Index: openacs-4/packages/imsld/
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/imsld/,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/imsld/ 26 Jul 2005 08:05:35 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ Imsld
+ Imslds
+ f
+ f
+ Jose Pablo Escobedo Del Cid
+ IMS LD integration with dotLRN.
+ 2005-07-07
+ This package is the implementation of IMS LD in dotLRN. The course admin can create a sequence of activities for the students, as well as decide who does what, when and using what resources.
Index: openacs-4/packages/imsld/tcl/imsld-parse-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/imsld/tcl/imsld-parse-procs.tcl,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/imsld/tcl/imsld-parse-procs.tcl 26 Jul 2005 08:05:35 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+# /packages/imsld/tcl/imsld-parse-procs.tcl
+ad_library {
+ Procedures in the imsld namespace for parsing xml files.
+ @creation-date Jul 2005
+ @author
+ @cvs-id $Id: imsld-parse-procs.tcl,v 1.1 2005/07/26 08:05:35 josee Exp $
+namespace eval imsld {}
+namespace eval imsld::parse {}
+ad_proc -public imsld::parse::find_manifest {
+ -dir
+ -file_name
+} {
+ Taken from the one with the same name in the LORS package.
+ Find the manifest file (or other file) that contains
+ the ims ld.
+ if it finds it, then it returns the file location. Otherwise it
+ returns 0
+ @param tmp_dir Temporary directory where the course is located
+ @param file Manifest file
+} {
+ if { [file exist $dir/$file_name] } {
+ return "$dir/$file_name"
+ } else {
+ return 0
+ }
+ad_proc -public imsld::parse::is_imsld {
+ -tree:required
+} {
+ Checks it the given tree has the IMS LD extension and if the IMS LD comes in the organization.
+ Returns a list (pair of values): 1 + OK if succeeded, 0 + error message otherwise.
+ @param tree XML tree to analyze.
+} {
+ # Check the manifest attribute
+ set man_attribute [$tree hasAttribute xmlns:imsld]
+ # Check manifest organizations
+ set organizations [$tree child all organizations]
+ if { [llength $organizations] == 1 } {
+ set imsld [$organizations child all imsld:learning-design]
+ if { [llength $imsld] > 1 } {
+ # There are more than one imsld in the organization, not supported
+ return [list 0 "<#_ The manifest has more than one imsld:learning design. Right now this is not supported, sorry. #>"]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # There are more than one organizations, or there is none. None of those cases supported, aborting
+ return [list 0 "<#_ The manifest doesn't contain any organizations or there are more than one. None of those cases are supported in this version, sorry. #>"]
+ }
+ # After validating the cases above, we can say that this seems a well formed IMS LD
+ return [list 1 "<#_ OK #>"]
+ad_proc -public imsld::parse::expand_file {
+ -upload_file:required
+ -tmpfile:required
+ {-dest_dir_base "imsld"}
+} {
+ Taken from the one with the same name in the LORS package.
+ Extracts the contents of the file and puts them in the folder
+ indicated by dest_dir. If empty, it will generate a tmp_dir for the extraction.
+ Returns the name of the directory where the files where extracted.
