ -vars [join $select_attributes ,] \
+ -from "[join $tables ,] $from_clause" \
+ -where [string trim "[join $join_expressions { and }] $where_clause"] \
+ -orderby $orderby \
+ -limit $limit -offset $offset]
return $sql
@@ -2047,10 +2047,10 @@
[my info class] get_context package_id creation_user creation_ip
::xo::dc transaction {
set id [[my info class] new_acs_object \
- -package_id $package_id \
- -creation_user $creation_user \
- -creation_ip $creation_ip \
- ""]
+ -package_id $package_id \
+ -creation_user $creation_user \
+ -creation_ip $creation_ip \
+ ""]
[my info class] initialize_acs_object [self] $id
my insert
@@ -2075,7 +2075,7 @@
{references ""}
{min_n_values 1}
{max_n_values 1}
- {create_acs_attribute true}
+ {create_acs_attribute true}
::xo::db::Attribute instproc create_attribute {} {
@@ -2087,7 +2087,7 @@
attribute_name = :column_name and object_type = :object_type} 1]} {
if {![::xo::db::Class object_type_exists_in_db -object_type $object_type]} {
- $domain create_object_type
+ $domain create_object_type
::xo::db::sql::acs_attribute create_attribute \
@@ -2124,7 +2124,7 @@
set sc [[my domain] info superclass]
if {![$sc istype ::xo::db::Class]} {set sc ::xo::db::Object}
append column_spec " REFERENCES [$sc table_name]([$sc id_column])\
# Constraints
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/06-package-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/06-package-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.29.6.1 -r1.29.6.2
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/06-package-procs.tcl 11 Feb 2014 11:53:08 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/06-package-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:44 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-ad_library {
+xad_library {
Definition of a package manager for creating XOTcl package objects
@author Gustaf Neumann (
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
and ppm.party_id = :party_id
and ppm.privilege = :privilege
} -limit 1]
- ::xo::dc get_value get_package_id $sql
+ ::xo::dc get_value get_package_id $sql
} else {
::xo::parameter get_package_id_from_package_key -package_key $package_key
@@ -45,17 +45,17 @@
my instvar package_key
if {$include_unmounted} {
set result [::xo::dc list get_xowiki_packages {select package_id \
- from apm_packages where package_key = :package_key}]
+ from apm_packages where package_key = :package_key}]
} else {
set result [::xo::dc list get_mounted_packages {select package_id \
- from apm_packages p, site_nodes s \
- where package_key = :package_key and s.object_id = p.package_id}]
+ from apm_packages p, site_nodes s \
+ where package_key = :package_key and s.object_id = p.package_id}]
if {$closure} {
foreach subclass [my info subclass] {
- foreach id [$subclass instances -include_unmounted $include_unmounted -closure true] {
- lappend result $id
- }
+ foreach id [$subclass instances -include_unmounted $include_unmounted -closure true] {
+ lappend result $id
+ }
return [lsort -integer $result]
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
} else {
my require -url $url $package_id
# In case the login expired, we can force an early login to
# prevent later login redirects, which can cause problems
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@
# might not require the real user_id.
#my msg "force [$package_id force_refresh_login] &&\
- # [::xo::cc set untrusted_user_id] != [::xo::cc user_id]"
+ # [::xo::cc set untrusted_user_id] != [::xo::cc user_id]"
if {[$package_id force_refresh_login] &&
- [::xo::cc set untrusted_user_id] != [::xo::cc user_id]} {
+ [::xo::cc set untrusted_user_id] != [::xo::cc user_id]} {
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
# get apm_package class #### missing in acs_attributes: instance_name, default_locale
#::xo::db::Class get_class_from_db -object_type apm_package
#ns_log notice [::xo::db::apm_package serialize]
#ns_log notice =======================================
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
{context ::xo::cc}
- {force_refresh_login false}
+ {force_refresh_login false}
::xo::Package instforward query_parameter {%my set context} %proc
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
#my log "--get_parameter <$attribute> <$default> returned <$param>"
return $param
::xo::Package instproc init args {
my instvar id url
set package_url [lindex [site_node::get_url_from_object_id -object_id $id] 0]
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
eval [::xo::cc set __continuation]
} else {
if {[string length $text] > 1} {
- set status_code [expr {[::xo::cc exists status_code] ? [::xo::cc set status_code] : 200}]
+ set status_code [expr {[::xo::cc exists status_code] ? [::xo::cc set status_code] : 200}]
#my log "REPLY [my set delivery] 200 [my set mime_type]"
[my set delivery] $status_code [my set mime_type] $text
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
#my log "--after adp"
return $text
#ns_log notice [::xo::Package serialize]
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/06-param-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/06-param-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.15.6.2 -r1.15.6.3
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/06-param-procs.tcl 11 Feb 2014 11:53:08 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/06-param-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:44 -0000
@@ -160,16 +160,16 @@
# Methods on the parameter class object
parameter proc get_package_key_from_id {
- -package_id:required
- } {
+ -package_id:required
+ } {
return [ns_cache eval xotcl_object_type_cache package_key-$package_id {
::xo::dc get_value get_package_key \
"select package_key from apm_packages where package_id = :package_id"
parameter proc get_package_id_from_package_key {
- -package_key:required
- } {
+ -package_key:required
+ } {
return [ns_cache eval xotcl_object_type_cache package_id-$package_key {
::xo::dc get_value get_package_id \
[::xo::dc select -vars package_id -from apm_packages \
@@ -196,11 +196,11 @@
parameter proc get_parameter_object {
- -parameter_name:required
- -package_id
- -package_key
- {-retry true}
- } {
+ -parameter_name:required
+ -package_id
+ -package_key
+ {-retry true}
+ } {
::xo::PackageMgr instvar package_class
if {![info exists package_key]} {
set package_key [my get_package_key_from_id -package_id $package_id]
@@ -264,10 +264,10 @@
parameter proc get_from_package_key {
- -package_key:required
- -parameter:required
- -default
- } {
+ -package_key:required
+ -parameter:required
+ -default
+ } {
set parameter_obj [my get_parameter_object -package_key $package_key -parameter_name $parameter]
if {$parameter_obj eq ""} {
if {[info exists default]} {return $default}
@@ -280,17 +280,17 @@
parameter proc get {
- -package_id
- -parameter:required
- -default
- {-retry true}
- } {
+ -package_id
+ -parameter:required
+ -default
+ {-retry true}
+ } {
if {![info exists package_id]} {
# try to get the package id;
# if everything fails, use kernel_id (to be compatible with trad. parameter::get)
set package_id [expr {[info commands ::xo::cc] ne "" ?
- [::xo::cc package_id] :
- [ns_conn isconnected] ? [ad_conn package_id] : [ad_acs_kernel_id]}]
+ [::xo::cc package_id] :
+ [ns_conn isconnected] ? [ad_conn package_id] : [ad_acs_kernel_id]}]
set parameter_obj [my get_parameter_object -parameter_name $parameter -package_id $package_id -retry $retry]
if {$parameter_obj ne ""} {
@@ -357,20 +357,20 @@
-sql [::xo::db::apm_parameter instance_select_query] \
-object_class ::xo::db::apm_parameter \
-as_ordered_composite false -named_objects true -destroy_on_cleanup false
-# ns_log notice "--p got [llength [::xo::db::apm_parameter info instances]] parameters"
+ # ns_log notice "--p got [llength [::xo::db::apm_parameter info instances]] parameters"
#foreach p [::xo::db::apm_parameter info instances] { ns_log notice [$p serialize] }
parameter proc initialize_parameters {} {
# Get those parameter values, which are different from the default and
# remember theses per package_id.
xo::dc foreach get_non_default_values {
select p.parameter_id, p.package_key, v.package_id, p.parameter_name,
- p.default_value, v.attr_value
+ p.default_value, v.attr_value
from apm_parameters p, apm_parameter_values v
where p.parameter_id = v.parameter_id
and coalesce(attr_value,'') <> coalesce(p.default_value,'')
} {
-# ns_log notice "--p $parameter_id $package_key $package_id $parameter_name <$attr_value>"
+ # ns_log notice "--p $parameter_id $package_key $package_id $parameter_name <$attr_value>"
$parameter_id set_per_package_instance_value $package_id $attr_value
@@ -381,9 +381,9 @@
# For the time being: catch changed parameter values
ad_proc -public -callback subsite::parameter_changed -impl xotcl-param-procs {
- -package_id:required
- -parameter:required
- -value:required
+ -package_id:required
+ -parameter:required
+ -value:required
} {
Implementation of subsite::parameter_changed for xotcl param procs
@@ -398,8 +398,8 @@
set package_key [apm_package_key_from_id $package_id]
set parameter_obj [::xo::parameter get_parameter_object \
- -package_key $package_key \
- -parameter_name $parameter]
+ -package_key $package_key \
+ -parameter_name $parameter]
if {$parameter_obj eq ""} {
# We have still no parameter. There must be something significantly wrong.
@@ -416,43 +416,43 @@
# A few test cases
-# ns_log notice "xotcl-request-monitor.max-url-stats=[parameter get_from_package_key \
-# -package_key xotcl-request-monitor \
-# -parameter max-url-stats]"
+ # ns_log notice "xotcl-request-monitor.max-url-stats=[parameter get_from_package_key \
+ # -package_key xotcl-request-monitor \
+ # -parameter max-url-stats]"
-# set cmd1 "::parameter::get_from_package_key \
-# -package_key xotcl-request-monitor \
-# -parameter max-url-stats"
-# set cmd2 "::xo::parameter get_from_package_key \
-# -package_key xotcl-request-monitor \
-# -parameter max-url-stats"
-# ns_log notice "GET_PACKAGE_KEY old: [time $cmd1 100], new: [time $cmd2 100]"
+ # set cmd1 "::parameter::get_from_package_key \
+ # -package_key xotcl-request-monitor \
+ # -parameter max-url-stats"
+ # set cmd2 "::xo::parameter get_from_package_key \
+ # -package_key xotcl-request-monitor \
+ # -parameter max-url-stats"
+ # ns_log notice "GET_PACKAGE_KEY old: [time $cmd1 100], new: [time $cmd2 100]"
-# set pid 4906
-# set pname trend-elements
-# ns_log notice "xotcl-request-monitor.$pname=[parameter get \
-# -package_id $pid -parameter $pname]"
-# set cmd1 "::parameter::get -package_id $pid -parameter $pname"
-# set cmd2 "::xo::parameter get -package_id $pid -parameter $pname"
-# ns_log notice "GET old: [time $cmd1 100], new: [time $cmd2 100]"
+ # set pid 4906
+ # set pname trend-elements
+ # ns_log notice "xotcl-request-monitor.$pname=[parameter get \
+ # -package_id $pid -parameter $pname]"
+ # set cmd1 "::parameter::get -package_id $pid -parameter $pname"
+ # set cmd2 "::xo::parameter get -package_id $pid -parameter $pname"
+ # ns_log notice "GET old: [time $cmd1 100], new: [time $cmd2 100]"
-# set p [parameter get_parameter_object -package_key xowiki -parameter_name dummy]
-# ns_log notice "--p getobject => $p"
-# if {$p eq ""} {
-# set p [::xo::db::apm_parameter new_persistent_object \
-# -package_key "xowiki" \
-# -parameter_name "dummy" \
-# -default_value "testing" \
-# -description "Description of test parameter" \
-# -section_name ""]
-# ns_log notice "--p created new parameter $p"
-# }
-# $p append default_value "1"
-# $p save
+ # set p [parameter get_parameter_object -package_key xowiki -parameter_name dummy]
+ # ns_log notice "--p getobject => $p"
+ # if {$p eq ""} {
+ # set p [::xo::db::apm_parameter new_persistent_object \
+ # -package_key "xowiki" \
+ # -parameter_name "dummy" \
+ # -default_value "testing" \
+ # -description "Description of test parameter" \
+ # -section_name ""]
+ # ns_log notice "--p created new parameter $p"
+ # }
+ # $p append default_value "1"
+ # $p save
# $p delete
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/10-recreation-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/10-recreation-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.9 -r1.9.2.1
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/10-recreation-procs.tcl 12 Aug 2013 20:01:06 -0000 1.9
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/10-recreation-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:44 -0000
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
if {![::xotcl::Object isclass ::xotcl::RecreationClass]} {
::xotcl::Class create ::xotcl::RecreationClass -ad_doc {
This meta-class controlls the behavior of classes (and optionally
- their instances), when the classes (or their instances) are
+ their instances), when the classes (or their instances) are
overwritten by same named new objects; we call this situation
a recreate of an object.
Normally, when files with e.g. class definitions are sourced,
the classes and objects are newly defined. When e.g. class
definitions exists already in this file, these classes are
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
reconfigure: reconfigure class (default 1)
reinit: run init after configure for this class (default unset)
instrecreate: handle recreate of class instances (default unset)
- When this flag is set to 0, instreconfigure and instreinit are ignored.
+ When this flag is set to 0, instreconfigure and instreinit are ignored.
instreconfigure: reconfigure instances of this class (default 1)
instreinit: re-init instances of this class (default unset)
@@ -54,43 +54,43 @@
} -superclass ::xotcl::Class \
-instproc recreate {obj args} {
- #my log "### recreateclass instproc $obj <$args>"
- # the minimal reconfiguration is to set the class and remove methods
- $obj class [self]
- foreach p [$obj info procs] {$obj proc $p {} {}}
- if {![my exists instrecreate]} {
- #my log "### no instrecreate for $obj <$args>"
- next
- return
- }
- if {[my exists instreconfigure]} {
- # before we set defaults, we must unset vars
- foreach var [$obj info vars] {$obj unset $var}
- # set defaults and run configure
+ #my log "### recreateclass instproc $obj <$args>"
+ # the minimal reconfiguration is to set the class and remove methods
+ $obj class [self]
+ foreach p [$obj info procs] {$obj proc $p {} {}}
+ if {![my exists instrecreate]} {
+ #my log "### no instrecreate for $obj <$args>"
+ next
+ return
+ }
+ if {[my exists instreconfigure]} {
+ # before we set defaults, we must unset vars
+ foreach var [$obj info vars] {$obj unset $var}
+ # set defaults and run configure
$obj set_instance_vars_defaults
- $obj configure {*}$args
- #my log "### instproc recreate $obj + configure $args ..."
- }
- if {[my exists instreinit]} {
- #my log "### instreinit for $obj <$args>"
- $obj init
- #my log "### instproc recreate $obj + init ..."
- }
+ $obj configure {*}$args
+ #my log "### instproc recreate $obj + configure $args ..."
+ }
+ if {[my exists instreinit]} {
+ #my log "### instreinit for $obj <$args>"
+ $obj init
+ #my log "### instproc recreate $obj + init ..."
