[ns_quotehtml ${:title}]
- [lang::util::localize $HTML]
- }]
- set HTML ""
- }
- if {$revision_id ne ""} {
- set r [::xowiki::FormPage get_instance_from_db -revision_id $revision_id]
- if {[$r item_id] ni [lmap i [$items children] {$i item_id}]} {
- error "invalid revision id '$revision_id' provided"
- }
- $items destroy
- set items [::xo::OrderedComposite new -destroy_on_cleanup]
- $items add $r
- }
- if {$export} {
- set recutil [xowf::test_item::answer_manager recutil_create \
- -clear \
- -exam_id [$wf parent_id] \
- -fn [expr {$filter_id eq "" ? "all.rec" : "$filter_id.rec"}]
- ]
- }
- foreach i [$items children] {
- $i set online-exam-userName [acs_user::get_element -user_id [$i creation_user] -element username]
- $i set online-exam-fullName [::xo::get_user_name [$i creation_user]]
- }
- $items orderby online-exam-userName
- foreach i [$items children] {
- set userName [$i set online-exam-userName]
- set fullName [$i set online-exam-fullName]
- #if {[$i state] ne "done"} {
- # ns_log notice "online-exam: submission of $userName is not finished (state [$i state])"
- # #continue
- #}
- set revisions [$i get_revision_sets]
- if {[llength $revisions] <=1 } {
- # just an initial revision
- ns_log notice "online-exam: submission of $userName is empty. Ignoring."
- continue
- }
- #
- # The call to "render_content" calls actually the
- # "summary_form" of online/inclass-exam-answer.wf when the submit
- # instance is in state "done". We set the __feedback_mode to
- # get the auto-correction included.
- #
- foreach f [::xowiki::formfield::FormField info instances -closure] {
- #ns_log notice "FF could DESTROY $f [$f name]"
- if {[string match *_ [$f name]]} {
- #ns_log notice "FF DESTROY $f [$f name]"
- $f destroy
- }
- }
- $wf form_field_flush_cache
- set achieved_points {}
- xo::cc eval_as_user -user_id [$i creation_user] {
- $i set __feedback_mode 2
- $i set __form_objs $form_objs
- set question_form [$i render_content]
- if {$export} {
- xowf::test_item::answer_manager export_answer \
- -user_answers $i \
- -html $question_form \
- -combined_form_info $combined_form_info \
- -recutil $recutil
- }
- if {$withSignature || $autograde} {
- set answerAttributes [xowf::test_item::renaming_form_loader \
- answer_attributes [$i instance_attributes]]
- if {$autograde} {
- set achieved_points [xowf::test_item::answer_manager achieved_points \
- -answer_object $i -answer_attributes $answerAttributes]
- dict set achieved_points totalPoints $totalPoints
- #ns_log notice "==== www-print-answers: $userName achieved_points $achieved_points"
- #foreach detailInfo [dict get $achieved_points details] {
- # set questionObj [dict get $nameToQuestionObj [dict get $detailInfo attributeName]]
- # ns_log notice ".... $detailInfo item_id [$questionObj item_id]"
- #}
- }
- }
- }
- if {$withSignature} {
- set sha256 [ns_md string -digest sha256 $answerAttributes]
- set signatureString "
online-exam-actual_signature: $sha256
- set submissionSignature [$i property signature ""]
- if {$submissionSignature ne ""} {
- append signatureString "
#xowf.online-exam-submission_signature#: $submissionSignature
- }
- } else {
- set signatureString ""
- }
- set time [::xo::db::tcl_date [$i property _last_modified] tz_var]
- set pretty_date [clock format [clock scan $time] -format "%Y-%m-%d"]
- if {$filter_id ne "" && [:property proctoring] eq "t"} {
- set user_id [$i creation_user]
- set img_url [:pretty_link -query m=proctor-image&user_id=$user_id]
- set proctoring_dir [proctoring::folder \
- -object_id ${:item_id} \
- -user_id $user_id]
- set files [glob -nocomplain -directory $proctoring_dir *.*]
- #ns_log notice "proctoring_dir $proctoring_dir files $files"
- if {$revision_id ne ""} {
- set filtered_revisions [xowf::test_item::answer_manager revisions_up_to $revisions $revision_id]
- } else {
- set filtered_revisions $revisions
- }
- set start_date [ns_set get [lindex $filtered_revisions 0] creation_date]
- set end_date [ns_set get [lindex $filtered_revisions end] creation_date]
- set start_clock [clock scan [::xo::db::tcl_date $start_date tz_var]]
- set end_clock [clock scan [::xo::db::tcl_date $end_date tz_var]]
- set image ""
- #ns_log notice "start date $start_date end_date $end_date / $start_clock $end_clock"
- foreach f $files {
- #ns_log notice "check: $f"
- if {[regexp {/([^/]+)-(\d+)[.](webm|png|jpeg)$} $f . type stamp ext]} {
- set inWindow [expr {$stamp >= $start_clock && $stamp <= $end_clock}]
- ns_log notice "parsed $type $stamp $ext $inWindow $stamp \
- [clock format $stamp -format {%m-%d %H:%M:%S}] >= \
- $start_clock ([expr {$stamp >= $start_clock}]) \