+ @param upload_file Path of the file to be extracted
+ @param tmpfile Temporary file name
+ @option dest_dir_base Destination directory where the files will be extracted
+} {
+ # Generate a random directory name
+ if { [catch {set tmp_dir [file join [file dirname $tmpfile] [ns_mktemp "$dest_dir_base-XXXXXX"]]} errmsg] } {
+ form set_error upload_file_form upload_file "<#_ There was an error generating the tmp_dir to unzip the file. #> $errmsg"
+ return -code error "IMSLD::imsld::parse::expand_file: Error generating tmp directory: $errmsg"
+ }
+ # Create a temporary directory
+ if { [catch {file mkdir $tmp_dir} errmsg] } {
+ form set_error upload_file_form upload_file "<#_ There was an error creating the tmp_dir to unzip the file. #> $errmsg"
+ return -code error "IMSLD::imsld::parse::expand_file: Error creating tmp directory: $errmsg"
+ }
+ set upload_file [string trim [string tolower $upload_file]]
+ if {[regexp {(.tar.gz|.tgz)$} $upload_file]} {
+ set type tgz
+ } elseif {[regexp {.tar.z$} $upload_file]} {
+ set type tgZ
+ } elseif {[regexp {.tar$} $upload_file]} {
+ set type tar
+ } elseif {[regexp {(.tar.bz2|.tbz2)$} $upload_file]} {
+ set type tbz2
+ } elseif {[regexp {.zip$} $upload_file]} {
+ set type zip
+ } else {
+ set type "<#_ Uknown type #>"
+ }
+ switch $type {
+ tar {
+ set error_p [catch {exec tar --directory $tmp_dir -xvf $tmpfile} errmsg]
+ }
+ tgZ {
+ set error_p [catch {exec tar --directory $tmp_dir -xZvf $tmpfile} errmsg]
+ }
+ tgz {
+ set error_p [catch {exec tar --directory $tmp_dir -xzvf $tmpfile} errmsg]
+ }
+ tbz2 {
+ set error_p [catch {exec tar --directory $tmp_dir -xjvf $tmpfile} errmsg]
+ }
+ zip {
+ set error_p [catch {exec unzip -d $tmp_dir $tmpfile} errmsg]
+ ## According to man unzip:
+ # unzip exit status:
+ #
+ # 0 normal; no errors or warnings
+ # detected.
+ # 1 one or more warning errors were encountered, but process-
+ # ing completed successfully anyway. This includes zip-
+ # files where one or more files was skipped due to unsup-
+ # ported compression method or encryption with an unknown
+ # password.
+ # Therefor it if it is 1, then it concluded successfully
+ # but with warnings, so we switch it back to 0
+ if { $error_p == 1 } {
+ set error_p 0
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ set error_p 1
+ set errmsg "<#_ Could not determine whit what program uncompress the file $upload_file has. Aborting #>"
+ }
+ }
+ if { $error_p } {
+ imsld::parse::remove_dir -dir $tmp_dir
+ ns_log Notice "IMSLD::imsld::parse::expand_file: extract type $type failed $errmsg"
+ return -code error "IMSLD::imsld::parse::expand_file: extract type $type failed $errmsg"
+ }
+ return $tmp_dir
+ad_proc -public imsld::parse::get_title {
+ -tree
+} {
+ Gets the title of the given doc. If the title is not found (because it's optional), the identifier (which is mandatory) is returned.
+ @param doc XML document to analyze.
+} {
+ set title_list [$tree child all title]
+ if { [llength $title_list] } {
+ return [imsld::parse::get_element -tree $title_list]]
+ } else {
+ return [imsld::parse::get_attribute -tree $tree -attr_name identifier]
+ }
+ad_proc -public imsld::parse::get_element {
+ -tree
+ {-attr_name ""}
+} {
+ Taken from the one with the same name in the LORS package.
+ Datatype Element extractor
+ @param tree Node
+ @param att Attribute
+} {
+ if { ![empty_string_p $attr_name] } {
+ return [list "{[$tree text]} {[imsld::parse::get_attribute -tree $tree -attr_name $attr_name]}"]
+ } else {
+ return [list [$tree text]]
+ }
+ad_proc -public imsld::parse::get_attribute {
+ -tree
+ -attr_name
+} {
+ Taken from the one with the same name in the LORS package.
+ Gets attributes for an specific element. Returns the attribute value if fond, emtpy string otherwise
+ @param tree Document
+ @param attr_name Attribute we want to fetch
+} {
+ if { [$tree hasAttribute $attr_name] == 1 } {
+ $tree getAttribute $attr_name
+ } else {
+ return ""
+ }
+ad_proc -public imsld::parse::validate_multiplicity {
+ -tree
+ -multiplicity
+ -element_name
+ -equal:boolean
+ -greather_than:boolean
+ -lower_than:boolean
+} {
+ Validates the multiplicity of a given tree. It throws an error if the multiplicity is greather or equal than, lowher or equal than or not equal to the number especified in the multiplicity param.
+ Only one vaidation can be done at the same time, and by default, equal is pefrormed.