+ }
} -proc recreate {obj args} {
- #my log "### recreateclass proc $obj <$args>"
- # the minimal reconfiguration is to set the class and remove methods
- $obj class [self]
- foreach p [$obj info instprocs] {$obj instproc $p {} {}}
- if {[my exists reconfigure]} {
- # before we set defaults, we must unset vars
- foreach var [$obj info vars] {$obj unset $var}
- # set defaults and run configure
+ #my log "### recreateclass proc $obj <$args>"
+ # the minimal reconfiguration is to set the class and remove methods
+ $obj class [self]
+ foreach p [$obj info instprocs] {$obj instproc $p {} {}}
+ if {[my exists reconfigure]} {
+ # before we set defaults, we must unset vars
+ foreach var [$obj info vars] {$obj unset $var}
+ # set defaults and run configure
$obj set_instance_vars_defaults
- $obj configure {*}$args
- }
- if {[my exists reinit]} {
- $obj init
- }
+ $obj configure {*}$args
+ }
+ if {[my exists reinit]} {
+ $obj init
+ }
::Serializer exportObjects {
@@ -173,4 +173,11 @@
my log "-- [self args]"; next
#::xotcl::Class instmixin RR
\ No newline at end of file
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/20-Ordered-Composite-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/20-Ordered-Composite-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.21.2.2 -r1.21.2.3
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/20-Ordered-Composite-procs.tcl 30 Sep 2013 11:38:40 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/20-Ordered-Composite-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:44 -0000
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
if {[my exists __children]} {
#my log "--W destroying children [my set __children]"
foreach c [my set __children] {
- if {[my isobject $c]} {$c destroy}
+ if {[my isobject $c]} {$c destroy}
#show_stack;my log "--W children murdered, now next, chlds=[my info children]"
@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@
set yp [string first . $y]
if {$xp == -1 && $yp == -1} {
if {$x < $y} {
- return -1
+ return -1
} elseif {$x > $y} {
- return 1
+ return 1
} else {
- return $def
+ return $def
} elseif {$xp == -1} {
set yh [string range $y 0 $yp-1]
@@ -153,14 +153,14 @@
set yh [string range $y 0 $yp]
#puts "xh=$xh yh=$yh"
if {$xh < $yh} {
- return -1
+ return -1
} elseif {$xh > $yh} {
- return 1
+ return 1
} else {
- incr xp
- incr yp
- #puts "rest [string range $x $xp end] [string range $y $yp end]"
- return [my __value_compare [string range $x $xp end] [string range $y $yp end] $def]
+ incr xp
+ incr yp
+ #puts "rest [string range $x $xp end] [string range $y $yp end]"
+ return [my __value_compare [string range $x $xp end] [string range $y $yp end] $def]
@@ -180,3 +180,9 @@
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.54.2.2 -r1.54.2.3
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl 5 Oct 2013 12:36:53 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/30-widget-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:44 -0000
@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@
# search for autoimports: all commands are executed in the ... currently not needed
-# set class [$me info class]
-# foreach cl [concat $class [$class info heritage]] {
-# my log "tdom EVAL $level ns=[namespace current] autoimport in $cl?[$cl exists autoimport]"
-# if {[$cl exists autoimport]} {
-# my log "tdom IMPO [$cl autoimport] into $me"
-# namespace eval ::xo::tmp [list namespace import -force [$cl autoimport]]
-# }
-# }
-# #my log "tdom CMDS $level [lsort [info commands ::xo::tmp::*]]"
+ # set class [$me info class]
+ # foreach cl [concat $class [$class info heritage]] {
+ # my log "tdom EVAL $level ns=[namespace current] autoimport in $cl?[$cl exists autoimport]"
+ # if {[$cl exists autoimport]} {
+ # my log "tdom IMPO [$cl autoimport] into $me"
+ # namespace eval ::xo::tmp [list namespace import -force [$cl autoimport]]
+ # }
+ # }
+ # #my log "tdom CMDS $level [lsort [info commands ::xo::tmp::*]]"
if {$createcmd ne ""} {
@@ -231,24 +231,24 @@
while {[regexp {^([^\x002]*)\x002\(\x001([^\x001]*)\x001\)\x002(.*)$} $text _ \
before key text]} {
- append return_text $before
- lassign [split $key .] package_key message_key
- set url [export_vars -base $::xo::acs_lang_url/edit-localized-message {
- {locale {[ad_conn locale]} }
- package_key message_key
- {return_url [ad_return_url]}
- }]
- if {[lang::message::message_exists_p [ad_conn locale] $key]} {
- set type localized
- } elseif { [lang::message::message_exists_p "en_US" $key] } {
- set type us_only
- } else { # message key is missing
- set url [export_vars -base $::xo::acs_lang_url/localized-message-new {
- {locale en_US } package_key message_key
- {return_url [ad_return_url]}
- }]
- set type missing
- }
+ append return_text $before
+ lassign [split $key .] package_key message_key
+ set url [export_vars -base $::xo::acs_lang_url/edit-localized-message {
+ {locale {[ad_conn locale]} }
+ package_key message_key
+ {return_url [ad_return_url]}
+ }]
+ if {[lang::message::message_exists_p [ad_conn locale] $key]} {
+ set type localized
+ } elseif { [lang::message::message_exists_p "en_US" $key] } {
+ set type us_only
+ } else { # message key is missing
+ set url [export_vars -base $::xo::acs_lang_url/localized-message-new {
+ {locale en_US } package_key message_key
+ {return_url [ad_return_url]}
+ }]
+ set type missing
+ }
if {!$inline} {
$obj lappend __localizer [::xo::Localizer new -type $type -key $key -url $url]
} else {
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@
set obj [uplevel self]
if {[$obj exists __localizer]} {
foreach l [$obj set __localizer] {
- $l render
- $l destroy
+ $l render
+ $l destroy
@@ -276,56 +276,56 @@
Localizer instproc render {} {
html::a -title [my key] -href [my url] {
switch -- [my type] {
- localized {set char o; set style "color: green"}
+ localized {set char o; set style "color: green"}
us_only {set char *; set style "background-color: yellow; color: red;"}
missing {set char @; set style "background-color: red; color: white;"}
html::span -style $style {html::t $char}
Localizer instproc render {} {
- html::a -title [my key] -href [my url] {
- set path /resources/acs-templating/xinha-nightly/plugins/
- switch -- [my type] {
- localized {set img ImageManager/img/btn_ok.gif}
- us_only {set img Filter/img/ed_filter.gif}
- missing {set img LangMarks/img/en.gif}
- }
- html::img -alt [my type] -src $path/$img -width 16 -height 16 -border 0
- }
- }
+ html::a -title [my key] -href [my url] {
+ set path /resources/acs-templating/xinha-nightly/plugins/
+ switch -- [my type] {
+ localized {set img ImageManager/img/btn_ok.gif}
+ us_only {set img Filter/img/ed_filter.gif}
+ missing {set img LangMarks/img/en.gif}
+ }
+ html::img -alt [my type] -src $path/$img -width 16 -height 16 -border 0
+ }
+ }
## todo : make these checks only in trn mode (additional mixin)
Class Drawable \
-superclass ::xo::tdom::AttributeManager \
-instproc _ {attr} {
- my set $attr
+ my set $attr
} \
-instproc render_localizer {} {
Class TRN-Mode \
-instproc _ {attr} {
- return [::xo::localize [my set $attr]]
+ return [::xo::localize [my set $attr]]
} \
-instproc render_localizer {} {
- #my log "-- "
- if {[my exists __localizer]} {
- foreach l [my set __localizer] {
- $l render
- $l destroy
- }
- }
- my set __localizer [list]
+ #my log "-- "
+ if {[my exists __localizer]} {
+ foreach l [my set __localizer] {
+ $l render
+ $l destroy
+ }
+ }
+ my set __localizer [list]
} \
-instproc render-data args {
- next
- my render_localizer
+ next
+ my render_localizer
} \
-instproc render args {
- next
- my render_localizer
+ next
+ my render_localizer
@@ -349,9 +349,9 @@
Class Table -superclass OrderedComposite \
-parameter [expr {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.3.0] == 1 ?
- {{no_data "#xotcl-core.No_Data#"} {renderer TABLE3} name} :
- {{no_data "#xotcl-core.No_Data#"} {renderer TABLE2} name}
- }]
+ {{no_data "#xotcl-core.No_Data#"} {renderer TABLE3} name} :
+ {{no_data "#xotcl-core.No_Data#"} {renderer TABLE2} name}
+ }]
Table instproc destroy {} {
#my log "-- "
@@ -395,11 +395,11 @@
set mixinname ${cl}::${renderer}::[namespace tail $child]
if {[::xotcl::Object isclass $mixinname]} {
#if {![$child istype ::xo::OrderedComposite::Child]} continue
- $child instmixin $mixinname
- if {$trn_mixin ne ""} {$child instmixin add $trn_mixin}
- #my log "-- $child using instmixin <[$child info instmixin]>"
+ $child instmixin $mixinname
+ if {$trn_mixin ne ""} {$child instmixin add $trn_mixin}
+ #my log "-- $child using instmixin <[$child info instmixin]>"
} else {
- #my log "-- no mixin $mixinname"
+ #my log "-- no mixin $mixinname"
Table::Line instmixin $trn_mixin
@@ -416,166 +416,166 @@
set label [_ $message_key]
set value [string map {\" \\\" \n \r)} $label]
+ lappend line \"$value\"
+ }
+ append output [join $line ,] \n
+ foreach row [my children] {
+ set line [list]
+ foreach column [[self]::__columns children] {
+ if {[$column exists no_csv]} continue
+ set value [string map {\" \\\" \n \r} [$row set [$column set name]]]
lappend line \"$value\"
append output [join $line ,] \n
- foreach row [my children] {
- set line [list]
- foreach column [[self]::__columns children] {
- if {[$column exists no_csv]} continue
- set value [string map {\" \\\" \n \r} [$row set [$column set name]]]
- lappend line \"$value\"
- }
- append output [join $line ,] \n
- }
- #ns_return 200 text/plain $output
- my instvar name
- if {![my exists name]} {set name "table"}
- set fn [xo::backslash_escape \" $name.csv]
- ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] Content-Disposition "attachment;filename=\"$fn\""
- ns_return 200 text/csv $output
+ #ns_return 200 text/plain $output
+ my instvar name
+ if {![my exists name]} {set name "table"}
+ set fn [xo::backslash_escape \" $name.csv]
+ ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] Content-Disposition "attachment;filename=\"$fn\""
+ ns_return 200 text/csv $output
- Class create Table::Line \
- -superclass ::xo::Drawable \
- -instproc attlist {name atts {extra ""}} {
- set result [list]
- foreach att $atts {
- set varname $name.$att
- if {[my exists $varname]} {
- lappend result $att [::xo::localize [my set $varname]]
- }
- }
- foreach {att val} $extra {lappend result $att $val}
- return $result
+Class create Table::Line \
+ -superclass ::xo::Drawable \
+ -instproc attlist {name atts {extra ""}} {
+ set result [list]
+ foreach att $atts {
+ set varname $name.$att
+ if {[my exists $varname]} {
+ lappend result $att [::xo::localize [my set $varname]]
+ }
+ foreach {att val} $extra {lappend result $att $val}
+ return $result
+ }
- #
- # Define elements of a Table
- #
- namespace eval ::xo::Table {
- Class Action \
- -superclass ::xo::OrderedComposite::Child \
- -parameter {label url {tooltip {}}}
- #-proc destroy {} {
- # my log "-- DESTROY "
- # show_stack
- # next
- # }
- Class Field \
- -superclass ::xo::OrderedComposite::Child \
- -parameter {label {html {}} {orderby ""} name {richtext false} no_csv {CSSclass ""} {hide 0}} \
- -instproc init {} {
- my set name [namespace tail [self]]
- } \
- -instproc get-slots {} {
- set slots [list -[my name]]
- foreach subfield {richtext CSSclass} {
- lappend slots [list -[my name].$subfield ""]
- }
- return $slots
- }
+# Define elements of a Table
+namespace eval ::xo::Table {
+ Class Action \
+ -superclass ::xo::OrderedComposite::Child \
+ -parameter {label url {tooltip {}}}
+ #-proc destroy {} {
+ # my log "-- DESTROY "
+ # show_stack
+ # next
+ # }
- Class BulkAction \
- -superclass ::xo::OrderedComposite::Child \
- -parameter {name id {html {}} {hide 0}} \
- -instproc actions {cmd} {
- #my init
- set grandParent [[my info parent] info parent]
- if {![my exists name]} {my set name [namespace tail [self]]}
- #set M [::xo::OrderedComposite create ${grandParent}::__bulkactions]
- set M [::xo::OrderedComposite create ${grandParent}::__bulkactions -noinit]
- namespace eval $M {namespace import -force ::xo::Table::*}
- $M contains $cmd
- $M set __belongs_to [self]
- $M set __identifier [my set name]
- } \
- -instproc get-slots {} {
- ;
+ Class Field \
+ -superclass ::xo::OrderedComposite::Child \
+ -parameter {label {html {}} {orderby ""} name {richtext false} no_csv {CSSclass ""} {hide 0}} \
+ -instproc init {} {
+ my set name [namespace tail [self]]
+ } \
+ -instproc get-slots {} {
+ set slots [list -[my name]]
+ foreach subfield {richtext CSSclass} {
+ lappend slots [list -[my name].$subfield ""]
+ return $slots
+ }
- Class AnchorField \
- -superclass ::xo::Table::Field \
- -instproc get-slots {} {
- set slots [list -[my name]]
- foreach subfield {href title CSSclass} {
- lappend slots [list -[my name].$subfield ""]
- }
- return $slots
- }
+ Class BulkAction \
+ -superclass ::xo::OrderedComposite::Child \
+ -parameter {name id {html {}} {hide 0}} \
+ -instproc actions {cmd} {
+ #my init
+ set grandParent [[my info parent] info parent]
+ if {![my exists name]} {my set name [namespace tail [self]]}
+ #set M [::xo::OrderedComposite create ${grandParent}::__bulkactions]
+ set M [::xo::OrderedComposite create ${grandParent}::__bulkactions -noinit]
+ namespace eval $M {namespace import -force ::xo::Table::*}
+ $M contains $cmd
+ $M set __belongs_to [self]
+ $M set __identifier [my set name]
+ } \
+ -instproc get-slots {} {
+ ;
+ }
- Class HiddenField \
- -superclass ::xo::Table::Field \
- -instproc get-slots {} {
- return [list -[my name]]
- }
+ Class AnchorField \
+ -superclass ::xo::Table::Field \
+ -instproc get-slots {} {
+ set slots [list -[my name]]
+ foreach subfield {href title CSSclass} {
+ lappend slots [list -[my name].$subfield ""]
+ }
+ return $slots
+ }
- Class ImageField \
- -parameter {src width height border title alt} \
- -superclass ::xo::Table::Field \
- -instproc get-slots {} {
- set slots [list -[my name]]
- lappend slots [list -[my name].src [my src]]
- lappend slots [list -[my name].CSSclass [my CSSclass]]
- foreach att {width height border title alt} {
- if {[my exists $att]} {
- lappend slots [list -[my name].$att [my $att]]
- } else {
- lappend slots [list -[my name].$att]
- }
- }
- return $slots
- }
+ Class HiddenField \
+ -superclass ::xo::Table::Field \
+ -instproc get-slots {} {
+ return [list -[my name]]
+ }
- Class ImageAnchorField \
- -superclass ::xo::Table::ImageField \
- -instproc get-slots {} {
- return [concat [next] -[my name].href ""]
- }
+ Class ImageField \
+ -parameter {src width height border title alt} \
+ -superclass ::xo::Table::Field \
+ -instproc get-slots {} {
+ set slots [list -[my name]]
+ lappend slots [list -[my name].src [my src]]
+ lappend slots [list -[my name].CSSclass [my CSSclass]]
+ foreach att {width height border title alt} {
+ if {[my exists $att]} {
+ lappend slots [list -[my name].$att [my $att]]
+ } else {
+ lappend slots [list -[my name].$att]
+ }
+ }
+ return $slots
+ }
- Class ImageField_EditIcon \
- -superclass ImageAnchorField -parameter {
- {src /resources/acs-subsite/Edit16.gif} {width 16} {height 16} {border 0}
- {title "[_ xotcl-core.edit_item]"} {alt "edit"}
- }
- Class ImageField_AddIcon \
- -superclass ImageAnchorField -parameter {
- {src /resources/acs-subsite/Add16.gif} {width 16} {height 16} {border 0}
- {title "[_ xotcl-core.add_item]"} {alt "add"}
- }
+ Class ImageAnchorField \
+ -superclass ::xo::Table::ImageField \
+ -instproc get-slots {} {
+ return [concat [next] -[my name].href ""]
+ }
- Class ImageField_ViewIcon \
- -superclass ImageAnchorField -parameter {
- {src /resources/acs-subsite/Zoom16.gif} {width 16} {height 16} {border 0}
- {title "[_ xotcl-core.view_item]"} {alt "view"}
- }
- Class ImageField_DeleteIcon \
- -superclass ImageAnchorField -parameter {
- {src /resources/acs-subsite/Delete16.gif} {width 16} {height 16} {border 0}
- {title "[_ xotcl-core.delete_item]"} {alt "delete"}
- }
- # export table elements
- namespace export Field AnchorField HiddenField Action ImageField ImageAnchorField \
- ImageField_EditIcon ImageField_ViewIcon ImageField_DeleteIcon ImageField_AddIcon \
- BulkAction
- }
+ Class ImageField_EditIcon \
+ -superclass ImageAnchorField -parameter {
+ {src /resources/acs-subsite/Edit16.gif} {width 16} {height 16} {border 0}
+ {title "[_ xotcl-core.edit_item]"} {alt "edit"}
+ }
+ Class ImageField_AddIcon \
+ -superclass ImageAnchorField -parameter {
+ {src /resources/acs-subsite/Add16.gif} {width 16} {height 16} {border 0}
+ {title "[_ xotcl-core.add_item]"} {alt "add"}
+ }
+ Class ImageField_ViewIcon \
+ -superclass ImageAnchorField -parameter {
+ {src /resources/acs-subsite/Zoom16.gif} {width 16} {height 16} {border 0}
+ {title "[_ xotcl-core.view_item]"} {alt "view"}
+ }
+ Class ImageField_DeleteIcon \
+ -superclass ImageAnchorField -parameter {
+ {src /resources/acs-subsite/Delete16.gif} {width 16} {height 16} {border 0}
+ {title "[_ xotcl-core.delete_item]"} {alt "delete"}
+ }
+ # export table elements
+ namespace export Field AnchorField HiddenField Action ImageField ImageAnchorField \
+ ImageField_EditIcon ImageField_ViewIcon ImageField_DeleteIcon ImageField_AddIcon \
+ BulkAction
namespace eval ::xo::Table {
# Class for rendering ::xo::Table as the html TABLE
Class TABLE \
-superclass ::xo::Drawable \
-instproc init_renderer {} {
- #my log "--"
- my set __rowcount 0
+ #my log "--"
+ my set __rowcount 0
my set css.table-class list
my set list-even
my set list-odd
@@ -585,14 +585,14 @@
html::tr -class list-button-bar {
set cols [llength [[self]::__columns children]]
html::td -colspan $cols -class list-button-bar {
- set children [[self]::__actions children]
- set last [lindex $children end]
- foreach o $children {
- $o render
- if {$o ne $last} {
- html::t -disableOutputEscaping "·"
- }
- }
+ set children [[self]::__actions children]
+ set last [lindex $children end]
+ foreach o $children {
+ $o render
+ if {$o ne $last} {
+ html::t -disableOutputEscaping "·"
+ }
+ }
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@
TABLE instproc render-body {} {
html::tr -class list-header {
foreach o [[self]::__columns children] {
- $o render
+ $o render
set children [my children]
@@ -630,15 +630,15 @@
} else {
foreach line [my children] {
#my log "--LINE vars=[my info vars] cL: [[self class] info vars] r=[my renderer]"
- html::tr -class [expr {[my incr __rowcount]%2 ?
