Index: openacs-4/packages/chat/tcl/chat-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/chat/tcl/chat-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.24.2.3 -r1.24.2.4
--- openacs-4/packages/chat/tcl/chat-procs.tcl 28 Feb 2019 16:09:03 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/chat/tcl/chat-procs.tcl 1 Mar 2019 15:38:23 -0000
@@ -7,226 +7,6 @@
@cvs-id $Id$
-# All the remaining Java-related code is being faded out, as its
-# status is unknown (as in not working) and we won't be allowed to
-# have binaries into the core by distros.
-# ad_proc -private chat_start_server {
-# } {
-# Start Java chat server.
-# } {
-# if {[nsv_get chat server_started]} {
-# return
-# }
-# ns_log notice "chat_start_server: Starting chat server"
-# set port [parameter::get -parameter ServerPort]
-# set path "ns/server/[ns_info server]/module/nssock"
-# set host_location "[ns_config $path Address]"
-# exec java -classpath [acs_root_dir]/packages/chat/java adChatServer start $port &
-# set done 0
-# # Wait until chat server started before spawning new threads connecting to the server.
-# while { $done == 0} {
-# if {[catch {set fds [ns_sockopen -nonblock $host_location $port]} errmsg]} {
-# set done 0
-# } else {
-# set done 1
-# }
-# }
-# # Free up resources.
-# lassign $fds r w
-# close $r
-# close $w
-# ns_thread begindetached "chat_broadcast_to_applets $host_location $port"
-# ns_thread begindetached "chat_receive_from_server $host_location $port"
-# ns_log notice "chat_start_server: Chat server started."
-# nsv_set chat server_started 1
-# }
-# ad_proc -private chat_broadcast_to_applets {
-# host
-# port
-# } {
-# Broadcast chat message from HTML client to Java server.
-# } {
-# # Chat server must already started otherwise error will occur.
-# set fds [ns_sockopen -nonblock $host $port]
-# lassign $fds r w
-# ns_log Notice "chat_broadcast_to_applets: Ready to broadcast message to applets."
-# ns_log Notice $host
-# ns_log Notice $port
-# # Register to java chat server.
-# puts $w "-1AOL_WRITERT-1"
-# flush $w
-# while { 1 } {
-# # Wait until there is new message in queue.
-# ns_mutex lock [nsv_get chat new_message]
-# if {[nsv_exists chat html_message]} {
-# # Get message from queue.
-# puts $w [nsv_get chat html_message]
-# flush $w
-# }
-# }
-# }
-# ad_proc -private chat_receive_from_server {
-# host
-# port
-# } {
-# Receive messages from Java clients.
-# } {
-# set fds [ns_sockopen -nonblock $host $port]
-# lassign $fds r w
-# set r_fd [list $r]
-# ns_log Notice "chat_receive_from_server: Listening for messages from applets."
-# puts $w "
-# -1
-# T
-# -1
-# "
-# flush $w
-# set running 1
-# while { $running } {
-# set sel [ns_sockselect $r_fd {} {}]
-# set rfds [lindex $sel 0]
-# foreach r $rfds {
-# if {[ns_sockcheck $r] && [set line [string trim [gets $r]]] != ""} {
-# regexp "(.*)" $line match room_id
-# regexp "(.*)" $line match screen_name
-# regexp "
(.*)" $line match msg
-# regexp "(.*)" $line match user_id
-# if {![nsv_exists chat_room $room_id]} {
-# nsv_set chat_room $room_id {}
-# }
-# ::chat::Chat c1 -volatile -chat_id $room_id -user_id $user_id -session_id 0
-# switch $msg {
-# "/enter" {
-# c1 login
-# }
-# "/leave" {
-# c1 logout
-# }
-# default {
-# c1 add_msg -uid $user_id $msg
-# }
-# }
-# chat_room_get -room_id $room_id -array room_info
-# if { $room_info(archive_p) == "t" } {
-# if {[catch {
-# chat_post_message_to_db \
-# -creation_user $user_id $room_id $msg
-# } errmsg]} {
-# ad_log error "chat_post_message_to_db: error: $errmsg"
-# }
-# }
-# nsv_lappend chat_room $room_id $line
-# } else {
-# set running 0
-# }
-# }
-# }
-# }
-# ad_proc -public chat_moderate_message_post {
-# room_id
-# user_id
-# message
-# } {
-# Post moderate message to the chat room and broadcast to all applet clients. Only use by HTML client.
-# } {
-# set chat_msg "
-# [chat_user_name $user_id]
-# $user_id
-# $room_id
-# $message
-# pending
-# "
-# # Add message to queue. Notify thread responsible for broadcast message to applets.
-# nsv_set chat html_message $chat_msg
-# ns_mutex unlock [nsv_get chat new_message]
-# }
-# ad_proc -public chat_message_retrieve {
-# msgs
-# room_id
-# user_id
-# } {
-# Retrieve all messages from the chat room starting from
-# first_msg_id. Return messages are store in multirow format.
-# } {
-# ns_log debug "chat_message_retrieve: starting message retrieve"
-# # The first time html client enter chat room, chat_room variable
-# # is not initialize correctly. Therefore I just hard code the
-# # variable.
-# if {![nsv_exists chat_room $room_id]} {
-# nsv_set chat_room $room_id {}
-# }
-# set user_name [chat_user_name $user_id]
-# upvar "$msgs:rowcount" counter
-# set chat_messages [nsv_get chat_room $room_id]
-# set count [llength $chat_messages]
-# set cnt $count
-# set counter 0
-# #foreach msg $chat_messages
-# for { set i [expr {$cnt - 1}] } { $i >= 0 } { incr i -1 } {
-# set msg [lindex $chat_messages $i]
-# regexp "(.*)" $msg match screen_name
-# regexp "(.*)" $msg match chat_msg
-# regexp "(.*)" $msg match status
-# if {$status in {"pending" "rejected"}} {
-# continue
-# }
-# upvar "$msgs:[expr {$counter + 1}]" array_val
-# set array_val(screen_name) $screen_name
-# set array_val(chat_msg) $chat_msg
-# incr counter
-# set array_val(rownum) $counter
-# if {$screen_name == $user_name && $chat_msg eq "has entered the room."} {
-# return
-# }
-# }
-# }
ad_proc -private chat_post_message_to_db {
{-creation_user ""}
{-creation_ip ""}