+ @param tree Document
+ @param multiplicity Number of times the element can be repeated
+ @param element_name Name of the element we are validating (in order to display a possible error message)
+ @option equal If passed, the number of roots of the tree must be equal to multiplicity
+ @option greather_than If passed, the number of roots of the tree must be greather or equal than multiplicity
+ @option lower_than If passed, the number of roots of the tree must be lower or equal than multiplicity
+} {
+ if { [expr $equal_p + $greather_than_p + $lower_than_p] > 1 } {
+ return -code error "IMSLD:imsld::parse::validate_multiplicity: <#_ More than one validation tried at the same time#>"
+ }
+ if { ![expr $equal_p + $greather_than_p + $lower_than_p] } {
+ set equal_p 1
+ }
+ if { $equal_p } {
+ if { [llength $tree] != $multiplicity } {
+ ad_return_error "<#_ Error parsing file #>" "<#_ There must be exactly $multiplicity $element_name and there are [llength $tree]. This is not supported, sorry. #>"
+ ad_script_abort
+ }
+ } elseif { $greather_than_p } {
+ if { [llength $tree] < $multiplicity } {
+ ad_return_error "<#_ Error parsing file #>" "<#_ There can't be less than $multiplicity $element_name and there are [llength $tree]. This is not supported, sorry. #>"
+ ad_script_abort
+ }
+ } else {
+ if { [llength $tree] > $multiplicity } {
+ ad_return_error "<#_ Error parsing file #>" "<#_ There can't greather than $multiplicity $element_name and there are [llength $tree]. This is not supported, sorry. #>"
+ ad_script_abort
+ }
+ }
+ad_proc -public imsld::parse::remove_dir {
+ -dir:required
+} {
+ Deletes the given directory.
+ For instance, the tmp_dir used to extract the files and parse them.
+ Returns 1 when succeded, 0 otherwise
+ @param dir directory to be deleted.
+} {
+ if { [file exist $dir] } {
+ if { [catch {exec rm -rf $dir} errmsg] } {
+ return -code error "IMSLD:imsld::parse::remove_dir: <#_ There was an error trying to delete the dir $dir. #> $errmsg"
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+ad_proc -public imsld::parse::tcl_boolean {
+ -bool:required
+} {
+ Convets a boolean string to its corresponding boolean value 0 or 1.
+ @param bool The boolean value to convert
+} {
+ set result ""
+ set value [string tolower $bool]
+ switch $bool {
+ 0 -
+ f -
+ n -
+ no -
+ false {
+ set result 0
+ }
+ 1 -
+ t -
+ y -
+ yes -
+ true {
+ set result 1
+ }
+ default {
+ set result 0
+ ns_log error "Invalid option in imsld::parse::tcl_boolean - $bool"
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+ad_proc -public imsld::parse::parse_and_create_imsld {
+ -xmlfile:required
+ -imsld_id:optional
+} {
+ Parse a XML IMS LD file.
+ Returns the new imsld_id created if there was no errors. Otherwise it returns 0.
+ @param xmlfile The file to parse. This file must be compliant with the IMS LD spec
+ @option imsld_id The imsld_id of the new ims-ld
+} {
+ # Parser
+ # XML => DOM document
+ dom parse [::tDOM::xmlReadFile $xmlfile] document
+ # DOM document => DOM root
+ $document documentElement root
+ set organizations [$manifest child all organizations]
+ # IMS-LD
+ set imsld [$organizations child all imsld:learning-design]
+ set imsld_title [imsld::parse::get_title -tree $imsld]
+ set imsld_level [imsld::parse::get_attribute -tree $imsld -attr_name level]
+ set imsld_level [expr { [empty_string_p $imsld_level] ? "null" : [string tolower $imsld_level] }]
+ set imsld_version [imsld::parse::get_attribute -tree $imsld -attr_name version]
+ set imsld_sequence_used [imsld::parse::get_attribute -tree $imsld -attr_name sequence-used]
+ set imsld_sequence_p [expr { [empty_string_p $imsld_sequence_used] ? 0 : [imsld::parse::tcl_boolean -bool $imsld_sequence_used] }]
+ # IMS-LD: Learning Objectives (which is an imsld_item that can have a text resource associated.)