- && $stamp <= $end_clock ([expr {$stamp <= $end_clock}])"
- if {$inWindow} {
- dict set image $stamp $type $ext
- }
- }
- }
- set markup ""
- foreach ts [lsort -integer [dict keys $image]] {
- #ns_log notice "ts $ts [dict get $image $ts]"
- append markup [subst {
[clock format $ts -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}]
- append markup {
- foreach type {camera-image desktop-image} {
- if {[dict exists $image $ts $type]} {
- set ext [dict get $image $ts $type]
- append markup [subst {
- }
- }
- if {[dict exists $image $ts camera-audio]} {
- set ext [dict get $image $ts camera-audio]
- append markup [subst {
- }
- append markup
- }
- set question_form [subst {
- }]
- }
- if {[llength $form_objs] == 0} {
- set view [expr {$as_student
- ? "student"
- : $filter_id ne ""
- ? "revision_overview"
- : "default"}]
- set gradingInfo [$grading_scheme print -achieved_points $achieved_points]
- set grandingPanel [expr {[dict exists $gradingInfo panel] ? [dict get $gradingInfo panel] : ""}]
- set runtime_panel [xowf::test_item::answer_manager runtime_panel \
- -revision_id $revision_id \
- -view $view \
- -grading_info $grandingPanel \
- $i]
- if {$autograde} {
- set grade [$grading_scheme grade -achieved_points $achieved_points]
- ns_log notice "CSV $userName\t[dict get $gradingInfo csv]"
- dict incr grade_dict $grade
- append grade_csv $userName\t[dict get $gradingInfo csv]\n
- }
- } else {
- set runtime_panel ""
- }
- set heading "$userName · $fullName · $pretty_date"
- append HTML [subst {
- [expr {$as_student ? "" : "
$heading "}]
- $runtime_panel
- $signatureString
- $question_form
- }]
- if {$do_stream} {
- ns_write [lang::util::localize $HTML]
- set HTML " "
- }
- }
- if {$export} {
- $recutil destroy
- }
- }
- if {$HTML eq ""} {
- append HTML "#xowiki.no_data#"
- }
if {!$as_student} {
- if {$autograde} {
- append HTML
[xowf::test_item::answer_manager grading_table -csv $grade_csv $grade_dict]
- }
set return_url [:query_parameter local_return_url:localurl [:pretty_link]]
append HTML "
- #::xo::cc set_parameter template_file view-plain-master
- #::xo::cc set_parameter MenuBar 0
- #xo::Page requireCSS /resources/xowf/test-item.css
if {$do_stream} {
ns_write [lang::util::localize $HTML]
@@ -933,7 +628,9 @@
set object_url $link
set examination_statement_p [expr {![string match *p.try_out_mode=1* $link]}]
set proctoring_options [:property proctoring_options "d c a s"]
- foreach proctoring_parm {d c a s} flag {desktop_p camera_p audio_p examination_statement_p} {
+ foreach \
+ proctoring_parm {d c a s} \
+ flag {desktop_p camera_p audio_p examination_statement_p} {
set $flag [expr {$proctoring_parm in $proctoring_options}]
set preview_p [expr {$desktop_p || $camera_p || $audio_p}]
@@ -1032,12 +729,13 @@
::xowiki::includelet::personal-notification-messages message_add \
-notification_id ${:item_id} \
-to_user_id [${:package_id} query_parameter user_id:integer ""] \
- -payload [list msg [ns_queryget msg] from [xo::cc user_id] urgency [ns_queryget urgency]]
+ -payload [list msg [ns_queryget msg] \
+ from [xo::cc user_id] \
+ urgency [ns_queryget urgency]]
ns_return 200 text/plain ok
Index: openacs-4/packages/xowf/tcl/test-item-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xowf/tcl/test-item-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.7.2.129 -r1.7.2.130
--- openacs-4/packages/xowf/tcl/test-item-procs.tcl 2 May 2021 11:46:16 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xowf/tcl/test-item-procs.tcl 5 May 2021 12:26:10 -0000
@@ -1115,6 +1115,9 @@
+ :method dict_value {dict key {default ""}} {
+ expr {[dict exists $dict $key] ? [dict get $dict $key] : $default}
+ }
namespace eval ::xowf::test_item {
@@ -1329,6 +1332,7 @@
# - runtime_panel
# - render_answers_with_edit_history
+ # - render_answers
# - marked_results
# - answers_panel
@@ -1344,6 +1348,10 @@
# - state_periods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: create_workflow
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method create_workflow {
{-answer_workflow /packages/xowf/lib/online-exam-answer.wf}
{-master_workflow en:Workflow.form}
@@ -1424,8 +1432,10 @@
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: get_label_from_options
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:method get_label_from_options {value options} {
foreach option $options {
if {[lindex $option 1] eq $value} {
@@ -1435,7 +1445,10 @@
return ""
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: recutil_create
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method recutil_create {
{-fn "answers.rec"}
@@ -1464,19 +1477,23 @@
return [::xo::recutil new -file $export_dir$fn]