+ html::tr -class [expr {[my incr __rowcount]%2 ?
[my set] :
[my set] }] {
- foreach field [[self]::__columns children] {
- html::td [concat [list class list] [$field html]] {
- $field render-data $line
- }
- }
- }
+ foreach field [[self]::__columns children] {
+ html::td [concat [list class list] [$field html]] {
+ $field render-data $line
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -673,10 +673,10 @@
Class create TABLE::Action \
-superclass ::xo::Drawable \
-instproc render {} {
- html::a -class button -title [my _ tooltip] -href [my url] {
- html::t [my _ label]
- }
- #my log "-- "
+ html::a -class button -title [my _ tooltip] -href [my url] {
+ html::t [my _ label]
+ }
+ #my log "-- "
#-proc destroy {} {
# my log "-- DESTROY"
@@ -700,9 +700,9 @@
TABLE::Field instproc render {} {
html::th [concat [list class list] [my html]] {
if {[my set orderby] eq ""} {
- html::t [my _ label]
+ html::t [my _ label]
} else {
- my renderSortLabels
+ my renderSortLabels
my render_localizer ;# run this before th is closed
@@ -749,23 +749,23 @@
Class create TABLE::AnchorField \
-superclass TABLE::Field \
-instproc render-data {line} {
- if {[$line exists [my name].href] &&
- [set href [$line set [my name].href]] ne ""} {
+ if {[$line exists [my name].href] &&
+ [set href [$line set [my name].href]] ne ""} {
# use the CSS class rather from the Field than not the line
my instvar CSSclass
$line instvar [list [my name].title title]
html::a [my get_local_attributes href title {CSSclass class}] {
- return [next]
- }
- }
- next
+ return [next]
+ }
+ }
+ next
Class create TABLE::HiddenField \
-instproc render {} {;} \
-instproc render-data {line} {;}
Class create TABLE::ImageField \
-superclass TABLE::Field \
-instproc render-data {line} {
@@ -819,14 +819,14 @@
foreach o $actions { html::li -class "button" {$o render} }
- }
+ }
} \
-instproc render {} {
- if {![my isobject [self]::__actions]} {my actions {}}
- if {![my isobject [self]::__bulkactions]} {my __bulkactions {}}
+ if {![my isobject [self]::__actions]} {my actions {}}
+ if {![my isobject [self]::__bulkactions]} {my __bulkactions {}}
set bulkactions [[self]::__bulkactions children]
- html::div {
- my render-actions
+ html::div {
+ my render-actions
if {$bulkactions eq ""} {
html::div -class table {
html::table -class [my set css.table-class] {my render-body}
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@
- }
+ }
@@ -900,9 +900,9 @@
Object defaultMaster -proc decorate {node} {
- $node appendFromScript {
- set slave [tmpl::div]
- }
+ $node appendFromScript {
+ set slave [tmpl::div]
+ }
return $slave
@@ -981,10 +981,17 @@
if {$statements ne ""} {
- append result \n "\n"
+ append result \n "\n"
return $result
-::xo::library source_dependent
\ No newline at end of file
+::xo::library source_dependent
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/40-thread-mod-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/40-thread-mod-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.12.2.1 -r1.12.2.2
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/40-thread-mod-procs.tcl 13 Oct 2013 18:15:14 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/40-thread-mod-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:44 -0000
@@ -202,19 +202,19 @@
nsv_set [self class] [self] $tid
if {[my persistent]} {
- my log "--created new persistent [self class] as $tid pid=[pid]"
+ my log "--created new persistent [self class] as $tid pid=[pid]"
} else {
- my log "--created new [self class] as $tid pid=[pid]"
+ my log "--created new [self class] as $tid pid=[pid]"
#my log "--THREAD DO send [self] epoch = [ns_ictl epoch]"
if {[my lightweight]} {
} elseif {![ns_ictl epoch]} {
- #ns_log notice "--THREAD send [self] no epoch"
- # We are during initialization. For some unknown reasons, XOTcl
- # is not available in newly created threads, so we have to care
- # for full initialization, including xotcl blueprint.
- _ns_savenamespaces
- set initcmd [ns_ictl get]
+ #ns_log notice "--THREAD send [self] no epoch"
+ # We are during initialization. For some unknown reasons, XOTcl
+ # is not available in newly created threads, so we have to care
+ # for full initialization, including xotcl blueprint.
+ _ns_savenamespaces
+ set initcmd [ns_ictl get]
append initcmd [my set initcmd]
#ns_log notice "INIT $initcmd"
@@ -263,16 +263,16 @@
# -instproc forward args {
# set cp [self calledproc]
# if { $cp eq "attach"
-# || $cp eq "filter"
-# || $cp eq "detachAll"} {
-# next
+# || $cp eq "filter"
+# || $cp eq "detachAll"} {
+# next
# } elseif {$cp eq "destroy"} {
-# eval [my attach] do [self] $cp $args
-# my log "destroy"
-# next
+# eval [my attach] do [self] $cp $args
+# my log "destroy"
+# next
# } else {
-# my log "forwarding [my attach] do [self] $cp $args"
-# eval [my attach] do [self] $cp $args
+# my log "forwarding [my attach] do [self] $cp $args"
+# eval [my attach] do [self] $cp $args
# }
# } -instproc init args {
# my filter forward
@@ -290,3 +290,9 @@
[my server] do [my serverobj] {*}$args
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/50-protocol-handler-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/50-protocol-handler-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.8 -r1.8.2.1
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/50-protocol-handler-procs.tcl 29 Jul 2013 08:44:14 -0000 1.8
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/50-protocol-handler-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:44 -0000
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
return filter_return
# set common data for all kind of requests
my initialize
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
To change that, it would be necessary to register the
filter before the request processor (currently, there
- are no hooks for that).
+ are no hooks for that).
} {
set filter_url [my url]*
set url [my url]/*
@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@
} {
- ns_register_filter preauth $method $filter_url [self]
- ns_register_filter preauth $method $root [self]
- ns_register_proc $method $url [self] handle_request
- ns_register_proc $method $root [self] handle_request
+ ns_register_filter preauth $method $filter_url [self]
+ ns_register_filter preauth $method $root [self]
+ ns_register_proc $method $url [self] handle_request
+ ns_register_proc $method $root [self] handle_request
- #my log "--ns_register_filter preauth $method $filter_url [self]"
- #my log "--ns_register_proc $method $url [self] handle_request"
- }
+ #my log "--ns_register_filter preauth $method $filter_url [self]"
+ #my log "--ns_register_proc $method $url [self] handle_request"
+ }
ns_register_proc OPTIONS / ::xo::minimalProctocolHandler OPTIONS
ns_register_proc PROPFIND / ::xo::minimalProctocolHandler PROPFIND
@@ -207,9 +207,9 @@
dispatches the HTTP requests.
} {
my instvar uri method user_id
#my log "--handle_request method=$method uri=$uri\
- # userid=$user_id -ns_conn query '[ns_conn query]'"
+ # userid=$user_id -ns_conn query '[ns_conn query]'"
if {[my exists package]} {
my set package_id [my get_package_id]
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
ProtocolHandler instproc multiStatus {body} {
append _ {} \n \
- {} $body \n \n
+ {} $body \n \n
ProtocolHandler instproc multiStatusResonse {
@@ -253,46 +253,46 @@
} {
#my log "multiStatusResonse href $href propstats $propstats"
append reply \n \
- {} \
- "\n$href\n"
+ {} \
+ "\n$href\n"
# The multi-status respons has 2 formats
# - with (used in PROPFIND and PROPPATCH)
# - without (used in other cases, e.g. DELETE, COPY, MOVE for collections)
foreach {props status} $propstats {
if {$propstatus} {
- append reply \n
- if {[llength $props] > 0} {
- append reply \n
- foreach {name value} $props {
- if {$value ne ""} {
- append reply <$name>$value$name>\n
- } else {
- append reply <$name/>\n
- }
- }
- append reply \n
- } else {
- append reply \n
- }
- append reply $status\n\n
+ append reply \n
+ if {[llength $props] > 0} {
+ append reply \n
+ foreach {name value} $props {
+ if {$value ne ""} {
+ append reply <$name>$value$name>\n
+ } else {
+ append reply <$name/>\n
+ }
+ }
+ append reply \n
+ } else {
+ append reply \n
+ }
+ append reply $status\n\n
} else {
- append reply $status\n
+ append reply $status\n
append reply \n
ProtocolHandler instproc multiStatusError {status} {
lappend davprops \
- D:getlastmodified "" \
- D:getcontentlength "" \
- D:creationdate "" \
- D:resourcetype ""
+ D:getlastmodified "" \
+ D:getcontentlength "" \
+ D:creationdate "" \
+ D:resourcetype ""
set r [my multiStatus [my multiStatusResonse \
- -href [ns_urldecode [ns_conn url]] \
- -propstats [list $davprops $status]]]
+ -href [ns_urldecode [ns_conn url]] \
+ -propstats [list $davprops $status]]]
my log multiStatusError=$r
ns_return 207 text/xml $r
@@ -313,21 +313,21 @@
ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] Allow OPTIONS
ns_return 200 text/plain {}
ProtocolHandler instproc PROPFIND {} {
#my log "--ProtocolHandler PROPFIND [ns_conn content]"
# when GET is not supported on this resource, the get* properties are not be sent
# see, 9.1.5
lappend davprops \
- lp1:resourcetype \
- lp1:creationdate [my tcl_time_to_iso8601 "2013-06-30 01:21:22.648325+02"] \
- D:supportedlock {} \
- D:lockdiscovery {}
- ns_return 207 text/xml [my multiStatus \
- [my multiStatusResonse \
- -href [my set uri] \
- -propstats [list $davprops "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"]]]
+ lp1:resourcetype \
+ lp1:creationdate [my tcl_time_to_iso8601 "2013-06-30 01:21:22.648325+02"] \
+ D:supportedlock {} \
+ D:lockdiscovery {}
+ ns_return 207 text/xml [my multiStatus \
+ [my multiStatusResonse \
+ -href [my set uri] \
+ -propstats [list $davprops "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"]]]
::xo::ProtocolHandler create ::xo::minimalProctocolHandler
@@ -338,4 +338,12 @@
::xo::minimalProctocolHandler proc PROPFIND {args} {
my multiStatusError "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden"
\ No newline at end of file
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/bgdelivery-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/bgdelivery-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.47.2.7 -r1.47.2.8
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/bgdelivery-procs.tcl 27 Jan 2014 09:59:13 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/bgdelivery-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:44 -0000
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
ad_library {
- Routines for background delivery of files
+ Routines for background delivery of files
- @author Gustaf Neumann (
- @creation-date 19 Nov 2005
- @cvs-id $Id$
+ @author Gustaf Neumann (
+ @creation-date 19 Nov 2005
+ @cvs-id $Id$
if {[info commands ::thread::mutex] eq ""} {
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@
set k ::runningBgJob([lindex $context 0])
if {[info exists $k]} {
- set value [set $k]
- ns_log notice "resubmit: canceling currently running request $context // closing $value"
- lassign $value fd0 channel0 client_data0 filename0
- my end-delivery -client_data $client_data0 $filename0 $fd0 $channel0 -1
+ set value [set $k]
+ ns_log notice "resubmit: canceling currently running request $context // closing $value"
+ lassign $value fd0 channel0 client_data0 filename0
+ my end-delivery -client_data $client_data0 $filename0 $fd0 $channel0 -1
set $k [list $fd $channel $client_data $filename]
@@ -233,8 +233,8 @@
if {$sync || $content eq ""} {
my log "close sync"
if {$content ne ""} {
- fconfigure $channel -translation binary -blocking true
- puts -nonewline $channel $content
+ fconfigure $channel -translation binary -blocking true
+ puts -nonewline $channel $content
close $channel
my destroy
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
set content ""
if {[my autoflush]} {flush $channel}
if {[my exists finishWhenDone]} {
- my close -sync true
+ my close -sync true
} else {
set chunk [string range $content 0 $blocksize-1]
@@ -279,11 +279,11 @@
set result [list]
if {[info exists key]} {
if {[info exists subscriptions($key)]} {
- return [list $key $subscriptions($key)]
+ return [list $key $subscriptions($key)]
} elseif {[info exists subscriptions]} {
foreach key [array names subscriptions] {
- lappend result $key $subscriptions($key)
+ lappend result $key $subscriptions($key)
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
set smsg $msg
#my log "-- sending to subscriber for [my key] $smsg ch=[my channel] \
- # mode=[my mode], user_id [my user_id]"
+ # mode=[my mode], user_id [my user_id]"
puts -nonewline [my channel] $smsg
flush [my channel]
@@ -343,12 +343,12 @@
if {[info exists subscriptions($key)]} {
set subs1 [list]
foreach s $subscriptions($key) {
- if {[catch {$s $method $argument} errMsg]} {
- ns_log notice "error in $method to subscriber $s (key=$key): $errMsg"
- $s destroy
- } else {
- lappend subs1 $s
- }
+ if {[catch {$s $method $argument} errMsg]} {
+ ns_log notice "error in $method to subscriber $s (key=$key): $errMsg"
+ $s destroy
+ } else {
+ lappend subs1 $s
+ }
set subscriptions($key) $subs1
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
fconfigure $fd -translation binary -encoding $encoding
fconfigure [my channel] -translation binary -encoding $encoding
fcopy $fd [my channel] -command \
- [list [self] end-delivery $filename $fd [my channel] $request]
+ [list [self] end-delivery $filename $fd [my channel] $request]
::HttpSpooler instproc end-delivery {filename fd ch request bytes args} {
@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@
regexp {^([^:]+):(.*)$} $host _ host port
my incr running
xo::AsyncHttpRequest [self]::[my incr counter] \
- -host $host -port $port -path $path \
- -timeout [my timeout] -post_data $post_data -request_manager [self]
+ -host $host -port $port -path $path \
+ -timeout [my timeout] -post_data $post_data -request_manager [self]
@@ -506,195 +506,195 @@
{-delete false}
status_code mime_type filename} {
- Deliver the given file to the requestor in the background. This proc uses the
- background delivery thread to send the file in an event-driven manner without
- blocking a request thread. This is especially important when large files are
- requested over slow (e.g. dial-ip) connections.