+ set learning_objectives [$imsld child all imsld:learning-objectives]
+ imsld::parse::validate_multiplicity -tree $learning_objectives -multiplicity 1 -element_name learning-objectives -lower_than
+ # Components
+ set components [$imsld child all imsld:components]
+ imsld::parse::validate_multiplicity -tree $components -multiplicity 1 -element_name components -equal
+ # Components: Roles
+ set roles [$components child all imsld:roles]
+ set learners [$roles child all imsld:learner]
+ set staff [$roles child all imsld:staff]
+ # Componetns: Activities
+ set activities [$components child all imsld:activities]
+ if { [llength $activities] } {
+ set learning_activities [$activities child all imsld:learning-activity]
+ set support_activities [$activities child all imsld:support-activity]
+ set activity_structures [$activities child all imsld:activity-structure]
+ }
+ # Method
+ set methods [$imsld child all imsld:method]
+ imsld::parse::validate_multiplicity -tree $methods -multiplicity 1 -element_name methods -equal
+ # Method: Play
+ set plays [$methods child all imsld:play]
+ imsld::parse::validate_multiplicity -tree $plays -multiplicity 1 -element_name plays -equal
+ # Method: Acts
+ set acts [$plays child all imsld:act]
+ imsld::parse::validate_multiplicity -tree $acts -multiplicity 0 -element_name acts -greather_than
+ set questestinteropNodes [$root selectNodes {/questestinterop}]
+ foreach questestinterop $questestinteropNodes {
+ # Looks for assessments
+ set assessmentNodes [$questestinterop selectNodes {assessment}]
+ if { [llength $assessmentNodes] > 0 } {
+ # There are assessments
+ foreach assessment $assessmentNodes {
+ set as_assessments__title [$assessment getAttribute {title} {Assessment}]
+ #get assessment's children: section, (qticomment, duration, qtimetadata, objectives, assessmentcontrol,
+ #rubric, presentation_material, outcomes_processing, assessproc_extension, assessfeedback,
+ #selection_ordering, reference, sectionref)
+ set nodesList [$assessment childNodes]
+ set as_assessments__definition ""
+ set as_assessments__instructions ""
+ set as_assessments__duration ""
+ #for each assessment's child
+ foreach node $nodesList {
+ set nodeName [$node nodeName]
+ #as_assessmentsx.description = or
+ if {$nodeName == "qticomment"} {
+ set definitionNodes [$assessment selectNodes {qticomment}]
+ if {[llength $definitionNodes] != 0} {
+ set definition [lindex $definitionNodes 0]
+ set as_assessments__definition [as::qti::mattext_gethtml $definition]
+ }
+ } elseif {$nodeName == "objectives"} {
+ set definitionNodes [$assessment selectNodes {objectives/material/mattext}]
+ if {[llength $definitionNodes] != 0} {
+ set definition [lindex $definitionNodes 0]
+ set as_assessments__definition [as::qti::mattext_gethtml $definition]
+ }
+ #as_assessments.instructions =
+ } elseif {$nodeName == "rubric"} {
+ set instructionNodes [$assessment selectNodes {rubric/material/mattext}]
+ if {[llength $instructionNodes] != 0} {
+ set instruction [lindex $instructionNodes 0]
+ set as_assessments__instructions [as::qti::mattext_gethtml $instruction]
+ }
+ #as_assessments.time_for_response =
+ } elseif {$nodeName == "duration"} {
+ set durationNodes [$assessment selectNodes {duration/text()}]
+ if {[llength $durationNodes] != 0} {
+ set duration [lindex $durationNodes 0]
+ set as_assessments__duration [$duration nodeValue]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set qtimetadataNodes [$assessment selectNodes {qtimetadata}]
+ set as_assessments__run_mode ""
+ set as_assessments__anonymous_p f
+ set as_assessments__secure_access_p f
+ set as_assessments__reuse_responses_p f
+ set as_assessments__show_item_name_p f
+ set as_assessments__consent_page ""
+ set as_assessments__return_url ""
+ set as_assessments__start_time ""
+ set as_assessments__end_time ""
+ set as_assessments__number_tries ""
+ set as_assessments__wait_between_tries ""
+ set as_assessments__ip_mask ""
+ set as_assessments__show_feedback "none"
+ set as_assessments__section_navigation "default path"
+ set itemfeedbacknodes [$root selectNodes {/questestinterop/assessment/section/item/itemfeedback}]
+ if { [llength $itemfeedbacknodes] >0} {
+ set as_assessments__show_feedback "all"