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: export_answer
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method export_answer {
- -user_answers:object
- -html:required
+ -html:required
+ -submission:object
} {
# Export the provided question and answer in GNU rectuil format.
- #ns_log notice "answers: [$user_answers serialize]"
+ #ns_log notice "answers: [$submission serialize]"
- if {[$user_answers exists __form_fields]} {
- set form_fields [$user_answers set __form_fields]
+ if {[$submission exists __form_fields]} {
+ set form_fields [$submission set __form_fields]
} else {
# We do not have the newest version of xowiki, so locate the
@@ -1493,16 +1510,16 @@
set export_dict ""
- set user [$user_answers set creation_user]
+ set user [$submission set creation_user]
if {![info exists ::__running_ids]} {
set ::__running_ids ""
if {![dict exists $::__running_ids $user]} {
dict set ::__running_ids $user [incr ::__running_id]
- set seeds [$user_answers property seeds]
- set instance_attributes [$user_answers set instance_attributes]
+ set seeds [$submission property seeds]
+ set instance_attributes [$submission set instance_attributes]
set answer_attributes [lmap a $instance_attributes {
if {![string match *_ $a]} {continue}
set a
@@ -1565,8 +1582,10 @@
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: time_window_setup
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:method time_window_setup {parentObj:object {-time_window:required}} {
# Check the provided time_window values, adjust it if necessary,
@@ -1631,8 +1650,10 @@
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: last_time_in_state
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method delete_all_answer_data {obj:object} {
# Delete all instances of the answer workflow
@@ -1645,7 +1666,10 @@
return $wf
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: last_time_in_state
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method delete_scheduled_atjobs {obj:object} {
# Delete previously scheduled atjobs
@@ -1667,10 +1691,10 @@
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: last_time_in_state
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method get_answer_wf {obj:object} {
# return the workflow denoted by the property wfName in obj
@@ -1681,8 +1705,10 @@
-forms [$obj property wfName]]
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: last_time_in_state
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method get_wf_instances {
{-initialize false}
{-orderby ""}
@@ -1711,8 +1737,10 @@
-package_id [$wf package_id]]
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: last_time_in_state
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method get_answers {{-state ""} {-extra_attributes {}} wf:object} {
# Extracts wf instances as answers (e.g. extracting their
@@ -1741,8 +1769,10 @@
return $results
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: last_time_in_state
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method get_duration {{-exam_published_time ""} revision_sets} {
# Get the duration from a set of revisions and return a dict
@@ -1769,8 +1799,10 @@
return $r
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: last_time_in_state
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method get_IPs {revision_sets} {
# Get the IP addresses for the given revision set. Should be
@@ -1786,8 +1818,10 @@
return [dict keys $IPs]
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: last_time_in_state
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method revisions_up_to {revision_sets revision_id} {
# Return the revisions of the provided revision set up the
@@ -1803,7 +1837,10 @@
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: last_time_in_state
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method last_time_in_state {revision_sets -state:required -with_until:switch } {
# Loops through revision sets and retrieves the latest date
@@ -1824,7 +1861,10 @@
return $result
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: pretty_period
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:method pretty_period {{-dayfmt %q} {-timefmt %H:%M} from to} {
set from_day [lc_time_fmt $from $dayfmt]
set from_time [lc_time_fmt $from $timefmt]
@@ -1845,7 +1885,10 @@
return $period
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: state_periods
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method state_periods {revision_sets -state:required} {
# Return for the provided revision_sets the time ranges the
@@ -1878,8 +1921,11 @@
return $periods
- ########################################################################
- :public method achieved_points {-answer_object:object -answer_attributes:required } {
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: achieved_points
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ :public method achieved_points {-submission:object -answer_attributes:required } {