-} {
+ Deliver the given file to the requestor in the background. This proc uses the
+ background delivery thread to send the file in an event-driven manner without
+ blocking a request thread. This is especially important when large files are
+ requested over slow (e.g. dial-ip) connections.
+ } {
- #ns_setexpires 1000000
- #ns_log notice "expires-set $filename"
- #ns_log notice "status_code = $status_code, filename=$filename"
+ #ns_setexpires 1000000
+ #ns_log notice "expires-set $filename"
+ #ns_log notice "status_code = $status_code, filename=$filename"
- if {![my isobject ::xo::cc]} {
- ::xo::ConnectionContext require
- }
- set query [::xo::cc actual_query]
- set use_h264 [expr {[string match "video/mp4*" $mime_type] && $query ne ""
- && ([string match {*start=[1-9]*} $query] || [string match {*end=[1-9]*} $query])
- && [info command h264open] ne ""}]
+ if {![my isobject ::xo::cc]} {
+ ::xo::ConnectionContext require
+ }
+ set query [::xo::cc actual_query]
+ set use_h264 [expr {[string match "video/mp4*" $mime_type] && $query ne ""
+ && ([string match {*start=[1-9]*} $query] || [string match {*end=[1-9]*} $query])
+ && [info command h264open] ne ""}]
- if {[info commands ns_driversection] ne ""} {
+ if {[info commands ns_driversection] ne ""} {
set use_writerThread [ns_config [ns_driversection] writerthreads 0]
- } else {
+ } else {
set use_writerThread 0
- }
+ }
- if {[info exists content_disposition]} {
- set fn [xo::backslash_escape \" $content_disposition]
- ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] Content-Disposition "attachment;filename=\"$fn\""
- }
+ if {[info exists content_disposition]} {
+ set fn [xo::backslash_escape \" $content_disposition]
+ ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] Content-Disposition "attachment;filename=\"$fn\""
+ }
- if {$use_h264} {
- if {0} {
- # we have to obtain the size from the file; unfortunately, this
- # requires a duplicate open+close of the h264 stream. If the
- # application is performance sensitive, one might consider to use
- # the possibly incorrect size form the file system instead (works
- # perfectly for e.g. flowplayer)
- if {[catch {set handle [h264open $filename $query]} errorMsg]} {
- ns_log error "h264: error opening h264 channel for $filename $query: $errorMsg"
- return
+ if {$use_h264} {
+ if {0} {
+ # we have to obtain the size from the file; unfortunately, this
+ # requires a duplicate open+close of the h264 stream. If the
+ # application is performance sensitive, one might consider to use
+ # the possibly incorrect size form the file system instead (works
+ # perfectly for e.g. flowplayer)
+ if {[catch {set handle [h264open $filename $query]} errorMsg]} {
+ ns_log error "h264: error opening h264 channel for $filename $query: $errorMsg"
+ return
+ }
+ set size [h264length $handle]
+ h264close $handle
+ } else {
+ set size [file size $filename]
- set size [h264length $handle]
- h264close $handle
} else {
set size [file size $filename]
- } else {
- set size [file size $filename]
- }
- # Make sure to set "connection close" for the reqests (in other
- # words, don't allow keep-alive, which is does not make sense, when
- # we close the connections manually in the bgdelivery thread).
- #
- if {$::xo::naviserver && !$use_writerThread} {
- ns_conn keepalive 0
- }
+ # Make sure to set "connection close" for the reqests (in other
+ # words, don't allow keep-alive, which is does not make sense, when
+ # we close the connections manually in the bgdelivery thread).
+ #
+ if {$::xo::naviserver && !$use_writerThread} {
+ ns_conn keepalive 0
+ }
- set range [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] range]
- if {[regexp {bytes=(.*)$} $range _ range]} {
- set ranges [list]
- set bytes 0
- set pos 0
- foreach r [split $range ,] {
- regexp {^(\d*)-(\d*)$} $r _ from to
- if {$from eq ""} {
- # The last $to bytes, $to must be specified; 'to' is
- # differently interpreted as in the case, where from is
- # non-empty
- set from [expr {$size - $to}]
- } else {
- if {$to eq ""} {set to [expr {$size-1}]}
+ set range [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] range]
+ if {[regexp {bytes=(.*)$} $range _ range]} {
+ set ranges [list]
+ set bytes 0
+ set pos 0
+ foreach r [split $range ,] {
+ regexp {^(\d*)-(\d*)$} $r _ from to
+ if {$from eq ""} {
+ # The last $to bytes, $to must be specified; 'to' is
+ # differently interpreted as in the case, where from is
+ # non-empty
+ set from [expr {$size - $to}]
+ } else {
+ if {$to eq ""} {set to [expr {$size-1}]}
+ }
+ set rangeSize [expr {1 + $to - $from}]
+ lappend ranges [list $from $to $rangeSize]
+ set pos [expr {$to + 1}]
+ incr bytes $rangeSize
- set rangeSize [expr {1 + $to - $from}]
- lappend ranges [list $from $to $rangeSize]
- set pos [expr {$to + 1}]
- incr bytes $rangeSize
+ } else {
+ set ranges ""
+ set bytes $size
- } else {
- set ranges ""
- set bytes $size
- }
- #ns_log notice "Range=$range bytes=$bytes // $ranges"
+ #ns_log notice "Range=$range bytes=$bytes // $ranges"
- #
- # For the time being, we write the headers in a simplified version
- # directly in the spooling thread to avoid the overhead of double
- # h264opens.
- #
- if {!$use_h264} {
- # Add content-range header for range requests.
+ # For the time being, we write the headers in a simplified version
+ # directly in the spooling thread to avoid the overhead of double
+ # h264opens.
- if {[llength $ranges] == 1 && $status_code == 200} {
- lassign [lindex $ranges 0] from to
- if {$from <= $to && $size > $to} {
- ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] Content-Range "bytes $from-$to/$size"
- ns_log notice "given range <$range>, added header-field Content-Range: bytes $from-$to/$size // $ranges"
- set status_code 206
- } else {
- # A byte-content-range-spec with a byte-range-resp-spec whose
- # last-byte-pos value is less than its first-byte-pos value,
- # or whose instance-length value is less than or equal to its
- # last-byte-pos value, is invalid. The recipient of an invalid
- # byte-content-range-spec MUST ignore it and any content
- # transferred along with it.
- #
- # See (14.16)
- #
- ns_log notice "### ignore invalid <$range>, pos > size-1, Content-Range: bytes $from-$to/$size // $ranges"
+ if {!$use_h264} {
+ #
+ # Add content-range header for range requests.
+ #
+ if {[llength $ranges] == 1 && $status_code == 200} {
+ lassign [lindex $ranges 0] from to
+ if {$from <= $to && $size > $to} {
+ ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] Content-Range "bytes $from-$to/$size"
+ ns_log notice "given range <$range>, added header-field Content-Range: bytes $from-$to/$size // $ranges"
+ set status_code 206
+ } else {
+ # A byte-content-range-spec with a byte-range-resp-spec whose
+ # last-byte-pos value is less than its first-byte-pos value,
+ # or whose instance-length value is less than or equal to its
+ # last-byte-pos value, is invalid. The recipient of an invalid
+ # byte-content-range-spec MUST ignore it and any content
+ # transferred along with it.
+ #
+ # See (14.16)
+ #
+ ns_log notice "### ignore invalid <$range>, pos > size-1, Content-Range: bytes $from-$to/$size // $ranges"
+ }
+ } elseif {[llength $ranges]>1} {
+ ns_log warning "Multiple ranges are currently not supported, ignoring range request"
- } elseif {[llength $ranges]>1} {
- ns_log warning "Multiple ranges are currently not supported, ignoring range request"
+ my write_headers $status_code $mime_type $bytes
- my write_headers $status_code $mime_type $bytes
- }
- if {$bytes == 0} {
- # Tcl behaves different, when one tries to send 0 bytes via
- # file_copy. So, we handle this special case here...
- # There is actualy nothing to deliver....
- ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] "Content-Length" 0
- ns_return 200 $mime_type {}
- return
- }
+ if {$bytes == 0} {
+ # Tcl behaves different, when one tries to send 0 bytes via
+ # file_copy. So, we handle this special case here...
+ # There is actualy nothing to deliver....
+ ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] "Content-Length" 0
+ ns_return 200 $mime_type {}
+ return
+ }
- if {$use_writerThread && !$use_h264} {
+ if {$use_writerThread && !$use_h264} {
if {$status_code == 206} {
- ns_log notice "ns_writer submitfile -offset $from -size $bytes $filename"
- ns_writer submitfile -offset $from -size $bytes $filename
+ ns_log notice "ns_writer submitfile -offset $from -size $bytes $filename"
+ ns_writer submitfile -offset $from -size $bytes $filename
} else {
- ns_log notice "ns_writer submitfile $filename"
- ns_writer submitfile $filename
+ ns_log notice "ns_writer submitfile $filename"
+ ns_writer submitfile $filename
- }
+ }
- set errorMsg ""
- # Get the thread id and make sure the bgdelivery thread is already
- # running.
- set tid [my get_tid]
- # my log "+++ lock [my set bgmutex]"
- ::thread::mutex lock [my set mutex]
+ set errorMsg ""
+ # Get the thread id and make sure the bgdelivery thread is already
+ # running.
+ set tid [my get_tid]
+ # my log "+++ lock [my set bgmutex]"
+ ::thread::mutex lock [my set mutex]
- #
- # Transfer the channel to the bgdelivery thread and report errors
- # in detail.
- #
- # Notice, that Tcl versions up to 8.5.4 have a bug in this area.
- # If one uses an earlier version of Tcl, please apply:
- #
- #
+ #
+ # Transfer the channel to the bgdelivery thread and report errors
+ # in detail.
+ #
+ # Notice, that Tcl versions up to 8.5.4 have a bug in this area.
+ # If one uses an earlier version of Tcl, please apply:
+ #
+ #
- catch {
- set ch [ns_conn channel]
- if {[catch {thread::transfer $tid $ch} innerError]} {
- set channels_in_use "??"
- catch {set channels_in_use [bgdelivery do file channels]}
- ns_log error "thread transfer failed, channel=$ch, channels_in_use=$channels_in_use"
- error $innerError
+ catch {
+ set ch [ns_conn channel]
+ if {[catch {thread::transfer $tid $ch} innerError]} {
+ set channels_in_use "??"