+ }
+ set resprocessNodes [$root selectNodes {/questestinterop/assessment/section/item/resprocessing}]
+ set as_assessments__survey_p {f}
+ if { [llength $resprocessNodes] == 0 } {
+ set as_assessments__survey_p {t}
+ #if it's a survey don't show feedback
+ set as_assessments__show_feedback "none"
+ }
+ if {[llength $qtimetadataNodes] > 0} {
+ #nodes qtimetadatafield
+ set qtimetadatafieldNodes [$qtimetadataNodes selectNodes {qtimetadatafield}]
+ foreach qtimetadatafieldnode $qtimetadatafieldNodes {
+ set label [$qtimetadatafieldnode selectNodes {fieldlabel/text()}]
+ set label [$label nodeValue]
+ set value [$qtimetadatafieldnode selectNodes {fieldentry/text()}]
+ set value [$value nodeValue]
+ switch -exact -- $label {
+ run_mode {
+ set as_assessments__run_mode $value
+ }
+ anonymous_p {
+ set as_assessments__anonymous_p $value
+ }
+ secure_access_p {
+ set as_assessments__secure_access_p $value
+ }
+ reuse_responses_p {
+ set as_assessments__reuse_responses_p $value
+ }
+ show_item_name_p {
+ set as_assessments__show_item_name_p $value
+ }
+ consent_page {
+ set as_assessments__consent_page $value
+ }
+ start_time {
+ set as_assessments__start_time $value
+ }
+ end_time {
+ set as_assessments__end_time $value
+ }
+ number_tries {
+ set as_assessments__number_tries $value
+ }
+ wait_between_tries {
+ set as_assessments__wait_between_tries $value
+ }
+ ip_mask {
+ set as_assessments__ip_mask $value
+ }
+ show_feedback {
+ set as_assessments__show_feedback $value
+ }
+ section_navigation {
+ set as_assessments__section_navigation $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Insert assessment in the CR (and as_assessments table) getting the revision_id (assessment_id)
+ set as_assessments__assessment_id [as::assessment::new \
+ -title $as_assessments__title \
+ -description $as_assessments__definition \
+ -instructions $as_assessments__instructions \
+ -run_mode $as_assessments__run_mode \
+ -anonymous_p $as_assessments__anonymous_p \
+ -secure_access_p $as_assessments__secure_access_p \
+ -reuse_responses_p $as_assessments__reuse_responses_p \
+ -show_item_name_p $as_assessments__show_item_name_p \
+ -consent_page $as_assessments__consent_page \
+ -return_url $as_assessments__return_url \
+ -start_time $as_assessments__start_time \
+ -end_time $as_assessments__end_time \
+ -number_tries $as_assessments__number_tries \
+ -wait_between_tries $as_assessments__wait_between_tries \
+ -time_for_response $as_assessments__duration \
+ -ip_mask $as_assessments__ip_mask \
+ -show_feedback $as_assessments__show_feedback \
+ -section_navigation $as_assessments__section_navigation \
+ -survey_p $as_assessments__survey_p ]
+ # Section
+ set sectionNodes [$assessment selectNodes {section}]
+ set as_assessment_section_map__sort_order 0
+ foreach section $sectionNodes {
+ set as_sections__title [$section getAttribute {title} {Section}]
+ #get section's children (qticomment, duration, qtimetadata, objectives, sectioncontrol,
+ #sectionprecondition, sectionpostcondition, rubric, presentation_material, outcomes_processing,
+ #sectionproc_extension, sectionfeedback, selection_ordering, reference, itemref, item, sectionref,
+ #section)
+ set nodesList [$section childNodes]
+ set as_sections__definition ""
+ set as_sections__instructions ""
+ set as_sections__duration ""
+ set as_sections__sectionfeedback ""
+ #for each section's child
+ foreach node $nodesList {
+ set nodeName [$node nodeName]
+ #as_sectionsx.description = or
+ if {$nodeName == "qticomment"} {
+ set definitionNodes [$section selectNodes {qticomment}]
+ if {[llength $definitionNodes] != 0} {
+ set definition [lindex $definitionNodes 0]
+ set as_sections__definition [as::qti::mattext_gethtml $definition]
+ }
+ } elseif {$nodeName == "objectives"} {
+ set definitionNodes [$section selectNodes {objectives/material/mattext}]
+ if {[llength $definitionNodes] != 0} {
+ set definition [lindex $definitionNodes 0]
+ set as_sections__definition [as::qti::mattext_gethtml $definition]
+ }
+ #as_sections.max_time_to_complete =
+ } elseif {$nodeName == "duration"} {
+ set section_durationNodes [$section selectNodes {duration/text()}]
+ if {[llength $section_durationNodes] != 0} {
