- lang="@doc.title_lang;noquote@">@doc.title;noquote@
+ad_page_contract {
+ This is the top level master template. It allows the basic parts of an XHTML
+ document to be set through convenient data structures without introducing
+ anything site specific.
- http-equiv="@meta.http_equiv;noquote@" name="@meta.name;noquote@" scheme="@meta.scheme;noquote@" lang="@meta.lang;noquote@" content="@meta.content@">
- lang="@link.lang;noquote@" title="@link.title;noquote@" type="@link.type;noquote@" media="@link.media@">
+ You MUST supply the following variables:
+ You should NEVER need to modify this file.
+ Most of the time your pages or master templates should not directly set this
+ file in their tag. They should instead use site-master with
+ provides a set of standard OpenACS content. Only pages which need to return
+ raw HTML should use this template directly.
- class="@body.class;noquote@" id="@body.id;noquote@"@event_handlers;noquote@>
- @header;noquote@
- @footer;noquote@
+ When using this template directly you MUST supply the following variables:
+ @property doc(title) The document title, ie. tag.
+ @property doc(title_lang) The language of the document title, if different
+ from the document language.
+ The document output can be customised by supplying the following variables:
+ @property doc(type) The declared xml DOCTYPE.
+ @property doc(charset) The document character set.
+ @property body(id) The id attribute of the body tag.
+ @property body(class) The class of the body tag.
+ ad_conn -set language Must be used to override the document language
+ if necessary.
+ To add a CSS or Javascripts to the section of the document you can
+ call the corresponding template::head::add_* functions within your page.
+ @see template::head::add_css
+ @see template::head::add_javascript
+ More generally, meta, link and script tags can be added to the section
+ of the document by calling their template::head::add_* function within your
+ page.
+ @see template::head::add_meta
+ @see template::head::add_link
+ @see template::head::add_script
+ Javascript event handlers, such as onload, an be added to the tag by
+ calling template::add_body_handler within your page.
+ @see template::add_body_handler
+ Finally, for more advanced functionality see the documentation for
+ template::add_body_script, template::add_header and template::add_footer.
+ @see template::add_body_script
+ @see template::add_header
+ @see template::add_footer
+ @author Kevin Scaldeferri (kevin@arsdigita.com)
+ Lee Denison (lee@xarg.co.uk)
+ @creation-date 14 Sept 2000
+ $Id$
+if {[template::util::is_nil doc(type)]} {
+ set doc(type) {}
+if {[template::util::is_nil doc(charset)]} {
+ set doc(charset) [ad_conn charset]
+# The document language is always set from [ad_conn lang] which by default
+# returns the language setting for the current user. This is probably
+# not a bad guess, but the rest of OpenACS must override this setting when
+# appropriate and set the lang attribute of tags which differ from the language
+# of the page. Otherwise we are lying to the browser.
+set doc(lang) [ad_conn language]
+# AG: Markup in tags doesn't render well.
+set doc(title) [ns_striphtml $doc(title)]
+# Generate the tag multirow
+variable ::template::head::metas
+template::multirow create meta name content http_equiv scheme lang
+template::multirow append meta \
+ "" \
+ "text/html; charset=$doc(charset)" \
+ "content-type"
+if {[array exists metas]} {
+ foreach name [array names metas] {
+ foreach {http_equiv name scheme content lang} $metas($name) {
+ template::multirow append meta \
+ $name \
+ $content \
+ $http_equiv \
+ $scheme \
+ $lang
+ }
+ }
+# Generate the tag multirow
+variable ::template::head::links
+template::multirow create link rel type href title lang media
+if {[array exists links]} {
+ foreach name [array names links] {
+ foreach {rel href type media title lang} $links($name) {
+ template::multirow append link \
+ $rel \
+ $type \
+ $href \
+ $title \
+ $lang \
+ $media
+ }
+ }
+# Generate the head tag multirow
+variable ::template::head::scripts
+template::multirow create script type src charset defer content
+if {[array exists scripts]} {
+ foreach name [array names scripts] {
+ foreach {type src charset script defer} $scripts($name) {
+ template::multirow append script \
+ $type \
+ $src \
+ $charset \
+ $defer \
+ $content
+ }
+ }
+# Generate the body tag multirow
+variable ::template::body_scripts
+template::multirow create body_script type src charset defer content
+if {[info exists body_scripts]} {
+ foreach {type src charset script defer} $body_scripts {
+ template::multirow append body_script \
+ $type \
+ $src \
+ $charset \
+ $defer \
+ $content
+ }
+# Concatenate the javascript event handlers for the body tag
+variable ::template::body_handlers
+if {[array exists body_handlers]} {
+ set names [array names body_handlers]
+ foreach name $names {
+ set event [lindex [split $name ","] 0]
+ foreach javascript $body_handlers($name) {
+ lappend body_handlers($event) "[string trimright $javascript "; "];"
+ }
+ unset body_handlers($name)
+ }
+# Now create the event handlers string
+foreach {event script} [array get body_handlers] {
+ append event_handlers " ${event}=\"$script\""
+# Generate the body headers
+variable ::template::headers
+set header [list]
+if {[info exists headers]} {
+ foreach {type src params} $headers {
+ if {$type eq "literal"} {
+ lappend header $src
+ } else {
+ lappend header [template::adp_include $src $params]
+ }
+ }
+# Generate the body footers
+variable ::template::footers
+set footer [list]
+if {[info exists footers]} {
+ foreach {type src params} $footers {
+ if {$type eq "literal"} {
+ lappend footer $src
+ } else {
+ lappend footer [template::adp_include $src $params]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file