# This method has to be called after the instance was rendered,
# since it uses the produced form_fields.
@@ -1889,7 +1935,7 @@
set achievableTotalPoints 0
set details {}
foreach a [dict keys $answer_attributes] {
- set f [$answer_object lookup_form_field -name $a $all_form_fields]
+ set f [$submission lookup_form_field -name $a $all_form_fields]
set points {}
if {![$f exists test_item_points]} {
ns_log warning "question $f [$f name] [$f info precedence] HAS NO POINTS"
@@ -1917,7 +1963,10 @@
achievablePoints $achievableTotalPoints]
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: runtime_panel
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method runtime_panel {
{-revision_id ""}
{-view default}
@@ -2041,8 +2090,147 @@
return $HTML
- ########################################################################
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: render_submission=edit_history
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ :method render_submission=edit_history {
+ {-submission:object}
+ {-examWf:object}
+ {-nameToQuestionObj}
+ } {
+ set last_answers {}
+ set rev_nr 1
+ set q_nr 0
+ set qnames ""
+ set report ""
+ set student_href [$examWf pretty_link -query m=print-answers&id=[$submission set item_id]]
+ set revision_sets [$submission get_revision_sets -with_instance_attributes]
+ foreach s $revision_sets {
+ set msgs {}
+ set ia [ns_set get $s instance_attributes]
+ foreach key [dict keys $ia *_] {
+ if {![dict exists $qnames $key]} {
+ dict set qnames $key [incr q_nr]
+ }
+ set value [dict get $ia $key]
+ #
+ # Determine the question type
+ #
+ set form_obj [dict get $nameToQuestionObj $key]
+ set template_obj [$form_obj page_template]
+ if {[$template_obj name] eq "en:edit-interaction.wf"} {
+ set item_type [dict get [$form_obj instance_attributes] item_type]
+ } else {
+ switch [$template_obj name] {
+ en:TestItemShortText.form {set item_type ShortText}
+ en:TestItemText.form {set item_type Text}
+ default {set item_type unknown}
+ }
+ }
+ #ns_log notice "Template name = [$template_obj name] -> item_type '$item_type'"
+ #
+ # For the time being, compute the differences just for short text questions
+ #
+ if {$item_type in {ShortText}} {
+ foreach answer_key [dict keys $value] {
+ set answer_value [string trim [dict get $value $answer_key]]
+ set what ""
+ set last_value [:dict_value $last_answers $answer_key ""]
+ if {$last_value ne ""} {
+ if {$answer_value eq ""} {
+ set what cleared
+ ns_log notice " ==> $answer_key: answer_value '$last_value' cleared in revision $rev_nr"
+ } elseif {$answer_value ne $last_value} {
+ set what updated
+ }
+ } else {
+ # last answer was empty
+ if {$answer_value ne ""} {
+ set what added
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Remember last answer values
+ #
+ dict set last_answers $answer_key $answer_value
+ if {$what ne ""} {
+ if {$what eq "cleared"} {
+ set answer_value $last_value
+ }
+ lappend msgs [subst {
+ q[string map [list answer "" {*}$qnames] $answer_key] $what [ns_quotehtml '$answer_value']
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ #
+ # Show the full content of the field
+ #
+ if {$value ne ""} {
+ lappend msgs [subst {
q[string map [list answer "" {*}$qnames] $key]:
+ [ns_quotehtml '$value']
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ append report [subst {
[format %02d $rev_nr] :
+ [join $msgs {; }]
+ }]
+ incr rev_nr
+ }
+ append HTML [subst {
+ [$submission set online-exam-userName]
+ [$submission set online-exam-fullName]
+ $report
+ }]
+ return $HTML
+ }
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: render_submissions=edit_history
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ :method render_submissions=edit_history {
+ {-examWf:object}
+ {-submissions:object}
+ } {
+ set combined_form_info [::xowf::test_item::question_manager combined_question_form $examWf]
+ set nameToQuestionObj [xowf::test_item::renaming_form_loader \
+ name_to_question_obj_dict \
+ [dict get $combined_form_info question_objs]]
+ #
+ # Sort items by user name
+ #
+ $submissions orderby online-exam-userName
+ return [subst {
Quick Submission Analysis
+ Name Revisions
+ [join [lmap submission [$submissions children] {
+ :render_submission=edit_history \
+ -submission $submission -examWf $examWf \
+ -nameToQuestionObj $nameToQuestionObj}]]
+ }]
+ }
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: render_answers_with_edit_history
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method render_answers_with_edit_history {
} {
@@ -2061,129 +2249,477 @@
if {$wf eq ""} {
return ""
- set HTML "
Quick Submission Analysis \n"
- set combined_form_info [::xowf::test_item::question_manager combined_question_form $examWf]
- set nameToQuestionObj [xowf::test_item::renaming_form_loader \
- name_to_question_obj_dict \
- [dict get $combined_form_info question_objs]]
- set items [:get_wf_instances $wf]
- foreach i [$items children] {
- $i set online-exam-userName [acs_user::get_element -user_id [$i creation_user] -element username]
- $i set online-exam-fullName [::xo::get_user_name [$i creation_user]]
+ set submissions [:student_submissions -wf $wf]
+ set HTML [:render_submissions=edit_history -examWf $examWf -submissions $submissions]
+ return $HTML
+ }
+ ########################################################################
+ :method render_proctor_images {
+ {-submission:object}
+ {-examWf:object}
+ {-revision_id}
+ } {
+ #
+ # Render for the submission i the proctor images.