+ set section_duration [lindex $section_durationNodes 0]
+ set as_sections__duration [$section_duration nodeValue]
+ }
+ #as_sections.instructions =
+ } elseif {$nodeName == "rubric"} {
+ set section_instructionNodes [$section selectNodes {rubric/material/mattext}]
+ if {[llength $section_instructionNodes] != 0} {
+ set section_instruction [lindex $section_instructionNodes 0]
+ set as_sections__instructions [as::qti::mattext_gethtml $section_instruction]
+ }
+ #as_sections.feedback_text =
+ } elseif {$nodeName == "sectionfeedback"} {
+ set sectionfeedbackNodes [$section selectNodes {sectionfeedback/material/mattext}]
+ if {[llength $sectionfeedbackNodes] != 0} {
+ set sectionfeedback [lindex $sectionfeedbackNodes 0]
+ set as_sections__sectionfeedback [as::qti::mattext_gethtml $sectionfeedback]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set qtimetadataNodes [$section selectNodes {qtimetadata}]
+ set as_sections__num_items ""
+ set as_sections__points ""
+ set asdt__display_type none
+ set asdt__s_num_items ""
+ set asdt__adp_chunk ""
+ set asdt__branched_p f
+ set asdt__back_button_p t
+ set asdt__submit_answer_p f
+ set asdt__sort_order_type order_of_entry
+ if {[llength $qtimetadataNodes] > 0} {
+ #nodes qtimetadatafield
+ set qtimetadatafieldNodes [$qtimetadataNodes selectNodes {qtimetadatafield}]
+ foreach qtimetadatafieldnode $qtimetadatafieldNodes {
+ set label [$qtimetadatafieldnode selectNodes {fieldlabel/text()}]
+ set label [$label nodeValue]
+ set value [$qtimetadatafieldnode selectNodes {fieldentry/text()}]
+ set value [$value nodeValue]
+ switch -exact -- $label {
+ num_items {
+ set as_sections__num_items $value
+ }
+ points {
+ set as_sections__points $value
+ }
+ display_type {
+ set asdt__display_type $value
+ }
+ s_num_items {
+ set asdt__s_num_items $value
+ }
+ adp_chunk {
+ set asdt__adp_chunk $value
+ }
+ branched_p {
+ set asdt__branched_p $value
+ }
+ back_button_p {
+ set asdt__back_button_p $value
+ }
+ submit_answer_p {
+ set asdt__submit_answer_p $value
+ }
+ sort_order_type {
+ set asdt__sort_order_type $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #section display type
+ set display_type_id [as::section_display::new \
+ -title $asdt__display_type \
+ -num_items $asdt__s_num_items \
+ -adp_chunk $asdt__adp_chunk \
+ -branched_p $asdt__branched_p \
+ -back_button_p $asdt__back_button_p \
+ -submit_answer_p $asdt__submit_answer_p \
+ -sort_order_type $asdt__sort_order_type]
+ # Insert section in the CR (and in the as_sections table) getting the revision_id (section_id)
+ set section_id [as::section::new \
+ -title $as_sections__title \
+ -description $as_sections__definition \
+ -instructions $as_sections__instructions \
+ -feedback_text $as_sections__sectionfeedback \
+ -max_time_to_complete $as_sections__duration \
+ -num_items $as_sections__num_items \
+ -points $as_sections__points \
+ -display_type_id $display_type_id]
+ # Relation between as_sections and as_assessments
+ db_dml as_assessment_section_map_insert {}
+ incr as_assessment_section_map__sort_order
+ set as_item_section_map__sort_order 0
+ # Process the items
+ set as_items [as::qti::parse_item $section [file dirname $xmlfile]]
+ # Relation between as_items and as_sections
+ foreach as_item_list $as_items {
+ array set as_item $as_item_list
+ set as_item_id $as_item(as_item_id)
+ set as_item__duration $as_item(duration)
+ set as_item__points $as_item(points)
+ db_dml as_item_section_map_insert {}
+ incr as_item_section_map__sort_order
+ }
+ #get points from a section
+ db_0or1row get_section_points {}
+ #update as_assessment_section_map with section points
+ db_dml update_as_assessment_section_map {}
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Just items (no assessments)
+ as::qti::parse_item $questestinterop [file dirname $xmlfile]]
+ }
+ }
+ return $as_assessments__assessment_id
Index: openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new-2.adp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new-2.adp,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new-2.adp 26 Jul 2005 08:05:35 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ @page_title;noquote@
+ @context;noquote@
+ No information found in the imsmanifest.xml file. Nothing to do.