+ catch {set channels_in_use [bgdelivery do file channels]}
+ ns_log error "thread transfer failed, channel=$ch, channels_in_use=$channels_in_use"
+ error $innerError
+ }
+ } errorMsg
+ ::thread::mutex unlock [my set mutex]
+ #ns_mutex unlock [my set bgmutex]
+ # my log "+++ unlock [my set bgmutex]"
+ if {$errorMsg ne ""} {
+ error ERROR=$errorMsg
- } errorMsg
- ::thread::mutex unlock [my set mutex]
- #ns_mutex unlock [my set bgmutex]
- # my log "+++ unlock [my set bgmutex]"
- if {$errorMsg ne ""} {
- error ERROR=$errorMsg
+ if {$use_h264} {
+ #my log "MP4 q=[::xo::cc actual_query], h=[ns_set array [ns_conn outputheaders]]"
+ my do -async ::h264Spooler spool -delete $delete -channel $ch -filename $filename \
+ -context [list [::xo::cc requestor],[::xo::cc url],$query [ns_conn start]] \
+ -query $query \
+ -client_data $client_data
+ } else {
+ #my log "FILE SPOOL $filename"
+ my do -async ::fileSpooler spool -ranges $ranges -delete $delete -channel $ch -filename $filename \
+ -context [list [::xo::cc requestor],[::xo::cc url],$query [ns_conn start]] \
+ -client_data $client_data
+ }
+ #
+ # set the length for the access log (which is written when the
+ # connection thread is done)
+ ns_conn contentsentlength $size ;# maybe overly optimistic
- if {$use_h264} {
- #my log "MP4 q=[::xo::cc actual_query], h=[ns_set array [ns_conn outputheaders]]"
- my do -async ::h264Spooler spool -delete $delete -channel $ch -filename $filename \
- -context [list [::xo::cc requestor],[::xo::cc url],$query [ns_conn start]] \
- -query $query \
- -client_data $client_data
- } else {
- #my log "FILE SPOOL $filename"
- my do -async ::fileSpooler spool -ranges $ranges -delete $delete -channel $ch -filename $filename \
- -context [list [::xo::cc requestor],[::xo::cc url],$query [ns_conn start]] \
- -client_data $client_data
- }
- #
- # set the length for the access log (which is written when the
- # connection thread is done)
- ns_conn contentsentlength $size ;# maybe overly optimistic
ad_proc -public ad_returnfile_background {{-client_data ""} status_code mime_type filename} {
Deliver the given file to the requestor in the background. This proc uses the
@@ -736,3 +736,10 @@
bgdelivery proc spooler_release {spooler} {
my do -async $spooler release
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/chat-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/Attic/chat-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.20.2.3 -r1.20.2.4
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/chat-procs.tcl 11 Feb 2014 11:53:08 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/chat-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:44 -0000
@@ -10,11 +10,13 @@
Class Message -parameter {time user_id msg color}
Class Chat -superclass ::xo::OrderedComposite \
-parameter {
- chat_id
- user_id
- session_id
- {mode default}
- {encoder urlencode} {timewindow 600} {sweepinterval 600}
+ chat_id
+ user_id
+ session_id
+ {mode default}
+ {encoder urlencode}
+ {timewindow 600}
+ {sweepinterval 600}
Chat instproc init {} {
@@ -29,7 +31,7 @@
my log "-- initialize $cls"
$cls initialize_nsvs
::xo::clusterwide nsv_set $cls initialized \
- [ad_schedule_proc -thread "t" [my sweepinterval] $cls sweep_all_chats]
+ [ad_schedule_proc -thread "t" [my sweepinterval] $cls sweep_all_chats]
if {![nsv_exists $array-seen newest]} {::xo::clusterwide nsv_set $array-seen newest 0}
if {![nsv_exists $array-color idx]} {::xo::clusterwide nsv_set $array-color idx 0}
@@ -60,11 +62,11 @@
my log "-- msg=$msg"
if {$get_new
- && [info commands ::thread::mutex] ne ""
- && [info commands ::bgdelivery] ne ""} {
+ && [info commands ::thread::mutex] ne ""
+ && [info commands ::bgdelivery] ne ""} {
# we could use the streaming interface
my broadcast_msg [Message new -volatile -time [clock seconds] \
- -user_id $user_id -msg $msg -color $color]
+ -user_id $user_id -msg $msg -color $color]
my register_nsvs $now.$user_id $user_id $msg $color [clock seconds]
# this in any case a valid result, but only needed for the polling interface
@@ -104,12 +106,12 @@
if {[nsv_get $array-seen newest]>$last} {
#my log "--c must check $session_id: [nsv_get $array-seen newest] > $last"
foreach {key value} [nsv_array get $array] {
- lassign $value timestamp secs user msg color
- if {$timestamp > $last} {
- my add [Message new -time $secs -user_id $user -msg $msg -color $color]
- } else {
- my check_age $key [expr {($now - $timestamp) / 1000}]
- }
+ lassign $value timestamp secs user msg color
+ if {$timestamp > $last} {
+ my add [Message new -time $secs -user_id $user -msg $msg -color $color]
+ } else {
+ my check_age $key [expr {($now - $timestamp) / 1000}]
+ }
::xo::clusterwide nsv_set $array-seen $session_id $now
#my log "--c setting session_id $session_id: $now"
@@ -124,7 +126,7 @@
foreach {key value} [nsv_array get $array] {
lassign $value timestamp secs user msg color
if {[my check_age $key [expr {($now - $timestamp) / 1000}]]} {
- my add [Message new -time $secs -user_id $user -msg $msg -color $color]
+ my add [Message new -time $secs -user_id $user -msg $msg -color $color]
#my log "--c setting session_id $session_id: $now"
@@ -141,11 +143,11 @@
ns_log Notice "--core-chat Checking: now=$now, timestamp=$timestamp, ago=$ago"
# was 1200
if {$ago > 300} {
- my add_msg -get_new false -uid $user "auto logout"
- nsv_unset $array-last-activity $user
- nsv_unset $array-login $user
- nsv_unset $array-color $user
- catch {::bgdelivery do ::Subscriber sweep chat-[my chat_id]}
+ my add_msg -get_new false -uid $user "auto logout"
+ nsv_unset $array-last-activity $user
+ nsv_unset $array-login $user
+ nsv_unset $array-color $user
+ catch {::bgdelivery do ::Subscriber sweep chat-[my chat_id]}
my log "-- ending"
@@ -181,9 +183,9 @@
set output ""
foreach {user_id timestamp} [my active_user_list] {
if {$user_id > 0} {
- set diff [clock format [expr {[clock seconds] - $timestamp}] -format "%H:%M:%S" -gmt 1]
- set userlink [my user_link -user_id $user_id]
- append output "$userlink | $diff |
+ set diff [clock format [expr {[clock seconds] - $timestamp}] -format "%H:%M:%S" -gmt 1]
+ set userlink [my user_link -user_id $user_id]
+ append output "$userlink | $diff |
return $output
@@ -217,16 +219,16 @@
Chat instproc user_name { user_id } {
- acs_user::get -user_id $user_id -array user
- return [expr {$user(screen_name) ne "" ? $user(screen_name) : $user(name)}]
+ acs_user::get -user_id $user_id -array user
+ return [expr {$user(screen_name) ne "" ? $user(screen_name) : $user(name)}]
Chat instproc user_link { -user_id -color } {
if {$user_id > 0} {
set name [my user_name $user_id]
set url "/shared/community-member?user%5fid=$user_id"
if {![info exists color]} {
- set color [my user_color $user_id]
+ set color [my user_color $user_id]
set creator "$name"
} elseif { $user_id == 0 } {
@@ -241,9 +243,10 @@
Chat instproc noencode {string} {set string}
Chat instproc encode {string} {my [my encoder] $string}
Chat instproc json_encode {string} {
- string map [list \n \\n {"} {\"} ' {\'}] $string ;#"
+ string map [list \n \\n {"} {\"} ' {\'}] $string ;\#"
+ #
Chat instproc json_encode_msg {msg} {
set old [my encoder]
my encoder noencode ;# just for user_link
@@ -253,93 +256,93 @@
set text [my json_encode [$msg msg]]
foreach var {userlink timeshort} {set $var [my json_encode [set $var]]}
return [subst -nocommands {{'messages': [
- {'user':'$userlink', 'time': '$timeshort', 'msg':'$text'}
- ]\n}
- }]
- }
+ {'user':'$userlink', 'time': '$timeshort', 'msg':'$text'}
+ ]\n}
+ }]
+ }
- Chat instproc js_encode_msg {msg} {
- set json [my json_encode_msg $msg]
- return "\n"
- }
+ }
- Chat instproc broadcast_msg {msg} {
- my log "--chat broadcast_msg $msg"
- ::xo::clusterwide \
- bgdelivery send_to_subscriber chat-[my chat_id] [my json_encode_msg $msg]
- }
+ Chat instproc broadcast_msg {msg} {
+ my log "--chat broadcast_msg $msg"
+ ::xo::clusterwide \
+ bgdelivery send_to_subscriber chat-[my chat_id] [my json_encode_msg $msg]
+ }
- Chat instproc subscribe {-uid} {
- set user_id [expr {[info exists uid] ? $uid : [my set user_id]}]
- set color [my user_color $user_id]
- bgdelivery subscribe chat-[my chat_id] "" [my mode]
- if {![my user_active $user_id]} {
- my broadcast_msg [Message new -volatile -time [clock seconds] \
- -user_id $user_id -color $color \
- -msg [_ xotcl-core.has_entered_the_room] ]
- }
- #my get_all
- }
+ Chat instproc subscribe {-uid} {
+ set user_id [expr {[info exists uid] ? $uid : [my set user_id]}]
+ set color [my user_color $user_id]
+ bgdelivery subscribe chat-[my chat_id] "" [my mode]
+ if {![my user_active $user_id]} {
+ my broadcast_msg [Message new -volatile -time [clock seconds] \
+ -user_id $user_id -color $color \
+ -msg [_ xotcl-core.has_entered_the_room] ]
+ }
+ #my get_all
+ }
+ Chat instproc render {} {
+ my orderby time
+ set result "\n"
+ foreach child [my children] {
+ set msg [$child msg]
+ set user_id [$child user_id]
+ set color [$child color]
+ set timelong [clock format [$child time]]
+ set timeshort [clock format [$child time] -format {[%H:%M:%S]}]
+ set userlink [my user_link -user_id $user_id -color $color]
+ append result "
$timeshort " \
+ "$userlink " \
+ "[my encode $msg]
+ }
+ append result "
+ return $result
+ }
- Chat instproc render {} {
- my orderby time
- set result "\n"
- foreach child [my children] {
- set msg [$child msg]
- set user_id [$child user_id]
- set color [$child color]
- set timelong [clock format [$child time]]
- set timeshort [clock format [$child time] -format {[%H:%M:%S]}]
- set userlink [my user_link -user_id $user_id -color $color]
+ ############################################################################
+ # Chat meta class, since we need to define general class-specific methods
+ ############################################################################
+ Class create ChatClass -superclass ::xotcl::Class
+ ChatClass method sweep_all_chats {} {
+ my log "-- starting"
+ foreach nsv [nsv_names "[self]-*-seen"] {
+ if { [regexp "[self]-(\[0-9\]+)-seen" $nsv _ chat_id] } {
+ my log "--Chat_id $chat_id"
+ my new -volatile -chat_id $chat_id -user_id 0 -session_id 0 -init -sweeper
+ }
+ }
+ my log "-- ending"
+ }
+ ChatClass method initialize_nsvs {} {
+ # read the last_activity information at server start into a nsv array
+ ::xo::dc foreach get_rooms {
+ select room_id, to_char(max(creation_date),'HH24:MI:SS YYYY-MM-DD') as last_activity
+ from chat_msgs group by room_id
+ } {
+ ::xo::clusterwide nsv_set [self]-$room_id-seen last [clock scan $last_activity]
+ }
+ }
+ ChatClass method flush_messages {-chat_id:required} {
+ set array "[self]-$chat_id"
+ ::xo::clusterwide nsv_unset $array
+ ::xo::clusterwide nsv_unset $array-seen
+ ::xo::clusterwide nsv_unset $array-last-activity
+ }
- append result "
$timeshort " \
- "$userlink " \
- "[my encode $msg]
- }
- append result "
- return $result
- }
- ############################################################################
- # Chat meta class, since we need to define general class-specific methods
- ############################################################################
- Class create ChatClass -superclass ::xotcl::Class
- ChatClass method sweep_all_chats {} {
- my log "-- starting"
- foreach nsv [nsv_names "[self]-*-seen"] {
- if { [regexp "[self]-(\[0-9\]+)-seen" $nsv _ chat_id] } {
- my log "--Chat_id $chat_id"
- my new -volatile -chat_id $chat_id -user_id 0 -session_id 0 -init -sweeper
- }
- }
- my log "-- ending"
- }
- ChatClass method initialize_nsvs {} {
- # read the last_activity information at server start into a nsv array
- ::xo::dc foreach get_rooms {
- select room_id, to_char(max(creation_date),'HH24:MI:SS YYYY-MM-DD') as last_activity
- from chat_msgs group by room_id
- } {
- ::xo::clusterwide nsv_set [self]-$room_id-seen last [clock scan $last_activity]
- }
- }
- ChatClass method flush_messages {-chat_id:required} {
- set array "[self]-$chat_id"
- ::xo::clusterwide nsv_unset $array
- ::xo::clusterwide nsv_unset $array-seen
- ::xo::clusterwide nsv_unset $array-last-activity
- }
- ChatClass method init {} {
- # default setting is set19 from
- # per parameter settings in the chat package are available (param UserColors)
- my set colors [list #1b9e77 #d95f02 #7570b3 #e7298a #66a61e #e6ab02 #a6761d #666666]
- }
+ ChatClass method init {} {
+ # default setting is set19 from
+ # per parameter settings in the chat package are available (param UserColors)
+ my set colors [list #1b9e77 #d95f02 #7570b3 #e7298a #66a61e #e6ab02 #a6761d #666666]
+ }
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cluster-init.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/Attic/cluster-init.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.3.8.1
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cluster-init.tcl 23 Dec 2008 11:34:59 -0000 1.3
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cluster-init.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:44 -0000
@@ -27,11 +27,18 @@
array set node [site_node::get -url $url]
if {$node(url) ne "/"} {
ns_log notice "***\n*** WARNING: there appears a package mounted on\
- $url\n***Cluster configuration will not work\
- since there is a conflict with the aolserver filter with the same name!\n"
+ $url\n***Cluster configuration will not work\
+ since there is a conflict with the aolserver filter with the same name!\n"
#ns_register_filter trace GET $url ::xo::Cluster
ns_register_filter preauth GET $url ::xo::Cluster
#ad_register_filter -priority 900 preauth GET $url ::xo::Cluster
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cluster-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cluster-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.6.8.1 -r1.6.8.2
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cluster-procs.tcl 5 Oct 2013 12:36:53 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cluster-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:45 -0000
@@ -113,25 +113,32 @@
Cluster proc broadcast args {
foreach server [my info instances] {
- $server message {*}$args
+ $server message {*}$args
Cluster instproc message args {
my log "--cluster outgoing request to [my host]:[my port] // $args"
-# set r [::xo::HttpRequest new -volatile \
-# -host [my host] -port [my port] \
-# -path [Cluster set url]?cmd=[ns_urlencode $args]]
-# return [$r set data]
+ # set r [::xo::HttpRequest new -volatile \
+ # -host [my host] -port [my port] \
+ # -path [Cluster set url]?cmd=[ns_urlencode $args]]
+ # return [$r set data]
set r [::xo::AsyncHttpRequest new -volatile \
- -host [my host] -port [my port] \
- -path [Cluster set url]?cmd=[ns_urlencode $args]]
-# ::bgdelivery do ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest new \
-# -host [my host] -port [my port] \
-# -path [Cluster set url]?cmd=[ns_urlencode $args] \
-# -mixin ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest::SimpleListener \
-# -proc finalize {obj status value} { my destroy }
+ -host [my host] -port [my port] \
+ -path [Cluster set url]?cmd=[ns_urlencode $args]]
+ # ::bgdelivery do ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest new \
+ # -host [my host] -port [my port] \
+ # -path [Cluster set url]?cmd=[ns_urlencode $args] \
+ # -mixin ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest::SimpleListener \
+ # -proc finalize {obj status value} { my destroy }
\ No newline at end of file
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cr-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cr-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.50.2.6 -r1.50.2.7
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cr-procs.tcl 11 Feb 2014 11:53:08 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cr-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:45 -0000
@@ -11,37 +11,37 @@
::xotcl::Class create ::xo::db::CrClass \
-superclass ::xo::db::Class \
-parameter {
- {supertype content_revision}
- form
- edit_form
- {mime_type text/plain}
- {storage_type "text"}
- {folder_id -100}
+ {supertype content_revision}
+ form
+ edit_form
+ {mime_type text/plain}
+ {storage_type "text"}
+ {folder_id -100}
} -ad_doc {
- The meta class CrClass serves for a class of applications that mostly
- store information in the content repository and that use a few
- attributes adjoining this information. The class handles the open
- acs object_type creation and the automatic creation of the
- necessary tables based on instances of this meta-class.
- The definition of new types is handled in the constructor of
- CrType through the method
- create_object_type,
- the removal of the
- object type is handled through the method
- drop_object_type
- (requires that
- all instances of this type are deleted).
+ The meta class CrClass serves for a class of applications that mostly
+ store information in the content repository and that use a few
+ attributes adjoining this information. The class handles the open
+ acs object_type creation and the automatic creation of the
+ necessary tables based on instances of this meta-class.
+ The definition of new types is handled in the constructor of
+ CrType through the method
+ create_object_type,
+ the removal of the
+ object type is handled through the method
+ drop_object_type
+ (requires that
+ all instances of this type are deleted).
- Each content item can be retrieved either through the
- general method
- CrClass get_instance_from_db or through the "get_instance_from_db" method of
- every subclass of CrItem.
Each content item can be retrieved either through the
+ general method
+ CrClass get_instance_from_db or through the "get_instance_from_db" method of
+ every subclass of CrItem.
This Class is a meta-class providing methods for Classes
- managing CrItems.