+ #
+ set user_id [$submission creation_user]
+ set img_url [$examWf pretty_link -query m=proctor-image&user_id=$user_id]
+ set proctoring_dir [proctoring::folder \
+ -object_id [$examWf item_id] \
+ -user_id $user_id]
+ set files [glob -nocomplain -directory $proctoring_dir *.*]
+ #ns_log notice "proctoring_dir $proctoring_dir files $files"
+ if {$revision_id ne ""} {
+ set filtered_revisions [:revisions_up_to $revisions $revision_id]
+ } else {
+ set filtered_revisions $revisions
- append HTML [subst {
- Name Revisions
+ set start_date [ns_set get [lindex $filtered_revisions 0] creation_date]
+ set end_date [ns_set get [lindex $filtered_revisions end] creation_date]
+ set start_clock [clock scan [::xo::db::tcl_date $start_date tz_var]]
+ set end_clock [clock scan [::xo::db::tcl_date $end_date tz_var]]
+ set image ""
+ #ns_log notice "start date $start_date end_date $end_date / $start_clock $end_clock"
+ foreach f $files {
+ #ns_log notice "check: $f"
+ if {[regexp {/([^/]+)-(\d+)[.](webm|png|jpeg)$} $f . type stamp ext]} {
+ set inWindow [expr {$stamp >= $start_clock && $stamp <= $end_clock}]
+ ns_log notice "parsed $type $stamp $ext $inWindow $stamp " \
+ [clock format $stamp -format {%m-%d %H:%M:%S}] >= \
+ $start_clock ([expr {$stamp >= $start_clock}]) \
+ && $stamp <= $end_clock ([expr {$stamp <= $end_clock}])
+ if {$inWindow} {
+ dict set image $stamp $type $ext
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set markup ""
+ foreach ts [lsort -integer [dict keys $image]] {
+ #ns_log notice "ts $ts [dict get $image $ts]"
+ append markup [subst {[clock format $ts -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}]
+ append markup {}
+ foreach type {camera-image desktop-image} {
+ if {[dict exists $image $ts $type]} {
+ set ext [dict get $image $ts $type]
+ append markup [subst {
+ }
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $image $ts camera-audio]} {
+ set ext [dict get $image $ts camera-audio]
+ append markup [subst {
+ }
+ append markup
+ }
+ return $markup
+ }
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: student_submissions
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ :method student_submissions {
+ {-creation_user:integer,0..1 ""}
+ {-filter_id:integer,0..1 ""}
+ {-revision_id:integer,0..1 ""}
+ {-wf:object}
+ } {
+ #
+ # Return an ordered composite built form all student submission,
+ # potentially filtered via the provided values.
+ #
+ if {$revision_id ne ""} {
+ #
+ # In case we have a revision_id, return this single
+ # revision.
+ #
+ set r [::xowiki::FormPage get_instance_from_db -revision_id $revision_id]
+ set submissions [::xo::OrderedComposite new -destroy_on_cleanup]
+ $submissions add $r
+ } else {
+ set submissions [:get_wf_instances \
+ {*}[expr {$creation_user ne "" ? "-creation_user $creation_user" : ""}] \
+ {*}[expr {$filter_id ne "" ? "-item_id $filter_id" : ""}] \
+ $wf]
+ }
+ #
+ # Provide additional attributes to the instances such as the
+ # userName and fullName.
+ #
+ foreach submission [$submissions children] {
+ $submission set online-exam-userName \
+ [acs_user::get_element \
+ -user_id [$submission creation_user] \
+ -element username]
+ $submission set online-exam-fullName \
+ [::xo::get_user_name [$submission creation_user]]
+ }
+ return $submissions
+ }
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: render_print_button
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ :method render_print_button {} {
+ #
+ # Render a simple print button for the unaware that makes it
+ # easy to print the exam protocol to PDF and use e.g. a pdf-tool
+ # to annotate free text answers. The function is designed to
+ # work with streaming HTML output.
+ #
+ # @return HTML rendering
+ #
+ template::add_event_listener \
+ -id print-button \
+ -event click \
+ -preventdefault=false \
+ -script "window.print();"
+ return [subst {
+ print
+ [template::collect_body_scripts]
- $items orderby online-exam-userName
- foreach i [$items children] {
- set last_answers {}
- set rev_nr 1
- set q_nr 0
- set qnames ""
- set report ""
- set student_href [$examWf pretty_link -query m=print-answers&id=[$i set item_id]]
+ }
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: render_submission=exam_protocol
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ :method render_submission=exam_protocol {
+ {-autograde:boolean false}
+ {-combined_form_info}
+ {-examWf:object}
+ {-filter_id:integer,0..1 ""}
+ {-form_objs:integer,0..n ""}
+ {-grading_scheme:object}
+ {-recutil:object,0..1 ""}
+ {-revision_id:integer,0..1 ""}
+ {-submission:object}
+ {-totalPoints:double}
+ {-runtime_panel_view default}
+ {-wf:object}