+Pleas, confirm the information you are uploading
Index: openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new-2.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new-2.tcl,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new-2.tcl 26 Jul 2005 08:05:35 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# /packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new-2.tcl
+ad_page_contract {
+ Pre parse the IMS LD ZIP file and requests confirmation from the user.
+ @author
+ @creation-date jul 2005
+} {
+ upload_file:trim
+ upload_file.tmpfile:tmpfile
+ return_url
+} -properties {
+ upload_file
+ context:onevalue
+set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
+permission::require_permission -object_id $package_id -privilege create
+set page_title "<#_ Confirm: New IMS-LD #>"
+set context [list [list "<#_ New IMS-LD #>" "new-imsld"] [list "<#_ Confirm: New IMS-LD #>"]]
+set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
+set imsld_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq]
+# expand file
+set tmp_dir [imsld::parse::expand_file -upload_file $upload_file -tmpfile ${upload_file.tmpfile} -dest_dir_base imsld-${imsld_id}]
+# search for manifest file
+set manifest [imsld::parse::find_manifest -dir $tmp_dir -file_name "imsmanifest.xml"]
+# see if the file actually is where it suppose to be. Othewise abort
+if {$manifest == 0} {
+ imsld::parse::remove_dir -dir $tmp_dir
+ ad_return_error "<#_ No imsmanifest.xml found #>" "<#_ No imsmanifest.xml was found in the compressed file. Aborting. #>"
+ ad_script_abort
+# open the imsmanifest.xml file
+dom parse [::tDOM::xmlReadFile $manifest] doc
+set manifest [$doc documentElement]
+# Pair of values, success_p + explanation
+set is_imsld_list [imsld::parse::is_imsld -tree $manifest]
+if { [lindex $is_imsld_list 0] } {
+ multirow create imsld_info element_name info
+ template::list::create \
+ -name imsld_info \
+ -multirow imsld_info \
+ -no_data "<#_ No information found in the manifest file #>" \
+ -elements {
+ element_name {
+ label ""
+ html {valign top style "background-color: #e0e0e0; font-weight: bold;"}
+ }
+ info {
+ label ""
+ html {valign top style "background-color: #f0f0f0; font-weight: bold;"}
+ }
+ }
+ # Get the info from the manifest
+ set organizations [$manifest child all organizations]
+ multirow append imsld_info "<#_ Number of Organizations: #>" [llength $organizations]
+ set imsld [$organizations child all imsld:learning-design]
+ multirow append imsld_info "<#_ Number of IMD LDs #>" [llength $imsld]
+ set imsld_title [imsld::parse::get_title -tree $imsld]
+ set imsld_level [imsld::parse::get_attribute -tree $imsld -attr_name level]
+ set imsld_level [expr { [empty_string_p $imsld_level] ? "<#_ Not defined #>" : $imsld_level }]
+ multirow append imsld_info "<#_ IMD LD Title #>" [llength $imsld]
+ multirow append imsld_info "<#_ IMD LD Level #>" "$imsld_level"
+ # Components
+ set components [$imsld child all imsld:components]
+ imsld::parse::validate_multiplicity -tree $components -multiplicity 1 -element_name components -equal
+ set roles [$components child all imsld:roles]
+ set learners [llength [$roles child all imsld:learner]]
+ set staff [llength [$roles child all imsld:staff]]
+ multirow append imsld_info "<#_ Total Roles #>" [expr $learners + $staff]
+ multirow append imsld_info "<#_ Learners Roles #>" $learners
+ multirow append imsld_info "<#_ Staff Roels #>" $staff
+ set activities [$components child all imsld:activities]
+ if { [llength $activities] } {
+ set learning_activities [llength [$activities child all imsld:learning-activity]]
+ set support_activities [llength [$activities child all imsld:support-activity]]
+ set activity_structures [llength [$activities child all imsld:activity-structure]]
+ multirow append imsld_info "<#_ Total Activities #>" [expr $learning_activities + $support_activities + $activity_structures]
+ multirow append imsld_info "<#_ Learning Activities #>" $learning_activities
+ multirow append imsld_info "<#_ Support Activities #>" $support_activities
+ multirow append imsld_info "<#_ Activity Structures #>" $activity_structures
+ }
+ # Methods
+ set methods [$imsld child all imsld:method]
+ imsld::parse::validate_multiplicity -tree $methods -multiplicity 1 -element_name methods -equal
+ set plays [$methods child all imsld:play]
+ imsld::parse::validate_multiplicity -tree $plays -multiplicity 1 -element_name plays -equal
+ set acts [$plays child all imsld:act]
+ imsld::parse::validate_multiplicity -tree $acts -multiplicity 0 -element_name acts -greather_than
+ multirow append imsld_info "<#_ Acts #>" [llength $acts]
+} else {
+ # Not valid (or supported?) IMS LD
+ ad_return_error "<#_ No IMS LD #>" "Couldn't determine if this is a well formed IMS-LD: [lindex $is_imsld_list 1]"
+ ad_script_abort
+ad_form -name imsld_upload -cancel_url $return_url -action imsld-new-3 -html { enctype multipart/form-data } -form {
+ imsld_id:key
+ {tmp_dir:text {widget hidden} {value $tmp_dir}}
Index: openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new-3.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/Attic/imsld-new-3.tcl,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new-3.tcl 26 Jul 2005 08:05:35 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# /packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new-3.tcl
+ad_page_contract {
+ Parse and create the imsld in the database.
+ @author
+ @creation-date jul 2005
+} {
+ tmp_dir
+ imsld_id:integer,notnull
+ return_url
+} -properties {
+ context:onevalue
+set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
+permission::require_permission -object_id $package_id -privilege create
+set page_title "<#_ Creating new IMS-LD... #>"
+set context [list [list "<#_ New IMS-LD #>" "new-imsld"] [list "<#_ Creaginting new IMS-LD #>"]]
+set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
+# Display progress bar
+ad_progress_bar_begin \
+ -title "<#_ Uploading IMS LD #>" \
+ -message_1 "<#_ Uploading and processing your course, please wait... #>" \
+ -message_2 "<#_ We will continue automatically when processing is complete. #>"
+# Atempting to create the new IMS LD.
+# The proc imsld::parse::parse_and_create_imsldl return a pair of values (success_p and a message)
+set create_ismld_atempt_list [imsld::parse::parse_and_create_imsld -xmlfile $tmp_dir/imsmanifest.xml -imsld_id $imsld_id]
+set success_p [lindex $create_ismld_atempt_list 0]
+set message [lindex $create_ismld_atempt_list 1]
+if { $success_p } {
+ # Hats off!
+} else {
+ # Error
\ No newline at end of file
Index: openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new.adp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new.adp,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new.adp 26 Jul 2005 08:05:35 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ @page_title;noquote@
+ @context;noquote@
Index: openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new.tcl,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/imsld/www/admin/imsld-new.tcl 26 Jul 2005 08:05:35 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ad_page_contract {
+ Presents a form to upload a IMS LD ZIP file.
+ @author
+ @creation-date jul 2005
+} {
+ {return_url "index"}
+} -properties {
+ upload_file
+ context:onevalue
+set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
+permission::require_permission -object_id $package_id -privilege create
+set page_title "<#_ New IMS-LD #>"
+set context [list "<#_ New IMS-LD #>"]
+set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
+# form to upload an IMS LD ZIP file
+ad_form -name upload_file_form -html {enctype multipart/form-data} -cancel_url $return_url -action imsld-new-2 -form {
+ imsld_id:key
+ {upload_file:file {label "<#_ IMS-LD ZIP File #>"}}
+ {return_url:text {widget hidden} {value $return_url}}