- }
+ This Class is a meta-class providing methods for Classes
+ managing CrItems.
+ }
# Methods for the meta class
@@ -57,15 +57,15 @@
} {
set object_type [ns_cache eval xotcl_object_type_cache \
[expr {$item_id ? $item_id : $revision_id}] {
- if {$item_id} {
- ::xo::dc 1row get_class_from_item_id \
- "select content_type as object_type from cr_items where item_id=:item_id"
- } else {
- ::xo::dc 1row get_class_from_revision_id \
- "select object_type from acs_objects where object_id=:revision_id"
- }
- return $object_type
- }]
+ if {$item_id} {
+ ::xo::dc 1row get_class_from_item_id \
+ "select content_type as object_type from cr_items where item_id=:item_id"
+ } else {
+ ::xo::dc 1row get_class_from_revision_id \
+ "select object_type from acs_objects where object_id=:revision_id"
+ }
+ return $object_type
+ }]
CrClass ad_proc get_instance_from_db {
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
publish_status last_modified
if {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.2] > -1} {
- CrClass lappend common_query_atts package_id
+ CrClass lappend common_query_atts package_id
CrClass instproc edit_atts {} {
@@ -247,10 +247,10 @@
where content_type = :object_type
} {
::xo::db::sql::content_folder unregister_content_type \
- -folder_id $folder_id \
- -content_type $object_type \
- -include_subtypes $include_subtypes
- }
+ -folder_id $folder_id \
+ -content_type $object_type \
+ -include_subtypes $include_subtypes
+ }
CrClass ad_instproc folder_type {
@@ -272,9 +272,9 @@
my instvar folder_id
::xo::db::sql::content_folder ${operation}_content_type \
- -folder_id $folder_id \
- -content_type $object_type \
- -include_subtypes $include_subtypes
+ -folder_id $folder_id \
+ -content_type $object_type \
+ -include_subtypes $include_subtypes
CrClass ad_instproc create_object_type {} {
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
# application class with the given default for mime_type.
if {[self] ne "::xo::db::CrItem"} {
my slots {
- ::xotcl::Attribute create mime_type -default [my mime_type]
+ ::xotcl::Attribute create mime_type -default [my mime_type]
my db_slots
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@
foreach {slot_name slot} [[my info superclass] array get db_slot] {
# don't overwrite slots, unless the object_title (named title)
if {![info exists db_slot($slot_name)] ||
- $slot eq "::xo::db::Object::slot::object_title"} {
- set db_slot($slot_name) $slot
+ $slot eq "::xo::db::Object::slot::object_title"} {
+ set db_slot($slot_name) $slot
my remember_long_text_slots
@@ -434,19 +434,19 @@
foreach {slot_name slot} [my array get db_slot] {
switch -- $slot {
- ::xo::db::CrItem::slot::text {
- # We need the rule, since insert the handling of the sql
- # attribute "text" is somewhat magic. On insert, one can use the
- # automatic view with column_name "text, on queries, one has to use
- # "data". Therefore, we cannot use simply -column_name for the slot.
- lappend atts " AS text"
- }
- ::xo::db::CrItem::slot::name {
- lappend atts i.[$slot column_name]
- }
- default {
- lappend atts n.[$slot column_name]
- }
+ ::xo::db::CrItem::slot::text {
+ # We need the rule, since insert the handling of the sql
+ # attribute "text" is somewhat magic. On insert, one can use the
+ # automatic view with column_name "text, on queries, one has to use
+ # "data". Therefore, we cannot use simply -column_name for the slot.
+ lappend atts " AS text"
+ }
+ ::xo::db::CrItem::slot::name {
+ lappend atts i.[$slot column_name]
+ }
+ default {
+ lappend atts n.[$slot column_name]
+ }
if {$revision_id} {
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
if {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.2] <= -1} {
$object set package_id [::xo::dc get_value get_pid \
- "select package_id from cr_folders where folder_id = [$object set parent_id]"]
+ "select package_id from cr_folders where folder_id = [$object set parent_id]"]
#my log "--AFTER FETCH\n[$object serialize]"
@@ -520,13 +520,13 @@
my get_context package_id creation_user creation_ip
#my log "ID [self] create $args"
if {[catch {set p [my create ::0 {*}$args]} errorMsg]} {
- my log "Error: $errorMsg, $::errorInfo"
+ my log "Error: $errorMsg, $::errorInfo"
#my log "ID [::0 serialize]"
set item_id [::0 save_new \
- -package_id $package_id \
- -creation_user $creation_user \
- -creation_ip $creation_ip]
+ -package_id $package_id \
+ -creation_user $creation_user \
+ -creation_ip $creation_ip]
::0 move ::$item_id
::$item_id destroy_on_cleanup
return ::$item_id
@@ -559,8 +559,8 @@
} {
returns the SQL-query to select the CrItems of the specified object_type
@select_attributes attributes for the sql query to be retrieved, in addition
- to item_id, name, publish_status, object_type, and package_id
- which are always returned
+ to item_id, name, publish_status, object_type, and package_id
+ which are always returned
@param orderby for ordering the solution set
@param where_clause clause for restricting the answer set
@param with_subtypes return subtypes as well
@@ -622,11 +622,11 @@
set sql [::xo::dc select \
- -vars $attribute_selection \
- -from "$acs_objects_table cr_items ci, $base_table bt $from_clause" \
- -where [join $cond " and "] \
- -orderby $orderby \
- -limit $limit -offset $offset]
+ -vars $attribute_selection \
+ -from "$acs_objects_table cr_items ci, $base_table bt $from_clause" \
+ -where [join $cond " and "] \
+ -orderby $orderby \
+ -limit $limit -offset $offset]
#my log "--sql=$sql"
return $sql
@@ -648,17 +648,17 @@
method was called.
} {
set s [my instantiate_objects -sql \
- [my instance_select_query \
- -select_attributes $select_attributes \
- -from_clause $from_clause \
- -where_clause $where_clause \
- -orderby $orderby \
- -with_subtypes $with_subtypes \
- -folder_id $folder_id \
- -page_size $page_size \
- -page_number $page_number \
- -base_table $base_table \
- ]]
+ [my instance_select_query \
+ -select_attributes $select_attributes \
+ -from_clause $from_clause \
+ -where_clause $where_clause \
+ -orderby $orderby \
+ -with_subtypes $with_subtypes \
+ -folder_id $folder_id \
+ -page_size $page_size \
+ -page_number $page_number \
+ -base_table $base_table \
+ ]]
return $s
@@ -670,42 +670,42 @@
-table_name cr_revisions -id_column revision_id \
-object_type content_revision \
-slots {
- #
- # The following attributes are from cr_revisions
- #
- ::xo::db::CrAttribute create item_id \
- -datatype integer \
- -pretty_name "Item ID" -pretty_plural "Item IDs" \
- -references "cr_items on delete cascade"
- ::xo::db::CrAttribute create title \
- -sqltype varchar(1000) \
- -pretty_name "Title" -pretty_plural "Titles"
- ::xo::db::CrAttribute create description \
- -sqltype varchar(1000) \
- -pretty_name "Description" -pretty_plural "Descriptions"
- ::xo::db::CrAttribute create publish_date -datatype date
- ::xo::db::CrAttribute create mime_type \
- -sqltype varchar(200) \
- -pretty_name "Mime Type" -pretty_plural "Mime Types" \
- -default text/plain -references cr_mime_types
- ::xo::db::CrAttribute create nls_language \
- -sqltype varchar(50) \
- -pretty_name "Language" -pretty_plural "Languages" \
- -default en_US
- # lob, content, content_length
- #
- # missing: attributes from cr_items
- ::xo::db::CrAttribute create text \
- -pretty_name "Text" \
- -create_acs_attribute false
- ::xo::db::CrAttribute create name \
- -pretty_name "Name" \
- -create_acs_attribute false
+ #
+ # The following attributes are from cr_revisions
+ #
+ ::xo::db::CrAttribute create item_id \
+ -datatype integer \
+ -pretty_name "Item ID" -pretty_plural "Item IDs" \
+ -references "cr_items on delete cascade"
+ ::xo::db::CrAttribute create title \
+ -sqltype varchar(1000) \
+ -pretty_name "Title" -pretty_plural "Titles"
+ ::xo::db::CrAttribute create description \
+ -sqltype varchar(1000) \
+ -pretty_name "Description" -pretty_plural "Descriptions"
+ ::xo::db::CrAttribute create publish_date -datatype date
+ ::xo::db::CrAttribute create mime_type \
+ -sqltype varchar(200) \
+ -pretty_name "Mime Type" -pretty_plural "Mime Types" \
+ -default text/plain -references cr_mime_types
+ ::xo::db::CrAttribute create nls_language \
+ -sqltype varchar(50) \
+ -pretty_name "Language" -pretty_plural "Languages" \
+ -default en_US
+ # lob, content, content_length
+ #
+ # missing: attributes from cr_items
+ ::xo::db::CrAttribute create text \
+ -pretty_name "Text" \
+ -create_acs_attribute false
+ ::xo::db::CrAttribute create name \
+ -pretty_name "Name" \
+ -create_acs_attribute false
} \
-parameter {
- package_id
- {parent_id -100}
- {publish_status ready}
+ package_id
+ {parent_id -100}
+ {publish_status ready}
CrItem::slot::revision_id default 0
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@
} else {
::xo::dc dml update_content "update cr_revisions \
set content = :content \
- where revision_id = :revision_id"
+ where revision_id = :revision_id"
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@
set domain [$slot domain]
set sql "update [$domain table_name] \
set [$slot column_name] = :value \
- where [$domain id_column] = $revision_id"
+ where [$domain id_column] = $revision_id"
::xo::dc dml update_attribute_from_slot $sql
} else {
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@
} else {
set sql "update [$domain table_name] \
set $att = :value \
- where [$domain id_column] = $revision_id"
+ where [$domain id_column] = $revision_id"
::xo::dc dml $att $sql
@@ -855,9 +855,9 @@
if {$quoted} {set val $value} {set val :value}
::xo::dc dml update_content "update cr_revisions \
set $attribute = :val \
- where revision_id = :revision_id"
+ where revision_id = :revision_id"
CrItem instproc current_user_id {} {
if {[my isobject ::xo::cc]} {return [::xo::cc user_id]}
if {[ad_conn isconnected]} {return [ad_conn user_id]}
@@ -894,10 +894,10 @@
foreach {__slot_name __slot} [[my info class] array get db_slot] {
if {
- $__slot eq "::xo::db::Object::slot::object_title" ||
- $__slot eq "::xo::db::CrItem::slot::name" ||
+ $__slot eq "::xo::db::Object::slot::object_title" ||
+ $__slot eq "::xo::db::CrItem::slot::name" ||
$__slot eq "::xo::db::CrItem::slot::publish_date"
- } continue
+ } continue
my instvar $__slot_name
lappend __atts [$__slot column_name]
lappend __vars $__slot_name
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@
set text [cr_create_content_file $item_id $revision_id $import_file]
::xo::dc [::xo::dc insert-view-operation] revision_add \
- [[my info class] insert_statement $__atts $__vars]
+ [[my info class] insert_statement $__atts $__vars]
my fix_content $revision_id $text
@@ -944,19 +944,19 @@
ns_log notice "--OpenACS Version 5.2 or newer [ad_acs_version]"
CrItem set content_item__new_args {
-name $name -parent_id $parent_id -creation_user $creation_user \
- -creation_ip $creation_ip \
- -item_subtype "content_item" -content_type $object_type \
- -description $description -mime_type $mime_type -nls_language $nls_language \
- -is_live f -storage_type $storage_type -package_id $package_id
+ -creation_ip $creation_ip \
+ -item_subtype "content_item" -content_type $object_type \
+ -description $description -mime_type $mime_type -nls_language $nls_language \
+ -is_live f -storage_type $storage_type -package_id $package_id
} else {
ns_log notice "--OpenACS Version 5.1 or older [ad_acs_version]"
CrItem set content_item__new_args {
-name $name -parent_id $parent_id -creation_user $creation_user \
- -creation_ip $creation_ip \
- -item_subtype "content_item" -content_type $object_type \
- -description $description -mime_type $mime_type -nls_language $nls_language \
- -is_live f -storage_type $storage_type
+ -creation_ip $creation_ip \
+ -item_subtype "content_item" -content_type $object_type \
+ -description $description -mime_type $mime_type -nls_language $nls_language \
+ -is_live f -storage_type $storage_type
@@ -996,10 +996,10 @@
foreach {__slot_name __slot} [$__class array get db_slot] {
#my log "--slot = $__slot"
if {
- $__slot eq "::xo::db::Object::slot::object_title" ||
- $__slot eq "::xo::db::CrItem::slot::name" ||
+ $__slot eq "::xo::db::Object::slot::object_title" ||
+ $__slot eq "::xo::db::CrItem::slot::name" ||
$__slot eq "::xo::db::CrItem::slot::publish_date"
- } continue
+ } continue
my instvar $__slot_name
if {![info exists $__slot_name]} {set $__slot_name ""}
lappend __atts [$__slot column_name]
@@ -1012,8 +1012,8 @@
set revision_id [xo::dc nextval acs_object_id_seq]
if {![my exists name] || $name eq ""} {
- # we have an autonamed item, use a unique value for the name
- set name [expr {[my exists __autoname_prefix] ?
+ # we have an autonamed item, use a unique value for the name
+ set name [expr {[my exists __autoname_prefix] ?