+ {-with_signature:boolean false}
+ {-with_exam_heading:boolean true}
+ } {
- set revision_sets [$i get_revision_sets -with_instance_attributes]
- foreach s $revision_sets {
- set msgs {}
- set ia [ns_set get $s instance_attributes]
- foreach key [dict keys $ia *_] {
- if {![dict exists $qnames $key]} {
- dict set qnames $key [incr q_nr]
- }
- set value [dict get $ia $key]
- #
- # Determine the question type
- #
- set form_obj [dict get $nameToQuestionObj $key]
- set template_obj [$form_obj page_template]
- if {[$template_obj name] eq "en:edit-interaction.wf"} {
- set item_type [dict get [$form_obj instance_attributes] item_type]
- } else {
- switch [$template_obj name] {
- en:TestItemShortText.form {set item_type ShortText}
- en:TestItemText.form {set item_type Text}
- default {set item_type unknown}
- }
- }
- #ns_log notice "Template name = [$template_obj name] -> item_type '$item_type'"
+ set userName [$submission set online-exam-userName]
+ set fullName [$submission set online-exam-fullName]
- #
- # For the time being, compute the differences just for short text questions
- #
- if {$item_type in {ShortText}} {
- foreach answer_key [dict keys $value] {
- set answer_value [string trim [dict get $value $answer_key]]
- set what ""
- if {[dict exists $last_answers $answer_key]} {
- set last_value [dict get $last_answers $answer_key]
- } else {
- set last_value ""
- }
- if {$last_value ne ""} {
- if {$answer_value eq ""} {
- set what cleared
- ns_log notice " ==> $answer_key: answer_value '$last_value' cleared in revision $rev_nr"
- } elseif {$answer_value ne $last_value} {
- set what updated
- }
- } else {
- # last answer was empty
- if {$answer_value ne ""} {
- set what added
- }
- }
- #
- # Remember last answer values
- #
- dict set last_answers $answer_key $answer_value
- if {$what ne ""} {
- if {$what eq "cleared"} {
- set answer_value $last_value
- }
- lappend msgs [subst {
- q[string map [list answer "" {*}$qnames] $answer_key] $what [ns_quotehtml '$answer_value']
- }]
- }
- }
- } else {
- #
- # Show the full content of the field
- #
- if {$value ne ""} {
- lappend msgs [subst {
- q[string map [list answer "" {*}$qnames] $key]:
- [ns_quotehtml '$value']
- }]
- }
- }
- }
- append report [subst {
- [format %02d $rev_nr] :
- [join $msgs {; }]
- }]
- incr rev_nr
+ #if {[$submission state] ne "done"} {
+ # ns_log notice "online-exam: submission of $userName is not finished (state [$submission state])"
+ # return ""
+ #}
+ set revisions [$submission get_revision_sets]
+ if {[llength $revisions] <=1 } {
+ # just an initial revision
+ ns_log notice "online-exam: submission of $userName is empty. Ignoring."
+ return ""
+ }
+ #
+ # The call to "render_content" calls actually the
+ # "summary_form" of online/inclass-exam-answer.wf when the submit
+ # instance is in state "done". We set the __feedback_mode to
+ # get the auto-correction included.
+ #
+ foreach f [::xowiki::formfield::FormField info instances -closure] {
+ #ns_log notice "FF could DESTROY $f [$f name]"
+ if {[string match *_ [$f name]]} {
+ #ns_log notice "FF DESTROY $f [$f name]"
+ $f destroy
+ }
+ $wf form_field_flush_cache
- append HTML [subst {
- [$i set online-exam-userName] [$i set online-exam-fullName]
- $report
+ set achieved_points {}
+ xo::cc eval_as_user -user_id [$submission creation_user] {
+ $submission set __feedback_mode 2
+ $submission set __form_objs $form_objs
+ set question_form [$submission render_content]
+ }
+ #
+ # Now, the question_form contains the rendered answer of the
+ # student.
+ #
+ if {$recutil ne ""} {
+ :export_answer \
+ -submission $submission \
+ -html $question_form \
+ -combined_form_info $combined_form_info \
+ -recutil $recutil
+ }
+ if {$with_signature || $autograde} {
+ set answerAttributes [xowf::test_item::renaming_form_loader \
+ answer_attributes [$submission instance_attributes]]
+ if {$autograde} {
+ set achieved_points [:achieved_points \
+ -submission $submission \
+ -answer_attributes $answerAttributes]
+ dict set achieved_points totalPoints $totalPoints
+ }
+ }
+ if {$with_signature} {
+ set sha256 [ns_md string -digest sha256 $answerAttributes]
+ set signatureString "online-exam-actual_signature: $sha256
+ set submissionSignature [$submission property signature ""]
+ if {$submissionSignature ne ""} {
+ append signatureString "#xowf.online-exam-submission_signature#: $submissionSignature
+ }
+ } else {
+ set signatureString ""
+ }
+ set time [::xo::db::tcl_date [$submission property _last_modified] tz_var]
+ set pretty_date [clock format [clock scan $time] -format "%Y-%m-%d"]
+ #
+ # If we filter by student and the exam is proctored, display
+ # the procoring images as well.