"[my set __autoname_prefix]$revision_id" : $revision_id}]
if {$title eq ""} {
@@ -1022,13 +1022,13 @@
#my msg --[subst [[self class] set content_item__new_args]]
set item_id [eval ::xo::db::sql::content_item new \
- [[self class] set content_item__new_args]]
+ [[self class] set content_item__new_args]]
if {$storage_type eq "file"} {
set text [cr_create_content_file $item_id $revision_id $import_file]
::xo::dc [::xo::dc insert-view-operation] revision_add \
- [[my info class] insert_statement $__atts $__vars]
+ [[my info class] insert_statement $__atts $__vars]
my fix_content $revision_id $text
if {$live_p} {
@@ -1094,8 +1094,8 @@
my instvar package_id
set base [$package_id url]
set sql [::xo::dc select \
- -map_function_names true \
- -vars ", r.revision_id as version_id,\
+ -map_function_names true \
+ -vars ", r.revision_id as version_id,\
person__name(o.creation_user) as author, \
o.creation_user as author_id, \
to_char(o.last_modified,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as last_modified_ansi,\
@@ -1104,56 +1104,56 @@
acs_permission__permission_p(r.revision_id,:user_id,'delete') as delete_p,\
content_revision__get_number(r.revision_id) as version_number " \
- -from "cr_items ci, cr_revisions r, acs_objects o" \
- -where "ci.item_id = :page_id and r.item_id = ci.item_id and o.object_id = r.revision_id
+ -from "cr_items ci, cr_revisions r, acs_objects o" \
+ -where "ci.item_id = :page_id and r.item_id = ci.item_id and o.object_id = r.revision_id
and exists (select 1 from acs_object_party_privilege_map m
where m.object_id = r.revision_id
and m.party_id = :user_id
and m.privilege = 'read')" \
- -orderby "r.revision_id desc"]
+ -orderby "r.revision_id desc"]
::xo::dc foreach revisions_select $sql {
if {$content_length < 1024} {
- if {$content_length eq ""} {set content_length 0}
- set content_size_pretty "[lc_numeric $content_length] [_ file-storage.bytes]"
+ if {$content_length eq ""} {set content_length 0}
+ set content_size_pretty "[lc_numeric $content_length] [_ file-storage.bytes]"
} else {
- set content_size_pretty "[lc_numeric [format %.2f [expr {$content_length/1024.0}]]] [_ file-storage.kb]"
+ set content_size_pretty "[lc_numeric [format %.2f [expr {$content_length/1024.0}]]] [_ file-storage.kb]"
set last_modified_ansi [lc_time_system_to_conn $last_modified_ansi]
if {$version_id != $live_revision_id} {
- set live_revision "Make this Revision Current"
- set live_revision_icon /resources/acs-subsite/radio.gif
+ set live_revision "Make this Revision Current"
+ set live_revision_icon /resources/acs-subsite/radio.gif
} else {
- set live_revision "Current Live Revision"
- set live_revision_icon /resources/acs-subsite/radiochecked.gif
+ set live_revision "Current Live Revision"
+ set live_revision_icon /resources/acs-subsite/radiochecked.gif
set live_revision_link [export_vars -base $base \
- {{m make-live-revision} {revision_id $version_id}}]
+ {{m make-live-revision} {revision_id $version_id}}]
t1 add \
- -version_number $version_number: \
- -edit.href [export_vars -base $base {{revision_id $version_id}}] \
- -author $author \
- -content_size $content_size_pretty \
- -last_modified_ansi [lc_time_fmt $last_modified_ansi "%x %X"] \
- -description $description \
- -live_revision.src $live_revision_icon \
- -live_revision.title $live_revision \
- -live_revision.href $live_revision_link \
- -version_delete.href [export_vars -base $base \
- {{m delete-revision} {revision_id $version_id}}] \
- -version_delete.title [_ file-storage.Delete_Version]
+ -version_number $version_number: \
+ -edit.href [export_vars -base $base {{revision_id $version_id}}] \
+ -author $author \
+ -content_size $content_size_pretty \
+ -last_modified_ansi [lc_time_fmt $last_modified_ansi "%x %X"] \
+ -description $description \
+ -live_revision.src $live_revision_icon \
+ -live_revision.title $live_revision \
+ -live_revision.href $live_revision_link \
+ -version_delete.href [export_vars -base $base \
+ {{m delete-revision} {revision_id $version_id}}] \
+ -version_delete.title [_ file-storage.Delete_Version]
[t1 last_child] set payload(revision_id) $version_id
if {$isAdmin} {
- set show_revision_link [export_vars -base $base \
- {{m show-object} {revision_id $version_id}}]
- [t1 last_child] set show show
- [t1 last_child] set show.href $show_revision_link
+ set show_revision_link [export_vars -base $base \
+ {{m show-object} {revision_id $version_id}}]
+ [t1 last_child] set show show
+ [t1 last_child] set show.href $show_revision_link
@@ -1213,8 +1213,8 @@
-table_name "images" -id_column "image_id" \
-object_type image \
-slots {
- ::xo::db::CrAttribute create width -datatype integer
- ::xo::db::CrAttribute create height -datatype integer
+ ::xo::db::CrAttribute create width -datatype integer
+ ::xo::db::CrAttribute create height -datatype integer
@@ -1235,14 +1235,14 @@
-datatype text -pretty_name "Description" -spec "textarea,cols=80,rows=2"
# the package_id in folders is deprecated, the one in acs_objects should be used
} \
+ \
-ad_doc {
This is a generic class that represents a "cr_folder"
XoWiki specific methods are currently directly mixed
into all instances of this class.
@see ::xowiki::Folder
- }
+ }
# TODO: the following block should not be necessary We should get
# rid of the old "folder object" in xowiki and use parameter pages
@@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@
} {
returns the SQL-query to select the CrItems of the specified object_type
@select_attributes attributes for the sql query to be retrieved, in addition
- to item_id, name, publish_status, object_type which are always returned
+ to item_id, name, publish_status, object_type which are always returned
@param orderby for ordering the solution set
@param where_clause clause for restricting the answer set
@param with_subtypes return subtypes as well
@@ -1341,11 +1341,11 @@
set sql [::xo::dc select \
- -vars $attribute_selection \
- -from "$acs_objects_table cr_folders cf $from_clause" \
- -where [join $cond " and "] \
- -orderby $orderby \
- -limit $limit -offset $offset]
+ -vars $attribute_selection \
+ -from "$acs_objects_table cr_folders cf $from_clause" \
+ -where [join $cond " and "] \
+ -orderby $orderby \
+ -limit $limit -offset $offset]
return $sql
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@
Usually, the id of the item that is fetched from the database is used. However,
XoWiki's "folder objects" (i.e. an ::xowiki::Object instance that can be used
- to configure the respective instance) are created using the acs_object_id of the
+ to configure the respective instance) are created using the acs_object_id of the
root folder of the xowiki instance, which is actually the id of another acs_object.
Because of this, we cannot simply create the instances of CrFolder using the
@@ -1422,8 +1422,8 @@
-description [my description] \
-parent_id $parent_id \
-package_id $package_id \
- -creation_user $creation_user \
- -creation_ip $creation_ip]
+ -creation_user $creation_user \
+ -creation_ip $creation_ip]
#parent_s has_child_folders attribute could have become outdated
if { [my isobject ::$parent_id] } {
::$parent_id set has_child_folders t
@@ -1448,10 +1448,10 @@
content::folder::update \
-folder_id $folder_id \
-attributes [list \
- [list name [my set name]] \
- [list label [my set label]] \
- [list description [my set description]]\
- ]
+ [list name [my set name]] \
+ [list label [my set label]] \
+ [list description [my set description]]\
+ ]
my get_context package_id user_id ip
::xo::dc 1row _ "select acs_object__update_last_modified(:folder_id,$user,'$ip')"
@@ -1503,13 +1503,13 @@
# the object from the cache; check if the object exists already
# or create it.
if {[my isobject $object]} {
- # There would have been no need to call this method. We could
+ # There would have been no need to call this method. We could
# raise an error here.
- # my log "--!! $object exists already"
+ # my log "--!! $object exists already"
} else {
- # Create the object from the serialization and initialize it
+ # Create the object from the serialization and initialize it
eval $serialized_object
- if {$initialize} {$object initialize_loaded_object}
+ if {$initialize} {$object initialize_loaded_object}
return $object
@@ -1554,11 +1554,11 @@
set scalars {}
foreach x [my info vars __*] {
if {[my array exists $x]} {
- lappend arrays $x [my array get $x]
- my array unset $x
+ lappend arrays $x [my array get $x]
+ my array unset $x
} {
- lappend scalars $x [my set $x]
- my unset $x
+ lappend scalars $x [my set $x]
+ my unset $x
return [list $arrays $scalars]
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/generic-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/generic-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.94.6.2 -r1.94.6.3
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/generic-procs.tcl 11 Feb 2014 11:53:09 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/generic-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:45 -0000
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
- fields: form elements as described in
- ad_form.
+ ad_form.
- data: data object (e.g. instance if CrItem)
- folder_id: associated folder id
- name: of this form, used for naming the template,
- defaults to the object name
+ defaults to the object name
- add_page_title: page title when adding content items
- edit_page_title: page title when editing content items
- with_categories: display form with categories (default false)
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
-privilege $privilege
set edit_form_page_title [if {$privilege eq "create"} \
- {my add_page_title} {my edit_page_title}]
+ {my add_page_title} {my edit_page_title}]
set context [list $edit_form_page_title]
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
ad_returnredirect $link
Form ad_instproc generate {
{-template "formTemplate"}
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/http-client-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/http-client-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.29.6.2 -r1.29.6.3
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/http-client-procs.tcl 30 Sep 2013 11:38:41 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/http-client-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:45 -0000
@@ -39,17 +39,17 @@
# (providing post_data causes the POST request).
# set r [::xo::HttpRequest new \
- # -url http://yourhost.yourdomain/yourpath \
- # -post_data [export_vars {var1 var2}] \
- # -content_type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"]
+ # -url http://yourhost.yourdomain/yourpath \
+ # -post_data [export_vars {var1 var2}] \
+ # -content_type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"]
# More recently, we added timeout support for blocking http
# requests. By passing a timeout parameter, you gain control
# on the total roundtrip time (in milliseconds, ms):
# set r [::xo::HttpRequest new \
- # -url \
- # -timeout 1500]
+ # -url \
+ # -timeout 1500]
# Please, make sure that you use a recent distribution of tclthread
# ( > 2.6.5 ) to have the blocking-timeout feature working
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
# CVS snapshot, dating at least 2008-05-23. E.g.:
# cvs -z3 co \
- # -D 20080523 -d thread2.6.5~20080523 thread
+ # -D 20080523 -d thread2.6.5~20080523 thread
# Provided that the Tcl module tls (see e.g.
# is available and can be loaded via "package require tls" into
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
# bgdelivery thread.
# ::bgdelivery do ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest new \
- # -url "" \
- # -mixin ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest::SimpleListener
+ # -url "" \
+ # -mixin ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest::SimpleListener
# -proc finalize {obj status value} { my destroy }
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
Attribute create method
Attribute create post_data -default ""
Attribute create content_type \
- -default "text/plain; charset=[ns_config ns/parameters OutputCharset iso-8859-1]"
+ -default "text/plain; charset=[ns_config ns/parameters OutputCharset iso-8859-1]"
Attribute create request_header_fields -default {}
Attribute create user_agent -default "xohttp/0.2"
@@ -228,12 +228,12 @@
# (B) If the "charset" is omitted, certain default values apply (!):
- # (B.1) RFC 3023 text/* registrations default to us-ascii (!),
- # and not iso-8859-1 (overruling RFC 2616).
+ # (B.1) RFC 3023 text/* registrations default to us-ascii (!),
+ # and not iso-8859-1 (overruling RFC 2616).
# (B.2) RFC 3023 application/* and non-text "+xml" registrations
- # are to be left untreated (in our context, no encoding
- # filtering is to be applied -> "binary")
+ # are to be left untreated (in our context, no encoding
+ # filtering is to be applied -> "binary")
# (B.3) RFC 2616 text/* registration (if not covered by B.1)
# default to iso-8859-1
@@ -253,16 +253,16 @@
if {[regexp {^text/.*$|^.*/xml.*$|^.*\+xml.*$} $content_type]} {
# Case (A): Check for an explicitly provided charset parameter
if {[regexp {;\s*charset\s*=([^;]*)} $content_type _ charset]} {
- set enc [ns_encodingforcharset [string trim $charset]]
+ set enc [ns_encodingforcharset [string trim $charset]]
# Case (B.1)
if {$enc eq "" && [regexp {^text/xml.*$|text/.*\+xml.*$} $content_type]} {
- set enc [ns_encodingforcharset us-ascii]
+ set enc [ns_encodingforcharset us-ascii]
# Case (B.3)
if {$enc eq "" && [string match "text/*" $content_type]} {
- set enc [ns_encodingforcharset iso-8859-1]
+ set enc [ns_encodingforcharset iso-8859-1]
@@ -314,8 +314,8 @@
puts $S "Host: $host"
puts $S "User-Agent: [my user_agent]"
foreach {tag value} [my request_header_fields] {
- #regsub -all \[\n\r\] $value {} value
- #set tag [string trim $tag]
+ #regsub -all \[\n\r\] $value {} value
+ #set tag [string trim $tag]
puts $S "$tag: $value"
my $method
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
-1 {my finish; return}
if {[regexp {^HTTP/([0-9.]+) +([0-9]+) *} $response _ \
- responseHttpVersion status_code]} {
+ responseHttpVersion status_code]} {
my reply_first_line_done
} else {
my cancel "unexpected-response '$response'"
@@ -404,20 +404,20 @@
while {1} {
set n [my getLine response]
switch -exact -- $n {
- -2 {my cancel premature-eof; return}
- -1 {continue}
- 0 {break}
- default {
- #my debug "--header $response"
- if {[regexp -nocase {^content-length:(.+)$} $response _ length]} {
- my set content_length [string trim $length]
- } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^content-type:(.+)$} $response _ type]} {
- my set content_type [string trim $type]
- }
- if {[regexp -nocase {^([^:]+): *(.+)$} $response _ key value]} {
- my lappend meta [string tolower $key] $value
- }
- }
+ -2 {my cancel premature-eof; return}
+ -1 {continue}
+ 0 {break}
+ default {
+ #my debug "--header $response"
+ if {[regexp -nocase {^content-length:(.+)$} $response _ length]} {
+ my set content_length [string trim $length]
+ } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^content-type:(.+)$} $response _ type]} {
+ my set content_type [string trim $type]
+ }
+ if {[regexp -nocase {^([^:]+): *(.+)$} $response _ key value]} {
+ my lappend meta [string tolower $key] $value
+ }
+ }
my reply_header_done
@@ -474,40 +474,40 @@
set mutex [thread::mutex create]
thread::mutex lock $mutex
# start the asynchronous request
my debug "--a create new ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest"
set req [bgdelivery do -async ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest new \
- -mixin ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest::RequestManager \
- -url [my url] \
- -timeout [my timeout] \
- -post_data [my post_data] \
- -request_header_fields [my request_header_fields] \
- -content_type [my content_type] \
- -user_agent [my user_agent] \
- -condition $cond]
+ -mixin ::xo::AsyncHttpRequest::RequestManager \
+ -url [my url] \
+ -timeout [my timeout] \
+ -post_data [my post_data] \
+ -request_header_fields [my request_header_fields] \
+ -content_type [my content_type] \
+ -user_agent [my user_agent] \
+ -condition $cond]
while {1} {
- my set_status $cond COND_WAIT_TIMEOUT
- thread::cond wait $cond $mutex [my timeout]
+ my set_status $cond COND_WAIT_TIMEOUT
+ thread::cond wait $cond $mutex [my timeout]
- set status [my get_status $cond]
- my debug "status after cond-wait $status"
+ set status [my get_status $cond]
+ my debug "status after cond-wait $status"
- if {$status ne "COND_WAIT_REFRESH"} break
+ if {$status ne "COND_WAIT_REFRESH"} break
if {$status eq "COND_WAIT_TIMEOUT"} {
- my set_status $cond "COND_WAIT_CANCELED"
+ my set_status $cond "COND_WAIT_CANCELED"
set status_value [my get_value_for_status $cond]
if {$status eq "JOB_COMPLETED"} {
- my set data $status_value
+ my set data $status_value
} else {
- set msg "Timeout-constraint, blocking HTTP request failed. Reason: '$status'"
- if {$status_value ne ""} {
- append msg " ($status_value)"
- }
- error $msg
+ set msg "Timeout-constraint, blocking HTTP request failed. Reason: '$status'"
+ if {$status_value ne ""} {
+ append msg " ($status_value)"
+ }
+ error $msg
thread::cond destroy $cond
thread::mutex unlock $mutex
@@ -521,11 +521,11 @@
# my log "after core init, S?[my exists S]"
if {[my exists S]} {
- my send_request
+ my send_request
# Asynchronous (non-blocking) requests
@@ -646,45 +646,45 @@
Class create AsyncHttpRequest::SimpleListener \
-instproc init {} {
- my debug "INIT- NEXT=[self next]"
- # register request object as its own request_manager
- my request_manager [self]
- next
+ my debug "INIT- NEXT=[self next]"
+ # register request object as its own request_manager
+ my request_manager [self]
+ next
} -instproc start_request {payload obj} {
- my debug "request $obj started"
+ my debug "request $obj started"
} -instproc request_data {payload obj} {
- my debug "partial or complete post"
+ my debug "partial or complete post"
} -instproc start_reply {payload obj} {
- my debug "reply $obj started"
+ my debug "reply $obj started"
} -instproc reply_data {payload obj} {
- my debug "partial or complete delivery"
+ my debug "partial or complete delivery"
} -instproc finalize {obj status value} {
- my debug "finalize $obj $status"
- # this is called as a single method after success or failure
- next
+ my debug "finalize $obj $status"
+ # this is called as a single method after success or failure
+ next
} -instproc success {payload obj} {
- my debug "[string length $payload] bytes payload"
- #if {[string length $payload]<600} {my log payload=$payload}
- # this is called as after a succesful request
- my finalize $obj "JOB_COMPLETED" $payload
+ my debug "[string length $payload] bytes payload"
+ #if {[string length $payload]<600} {my log payload=$payload}
+ # this is called as after a succesful request
+ my finalize $obj "JOB_COMPLETED" $payload
} -instproc failure {reason obj} {
- my log "[self proc] [self args]"
- my log "failed for '$reason'"
- # this is called as after an unsuccesful request
- my finalize $obj "JOB_FAILED" $reason
+ my log "[self proc] [self args]"
+ my log "failed for '$reason'"
+ # this is called as after an unsuccesful request
+ my finalize $obj "JOB_FAILED" $reason
} -instproc unknown {method args} {
- my log "[self proc] [self args]"
- my log "UNKNOWN $method"
+ my log "[self proc] [self args]"
+ my log "UNKNOWN $method"
# Mixin class, used to turn instances of
# AsyncHttpRequest into result callbacks
# in the scope of bgdelivery, realising
@@ -694,51 +694,51 @@
Class create AsyncHttpRequest::RequestManager \
-superclass AsyncHttpRequest::SimpleListener \
-slots {
- Attribute create condition
+ Attribute create condition
} -instproc finalize {obj status value} {
- # set the result and do the notify
- my instvar condition
- # If a job was canceled, the status variable might not exist
- # anymore, the condition might be already gone as well. In
- # this case, we do not have to perform the cond-notify.