+ #
+ if {$filter_id ne "" && [$examWf property proctoring] eq "t"} {
+ set markup [:render_proctor_images \
+ -submission $submission \
+ -examWf $examWf \
+ -revision_id $revision_id]
+ set question_form [subst {
+ }
+ if {$runtime_panel_view ne ""} {
+ set gradingInfo [$grading_scheme print -achieved_points $achieved_points]
+ set gradingPanel [:dict_value $gradingInfo panel ""]
+ set runtime_panel [:runtime_panel \
+ -revision_id $revision_id \
+ -view $runtime_panel_view \
+ -grading_info $gradingPanel \
+ $submission]
+ if {$autograde} {
+ set grade [$grading_scheme grade -achieved_points $achieved_points]
+ ns_log notice "CSV $userName\t[dict get $gradingInfo csv]"
+ dict incr :grade_dict $grade
+ append :grade_csv $userName\t[dict get $gradingInfo csv]\n
+ }
+ } else {
+ set runtime_panel ""
- append HTML "
+ set heading "$userName · $fullName · $pretty_date"
+ append HTML [subst {
+ [expr {$with_exam_heading ? "
$heading " : ""}]
+ $runtime_panel
+ $signatureString
+ $question_form
+ }]
return $HTML
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: render_answers
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ :public method render_answers {
+ {-as_student:boolean false}
+ {-filter_id:integer,0..1 ""}
+ {-creation_user:integer,0..1 ""}
+ {-revision_id:integer,0..1 ""}
+ {-form_objs:integer,0..n ""}
+ {-export:boolean false}
+ {-grading:alnum,0..n ""}
+ {-with_grading_table:boolean false}
+ examWf:object
+ } {
+ #
+ # Return the answers in HTML format in a somewhat printer
+ # friendly way, e.g. as the exam protocol.
+ #
+ set combined_form_info [::xowf::test_item::question_manager combined_question_form $examWf]
+ set autograde [dict get $combined_form_info autograde]
+ set totalPoints [::xowf::test_item::question_manager total_points \
+ -max_items [$examWf property max_items ""] \
+ $combined_form_info]
+ set withSignature [$examWf property signature 0]
+ set examTitle [$examWf title]
+ set ctx [::xowf::Context require $examWf]
+ set wf [:get_answer_wf $examWf]
+ if {$wf eq ""} {
+ return [list do_stream 0 HTML ""]
+ }
+ if {$form_objs ne "" && $form_objs ni [dict get $combined_form_info question_objs]} {
+ ns_log warning "inclass-exam: ignore invalid form_obj '$form_objs';" \
+ "valid [dict get $combined_form_info question_objs]"
+ set form_objs ""
+ }
+ #
+ # The management of the grading scheme has to be extended. For the
+ # time being, we have a single grading scheme with the option to
+ # round to full points or not. When an exam has less than 40
+ # points, we do not round per default, since this rounding could
+ # provide more than 1 percent of the result. This should be made
+ # configurable (also in www-print-answer-table, which is not used
+ # right now).
+ #
+ if {$grading eq ""} {
+ set grading [expr {$totalPoints < 40 ? "wi1_noround" : "wi1"}]
+ }
+ set grading_scheme ::xowf::test_item::grading::$grading
+ if {[info commands $grading_scheme] eq ""} {
+ set grading_scheme ::xowf::test_item::grading::wi1
+ }
+ #ns_log notice "USE grading_scheme $grading_scheme"
+ set :grade_dict {}
+ set :grade_csv ""
+ set items [:student_submissions \
+ -creation_user $creation_user \
+ -filter_id $filter_id \
+ -revision_id $revision_id \
+ -wf $wf]
+ #
+ # In case we have many items to render (which might take a
+ # while), use streaming mode.
+ #
+ set do_stream [expr {[llength [$items children]] > 100}]
+ set HTML [:render_print_button]
+ ::xo::cc set_parameter template_file view-plain-master
+ ::xo::cc set_parameter MenuBar 0
+ if {[llength $form_objs] > 0} {
+ #
+ # Filter by questions. For the time being, we allow only a
+ # single question, ... and we take the first ones.
+ #
+ append HTML "
#xowf.question#: [ns_quotehtml [[lindex $form_objs 0] title]] \n"
+ set runtime_panel_view ""
+ } elseif {$as_student} {
+ #
+ # Show the student his own submission
+ #
+ set userName [acs_user::get_element -user_id [ad_conn user_id] -element username]
+ set fullName [::xo::get_user_name [ad_conn user_id]]
+ set heading "$userName - $fullName"
+ append HTML "
#xowf.online-exam-review-protocol# - $heading \n"
+ set runtime_panel_view "student"
+ } else {
+ #
+ # Provide the full protocol (or a subset of it)
+ #
+ append HTML "
#xowf.online-exam-protocol# \n"
+ if {$filter_id ne ""} {
+ set runtime_panel_view "revision_overview"
+ } else {
+ set runtime_panel_view "default"
+ }
+ }
+ if {$do_stream} {
+ # ns_log notice STREAM-[info level]-$::template::parse_level
+ #
+ # The following line is tricky: set on the parsing level the
+ # title of and context of the page, since this is needed by
+ # the streaming template.
+ #
+ uplevel #$::template::parse_level [subst {set title "$examTitle"; set context .}]
+ ad_return_top_of_page [ad_parse_template \
+ -params [list context title] \
+ [template::streaming_template]]
+ ns_write [subst {
[ns_quotehtml $examTitle]
+ [lang::util::localize $HTML]
+ }]
+ set HTML ""
+ }
+ if {$export} {
+ set recutil [xowf::test_item::answer_manager recutil_create \
+ -clear \
+ -exam_id [$wf parent_id] \
+ -fn [expr {$filter_id eq "" ? "all.rec" : "$filter_id.rec"}]
+ ]
+ } else {
+ set recutil ""
+ }
+ #
+ # Iterate over the items sorted by userName.
+ #
+ $items orderby online-exam-userName
+ foreach submission [$items children] {
+ set html [:render_submission=exam_protocol \
+ -submission $submission \
+ -wf $wf \
+ -examWf $examWf \
+ -autograde $autograde \
+ -combined_form_info $combined_form_info \
+ -filter_id $filter_id \
+ -form_objs $form_objs \
+ -grading_scheme $grading_scheme \
+ -recutil $recutil \
+ -revision_id $revision_id \
+ -totalPoints $totalPoints \
+ -runtime_panel_view $runtime_panel_view \
+ -with_exam_heading [expr {!$as_student}] \
+ -with_signature $withSignature]
+ if {$do_stream && $html ne ""} {
+ ns_write [lang::util::localize $html]
+ } else {
+ append HTML $html
+ }
+ }
+ if {$export} {
+ $recutil destroy
+ }
+ if {$with_grading_table && $autograde} {
+ append HTML
[:grading_table -csv ${:grade_csv} ${:grade_dict}]
+ }
+ return [list do_stream $do_stream HTML $HTML]
+ }
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: participant_result
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:method participant_result {
@@ -2228,6 +2764,10 @@
return $answer
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: answer_form_field_objs
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:method answer_form_field_objs {-clear:switch -wf:object form_info} {
set key ::__test_item_answer_form_fields
if {$clear} {
@@ -2254,6 +2794,10 @@
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: grading_table
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method grading_table {{-csv ""} grade_dict} {
# Produce HTML markup based on a dict with grades as keys and
@@ -2279,6 +2823,10 @@
return $gradingTable
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: results_table
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method results_table {
@@ -2288,6 +2836,11 @@
{-grading_scheme ::xowf::test_item::grading::wi1}
} {
+ #
+ # Render the results in forma of a table and return HTML.
+ # Currently deactivated.
+ #
#set form_info [:combined_question_form -with_numbers $wf]
set form_info [::xowf::test_item::question_manager combined_question_form $wf]
set answer_form_field_objs [:answer_form_field_objs -wf $wf $form_info]
@@ -2486,6 +3039,10 @@
return $HTML
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: participants_table
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method participants_table {
@@ -2598,6 +3155,10 @@
return $dialogs$HTML
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: marked_results
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method marked_results {-obj:object -wf:object form_info} {
# Return for every participant the individual results for an exam
@@ -2617,6 +3178,10 @@
return $results
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: answers_panel
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method answers_panel {
{-polling:switch false}
{-heading #xowf.submitted_answers#}
@@ -2696,6 +3261,10 @@
return $answerStatus
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: prevent_multiple_tabs
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method prevent_multiple_tabs {
{-cookie_name multiple_tabs}
} {
@@ -2723,6 +3292,10 @@
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Class: Answer_manager
+ # Method: countdown_timer
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
:public method countdown_timer {
@@ -2739,7 +3312,8 @@
# client browser is set incorrectly.
set nowMs [clock milliseconds]
- set nowIsoTime [clock format [expr {$nowMs/1000}] -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"].[format %.3d [expr {$nowMs % 1000}]]
+ set nowIsoTime [clock format [expr {$nowMs/1000}] \
+ -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"].[format %.3d [expr {$nowMs % 1000}]]
template::add_body_script -script [subst {
var countdown_target_date = new Date('$target_time').getTime();
@@ -3408,7 +3982,7 @@
# autograde ok on the question level
- } elseif {[dict exists $formAttributes auto_correct] && [dict get $formAttributes auto_correct]} {
+ } elseif {[:dict_value $formAttributes auto_correct 0]} {
# autograde ok on the form level
@@ -3581,9 +4155,7 @@
# list order is important, since it determines also the ordering
# in the message.
- if {[dict exists $question_info show_max]
- && [dict get $question_info show_max] ne ""
- } {
+ if {[:dict_value $question_info show_max ""] ne ""} {
foreach key {choice_options sub_questions} {
if {[dict exists $question_info $key]
&& [dict get $question_info show_max] ne [dict get $question_info $key]
@@ -3607,10 +4179,6 @@
return #xowf.shuffle_$m#
- :method dict_value {dict key {default ""}} {
- expr {[dict exists $dict $key] ? [dict get $dict $key] : $default}
- }
:public method describe_form {{-asHTML:switch} form_obj} {
# Call for every form field of the form_obj the "describe"