- if {[my exists_status $condition] &&
- [my get_status $condition] eq "COND_WAIT_REFRESH"} {
- }
- if {[my exists_status $condition] &&
- ( [my get_status $condition] eq "COND_WAIT_REFRESH"
- || [my get_status $condition] eq "COND_WAIT_TIMEOUT")
- } {
+ # set the result and do the notify
+ my instvar condition
+ # If a job was canceled, the status variable might not exist
+ # anymore, the condition might be already gone as well. In
+ # this case, we do not have to perform the cond-notify.
+ if {[my exists_status $condition] &&
+ [my get_status $condition] eq "COND_WAIT_REFRESH"} {
+ }
+ if {[my exists_status $condition] &&
+ ( [my get_status $condition] eq "COND_WAIT_REFRESH"
+ || [my get_status $condition] eq "COND_WAIT_TIMEOUT")
+ } {
# Before, we had here one COND_WAIT_TIMEOUT, and once
- my set_status $condition $status $value
- catch {thread::cond notify $condition}
- $obj debug "--- destroying after finish"
- $obj destroy
- }
+ my set_status $condition $status $value
+ catch {thread::cond notify $condition}
+ $obj debug "--- destroying after finish"
+ $obj destroy
+ }
} -instproc set_cond_timeout {} {
- my instvar condition
- if {[my exists_status $condition] &&
- [my get_status $condition] eq "COND_WAIT_TIMEOUT"} {
- my set_status $condition COND_WAIT_REFRESH
- catch {thread::cond notify $condition}
- }
+ my instvar condition
+ if {[my exists_status $condition] &&
+ [my get_status $condition] eq "COND_WAIT_TIMEOUT"} {
+ my set_status $condition COND_WAIT_REFRESH
+ catch {thread::cond notify $condition}
+ }
} -instproc start_request {payload obj} {
- my debug "JOB start request $obj"
- my set_cond_timeout
+ my debug "JOB start request $obj"
+ my set_cond_timeout
} -instproc request_data {payload obj} {
- my debug "JOB request data $obj [string length $payload]"
- my set_cond_timeout
+ my debug "JOB request data $obj [string length $payload]"
+ my set_cond_timeout
} -instproc start_reply {payload obj} {
- my debug "JOB start reply $obj"
- my set_cond_timeout
+ my debug "JOB start reply $obj"
+ my set_cond_timeout
} -instproc reply_data {payload obj} {
- my debug "JOB reply data $obj [string length $payload]"
- my set_cond_timeout
+ my debug "JOB reply data $obj [string length $payload]"
+ my set_cond_timeout
@@ -805,10 +805,17 @@
catch {close [my set F]}
# To activate trace for all requests, uncomment the following line.
# To trace a single request, mixin ::xo::HttpRequestTrace into the request.
# HttpCore instmixin add ::xo::HttpRequestTrace
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/ical-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/ical-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.9 -r1.9.2.1
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/ical-procs.tcl 31 Jul 2012 12:25:22 -0000 1.9
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/ical-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:45 -0000
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
if {![info exists value]} {
if {[my exists $slot]} {
- set value [my $slot]
+ set value [my $slot]
} else {
- return ""
+ return ""
if {[info exists conv]} {
@@ -128,20 +128,20 @@
::xo::ical::VCALITEM instproc start_end {} {
if {[my is_day_item]} {
append result \
- [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_local_day dtstart] \
- [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_local_day dtend]
+ [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_local_day dtstart] \
+ [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_local_day dtend]
} else {
append result \
- [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc dtstart] \
- [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc dtend]
+ [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc dtstart] \
+ [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc dtend]
::xo::ical::VCALITEM instproc as_ical {} {
set item_type [namespace tail [my info class]]
append t "BEGIN:$item_type\r\n" \
- [my ical_body] \
- "END:$item_type\r\n"
+ [my ical_body] \
+ "END:$item_type\r\n"
return $t
@@ -174,31 +174,32 @@
append t \
- [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc -value $tcl_creation_date created] \
- [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc -value $tcl_last_modified last-modified] \
- [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc -value $tcl_stamp dtstamp] \
- [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc dtstart] \
- [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc dtend] \
- [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc completed] \
- [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc percent-complete] \
- [my tag transp] \
- [my tag uid] \
- [my tag url] \
- [my tag geo] \
- [my tag priority] \
- [my tag sequence] \
- [my tag CLASS] \
- [my tag location] \
- [my tag status] \
- [my tag -conv text_to_ical description] \
- [my tag -conv text_to_ical summary] \
- [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc due]
+ [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc -value $tcl_creation_date created] \
+ [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc -value $tcl_last_modified last-modified] \
+ [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc -value $tcl_stamp dtstamp] \
+ [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc dtstart] \
+ [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc dtend] \
+ [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc completed] \
+ [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc percent-complete] \
+ [my tag transp] \
+ [my tag uid] \
+ [my tag url] \
+ [my tag geo] \
+ [my tag priority] \
+ [my tag sequence] \
+ [my tag CLASS] \
+ [my tag location] \
+ [my tag status] \
+ [my tag -conv text_to_ical description] \
+ [my tag -conv text_to_ical summary] \
+ [my tag -conv tcl_time_to_utc due]
if {[my exists formatted_recurrences]} {
append t [my set formatted_recurrences]
return $t
@@ -275,3 +276,10 @@
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/install-check-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/install-check-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.4.8.1 -r1.4.8.2
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/install-check-procs.tcl 30 Sep 2013 11:38:41 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/install-check-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:45 -0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
Please follow the install instructions on"
} elseif {$::xotcl::version < 1.5} {
error " XOTcl 1.5 or newer required. You are using $::xotcl::version$::xotcl::patchlevel.\n\
- Please install a new version of XOTcl (see"
+ Please install a new version of XOTcl (see"
} else {
ns_log notice "XOTcl $::xotcl::version$::xotcl::patchlevel is installed on your system."
@@ -46,4 +46,12 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/policy-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/policy-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.22.2.2 -r1.22.2.3
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/policy-procs.tcl 11 Feb 2014 11:53:09 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/policy-procs.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:20:45 -0000
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
set condition [lindex $p 0]
if {[llength $condition]>1} {
# we have a condition
- lassign $condition cond value
+ lassign $condition cond value
if {[$object condition=$cond $query_context $value]} {
return [my get_privilege [list [lrange $p 1 end]] $object $method]
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@
#ns_log notice "---check [list $object info class]"
set c [$object info class]
foreach class [concat $c [$c info heritage]] {
- set c [self]::[namespace tail $class]
- if {![my isclass $c]} continue
- set permission [my get_permission -check_classes false $class $method]
- if {$permission ne ""} break
+ set c [self]::[namespace tail $class]
+ if {![my isclass $c]} continue
+ set permission [my get_permission -check_classes false $class $method]
+ if {$permission ne ""} break
return $permission
@@ -148,16 +148,16 @@
lassign [my get_privilege -query_context $ctx $permission $object $method] kind p
#my msg "--privilege = $p kind = $kind"
switch -- $kind {
- primitive {return [my check_privilege -login false \
- -package_id $package_id -user_id $user_id \
- $p $object $method]}
- complex {
- lassign $p attribute privilege
- set id [$object set $attribute]
- #my msg "--p checking permission -object_id /$id/ -privilege $privilege -party_id $user_id\
- # ==> [::xo::cc permission -object_id $id -privilege $privilege -party_id $user_id]"
- return [::xo::cc permission -object_id $id -privilege $privilege -party_id $user_id]
- }
+ primitive {return [my check_privilege -login false \
+ -package_id $package_id -user_id $user_id \
+ $p $object $method]}
+ complex {
+ lassign $p attribute privilege
+ set id [$object set $attribute]
+ #my msg "--p checking permission -object_id /$id/ -privilege $privilege -party_id $user_id\
+ # ==> [::xo::cc permission -object_id $id -privilege $privilege -party_id $user_id]"
+ return [::xo::cc permission -object_id $id -privilege $privilege -party_id $user_id]
+ }
return 0
@@ -181,19 +181,19 @@
if {$permission ne ""} {
lassign [my get_privilege $permission $object $method] kind p
switch -- $kind {
- primitive {
- set allowed [my check_privilege \
- -user_id $user_id -package_id $package_id \
- $p $object $method]
- set privilege $p
- }
- complex {
- lassign $p attribute privilege
- set id [$object set $attribute]
- set allowed [::xo::cc permission -object_id $id \
- -privilege $privilege \
- -party_id $user_id]
+ primitive {
+ set allowed [my check_privilege \
+ -user_id $user_id -package_id $package_id \
+ $p $object $method]
+ set privilege $p
+ complex {
+ lassign $p attribute privilege
+ set id [$object set $attribute]
+ set allowed [::xo::cc permission -object_id $id \
+ -privilege $privilege \
+ -party_id $user_id]
+ }
@@ -202,18 +202,25 @@
if {!$allowed} {
set untrusted_user_id [::xo::cc set untrusted_user_id]
if {$permission eq ""} {
- ns_log notice "enforce_permissions: no permission for $object->$method defined"
+ ns_log notice "enforce_permissions: no permission for $object->$method defined"
} elseif {$user_id == 0 && $untrusted_user_id} {
ns_log notice "enforce_permissions: force login, user_id=0 and untrusted_id=$untrusted_user_id"
} else {
- ns_log notice "enforce_permissions: $user_id doesn't have $privilege on $object"
+ ns_log notice "enforce_permissions: $user_id doesn't have $privilege on $object"
- ad_return_forbidden "[_ xotcl-core.permission_denied]" [_ xotcl-core.policy-error-insufficient_permissions]
+ ad_return_forbidden "[_ xotcl-core.permission_denied]" [_ xotcl-core.policy-error-insufficient_permissions]
return $allowed
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/www/cache.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/www/cache.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.5.6.1 -r1.5.6.2
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/www/cache.tcl 5 Dec 2013 08:11:19 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/www/cache.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:23:18 -0000
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
TableWidget t1 \
-actions [subst {
- Action new -label Refresh -url [ad_conn url] -tooltip "Reload this page"
+ Action new -label Refresh -url [ad_conn url] -tooltip "Reload this page"
}] \
-columns {
AnchorField name -label "Name"
@@ -96,3 +96,9 @@
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/www/show-class-graph.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/www/show-class-graph.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.8.6.3 -r1.8.6.4
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/www/show-class-graph.tcl 5 Oct 2013 12:33:44 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/www/show-class-graph.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:23:18 -0000
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
set reduced_sc [list]
foreach sc [$e info superclass] {
if {$omit_base_classes && $sc eq "::xotcl::Object"
- || $sc eq "::xotcl::Class"} continue
+ || $sc eq "::xotcl::Class"} continue
lappend reduced_sc $sc
if {$reduced_sc eq {}} continue
@@ -169,3 +169,11 @@
#set f [open $ w]; puts $f $dot_code; close $f
#file delete $
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
Index: openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/www/show-object.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/www/show-object.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.15.6.5 -r1.15.6.6
--- openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/www/show-object.tcl 24 Sep 2013 20:17:46 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xotcl-core/www/show-object.tcl 14 Feb 2014 18:23:18 -0000
@@ -22,18 +22,18 @@
# scope must be an object, otherwise something is wrong.
if {$scope ne "" && ![xo::getObjectProperty $scope isobject]} {
- set isobject 0
+ set isobject 0
} else {
- set isobject [::xotcl::api isobject $scope $object]
+ set isobject [::xotcl::api isobject $scope $object]
if {$scope ne ""} {
- auth::require_login
+ auth::require_login
if {!$isobject} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "Unable to access object $object.
- Might this be a temporary object?"
+ Might this be a temporary object?"
@@ -67,17 +67,17 @@
{ 0 "Hide Variables" }
- }]
proc api_documentation {scope object kind method} {
upvar show_methods show_methods
set proc_index [::xotcl::api proc_index $scope $object $kind $method]
if {[nsv_exists api_proc_doc $proc_index]} {
set documentation [api_proc_documentation \
- -first_line_tag "
" \
- -label "$kind $method" \
- $proc_index]
+ -first_line_tag "" \
+ -label "$kind $method" \
+ $proc_index]
set result $documentation
} else {
if {$show_methods == 2} {
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
if { [info exists doc_elements(cvs-id)] } {
append output "- CVS Identification:\n
- \
[ns_quotehtml [lindex $doc_elements(cvs-id) 0]]
+ [ns_quotehtml [lindex $doc_elements(cvs-id) 0]]
append output "\n"
@@ -261,9 +261,9 @@
set output "- $out"
if { $show_source } {
append output \
- "
" \
- [api_tcl_to_html [::xotcl::api proc_index $scope $object $proc $m]] \
+ "" \
+ [api_tcl_to_html [::xotcl::api proc_index $scope $object $proc $m]] \
return $output
@@ -289,12 +289,12 @@
set out [api_documentation $scope $object instproc $m]
if {$out ne ""} {
append output " - $out"
- if { $show_source } {
- append output \
- "
" \
- [api_tcl_to_html [::xotcl::api proc_index $scope $object instproc $m]] \
- }
+ if { $show_source } {
+ append output \
+ "" \
+ [api_tcl_to_html [::xotcl::api proc_index $scope $object instproc $m]] \
+ }
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
if {$vars ne ""} {
append output "Variables
\n" \
- [::xotcl::api source_to_html $vars] \n
+ [::xotcl::api source_to_html $vars] \n
@@ -324,11 +324,18 @@
set instances [string trimright $instances ", "]
if {$instances ne ""} {
append output "Instances
\n" \
- \n \
- $instances \
+ \n \
+ $instances \
DO $s destroy
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# tcl-indent-level: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End: