Index: openacs-4/packages/xowiki/
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xowiki/,v
diff -u -r1.12 -r1.13
--- openacs-4/packages/xowiki/ 13 Apr 2006 19:19:36 -0000 1.12
+++ openacs-4/packages/xowiki/ 15 Apr 2006 23:01:08 -0000 1.13
@@ -8,35 +8,36 @@
Gustaf Neumann
- A more generic xotcl-based wikis example with object types
+ A more generic xotcl-based wikis example with object types
and subtypes based on the content repository (with category support)
- 2006-02-22
- XoWiki is a wiki implementation for OpenACS in xotcl. Instead of trying to
-implement the full set of wiki markup commands of systems like MediaWiki,
-XoWiki is based on a rich text editor and focuses more on integration
-with oacs (e.g categories, general comments, adp-includes). XoWiki
-combines aspects of wikis (ease of page-creation) with aspects of a
-content management system (revisions, re-usable items, multiple
-languages). Furthermore, XoWiki allows to define different types of links such
-one could define book-structures (where a navigation structure could be built on the fly) or glossaries with differnt kind of word relationships (like synonyms, etc.). XoWiki supports pages in multiple languages and is localized (currently only for English and German). Currently, richtext and plaintext type entries are supported. Included support for adp-substitution in wiki pages and a file-selector. 0.13 supports page templates and uses the new generic form interface. Use of the oo layer for the content repository, reduced number of database interactions.0.18 supports text/enhanced, nice page names, import/export. Support for search (::xowiki::Page and ::xowiki::PlainPage); 0.20 support ::xowiki::Object, directory object, rss generation into syndication table, improved admin pages; 0.21: ajax-ased chat added, new attributes creator and page_title for all xowiki::Pages; 0.22 improved permission checking
+ 2006-04-16
+ XoWiki is a wiki implementation for OpenACS in xotcl. Instead of trying to
+implement the full set of wiki markup commands of systems like MediaWiki,
+XoWiki is based on a rich text editor and focuses more on integration
+with oacs (e.g categories, general comments, adp-includes). XoWiki
+combines aspects of wikis (ease of page-creation) with aspects of a
+content management system (revisions, re-usable items, multiple
+languages). Furthermore, XoWiki allows to define different types of links such
+one could define book-structures (where a navigation structure could be built on the fly) or glossaries with differnt kind of word relationships (like synonyms, etc.). XoWiki supports pages in multiple languages and is localized (currently only for English and German). Currently, richtext and plaintext type entries are supported. Included support for adp-substitution in wiki pages and a file-selector. 0.13 supports page templates and uses the new generic form interface. Use of the oo layer for the content repository, reduced number of database interactions.0.18 supports text/enhanced, nice page names, import/export. Support for search (::xowiki::Page and ::xowiki::PlainPage); 0.20 support ::xowiki::Object, directory object, rss generation into syndication table, improved admin pages; 0.21: ajax-ased chat added, new attributes creator and page_title for all xowiki::Pages; 0.22 improved permission checking. 0.24 provides link-types, more includeletes (most-recently viewed, most frequently accessed pages).
Index: openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/link-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/link-procs.tcl,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/link-procs.tcl 15 Apr 2006 23:01:09 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ad_library {
+ XoWiki - definition of link types and their renderers
+ @creation-date 2006-04-15
+ @author Gustaf Neumann
+ @cvs-id $Id: link-procs.tcl,v 1.1 2006/04/15 23:01:09 gustafn Exp $
+namespace eval ::xowiki {
+ #
+ # generic links
+ #
+ Class create Link -parameter {type title lang stripped_name label folder_id package_id}
+ Link instproc init {} {
+ set class [self class]::[my type]
+ if {[my isclass $class]} {my class $class}
+ }
+ Link instproc resolve {} {
+ my log "--LINK "
+ ::Generic::CrItem lookup -title [my title] -parent_id [my folder_id]
+ }
+ Link instproc render_found {href label} {
+ return "$label"
+ }
+ Link instproc render_not_found {href label} {
+ return " \[ $label \] "
+ }
+ Link instproc render {} {
+ set page [my info parent]
+ set item_id [my resolve]
+ if {$item_id} {
+ $page lappend references [list $item_id [my type]]
+ set href [::xowiki::Page pretty_link -package_id [my package_id] -lang [my lang] [my stripped_name]]
+ my render_found $href [my label]
+ } else {
+ $page incr unresolved_references
+ set object_type [[$page info class] set object_type]
+ set title [my label]
+ set href [export_vars -base [Page url_prefix -package_id [my package_id]]edit {object_type title}]
+ my render_not_found $href [my label]
+ }
+ }
+ Link instproc lookup_xowiki_package_by_name {name start_package_id} {
+ set ancestors [site_node::get_ancestors -node_id $start_package_id -element node_id]
+ foreach a $ancestors {
+ set package_id [site_node::get_children -node_id $a -package_key xowiki \
+ -filters [list name $name] -element package_id]
+ if {$package_id ne ""} {
+ set folder_id [::xowiki::Page require_folder -package_id $package_id \
+ -name xowiki -store_folder_id false]
+ return [list package_id $package_id folder_id $folder_id]
+ }
+ }
+ return [list]
+ }
+ #
+ # language links
+ #
+ Class create ::xowiki::Link::language -superclass ::xowiki::Link
+ ::xowiki::Link::language instproc render {} {
+ set page [my info parent]
+ my instvar lang
+ set item_id [my resolve]
+ if {$item_id} {
+ set css_class "found"
+ set link [::xowiki::Page pretty_link -lang $lang [my stripped_name]]
+ } else {
+ set css_class "undefined"
+ set last_page_id [$page set item_id]
+ set object_type [[$page info class] set object_type]
+ set link [export_vars -base [Page url_prefix]edit {object_type title last_page_id}]
+ }
+ $page lappend lang_links \
+ ""
+ return ""
+ }
+ #
+ # glossary links
+ #
+ Class create ::xowiki::Link::glossary -superclass ::xowiki::Link
+ ::xowiki::Link::glossary instproc resolve {} {
+ # look for a package instance of xowiki, named "glossary"
+ [my info parent] instvar parent_id
+ my array set glossary [my lookup_xowiki_package_by_name [my type] [$parent_id set package_id]]
+ if {[my exists glossary(folder_id)]} {
+ # set correct package id for rendering the link (needed for url_prefix)
+ my package_id [my set glossary(package_id)]
+ # lookup the item from the found folder
+ return [::Generic::CrItem lookup -title [my title] -parent_id [my set glossary(folder_id)]]
+ }
+ my log "--LINK no page found [my title], [my lang], type=[my type]."
+ return 0
+ }
+ ::xowiki::Link::glossary instproc render_found {href label} {
+ ::xowiki::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/get-http-object.js"
+ ::xowiki::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/popup-handler.js"
+ ::xowiki::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/overlib/overlib.js"
+ return "$label"
+ }
+ #
+ # link cache
+ #
+ Class LinkCache
+ LinkCache instproc resolve {} {
+ set key link-[my type]-[my title]-[my folder_id]
+ while {1} {
+ array set r [ns_cache eval xowiki_cache $key {
+ set id [next]
+ if {$id == 0} break ;# don't cache
+ return [list item_id $id package_id [my package_id]]
+ }]
+ break
+ }
+ if {![info exists r(item_id)]} {return 0}
+ # we have a valid item. Set the the package_id and return the item_id
+ my package_id $r(package_id)
+ return $r(item_id)
+ }
+ Link instmixin add LinkCache
\ No newline at end of file
Index: openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-cache-init.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-cache-init.tcl,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-cache-init.tcl 15 Apr 2006 23:01:09 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ns_cache create xowiki_cache -size 200000
+# [ad_parameter -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] MaxSize memoize 200000]
Index: openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.25 -r1.26
--- openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl 13 Apr 2006 19:19:36 -0000 1.25
+++ openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl 15 Apr 2006 23:01:09 -0000 1.26
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
@cvs-id $Id$
namespace eval ::xowiki {
::Generic::CrClass create Page -superclass ::Generic::CrItem \
-pretty_name "XoWiki Page" -pretty_plural "XoWiki Pages" \
@@ -56,36 +57,10 @@
-# the following block is legacy code
-# ::Generic::CrClass create CrWikiPage -superclass ::xowiki::Page \
-# -pretty_name "Wiki Page" -pretty_plural "Wiki Pages" \
-# -table_name "generic_cr_wiki_page" -id_column "page_id" \
-# -form ::xowiki::WikiForm -object_type "CrWikiPage"
+# create reference table and table for user tracking
-# ::Generic::CrClass create CrWikiPlainPage -superclass ::xowiki::PlainPage \
-# -pretty_name "Plain Wiki Page" -pretty_plural "Plain Wiki Pages" \
-# -table_name "generic_cr_plain_page" -id_column "ppage_id" \
-# -form ::xowiki::PlainWikiForm -object_type "CrWikiPlainPage"
-# ::Generic::CrClass create PageTemplate -superclass ::xowiki::PageTemplate \
-# -pretty_name "Page Template" -pretty_plural "Page Templates" \
-# -table_name "generic_page_template" -id_column "page_template_id" \
-# -form ::xowiki::WikiForm -object_type "PageTemplate"
-# ::Generic::CrClass create PageInstance -superclass ::xowiki::PageInstance \
-# -pretty_name "Page Instance" -pretty_plural "Page Instances" \
-# -table_name "generic_page_instance" -id_column "page_instance_id" \
-# -object_type "PageInstance" \
-# -cr_attributes {
-# ::Generic::Attribute new -attribute_name page_template -datatype integer \
-# -pretty_name "Page Template"
-# ::Generic::Attribute new -attribute_name instance_attributes -datatype text \
-# -pretty_name "Instance Attributes"
-# } \
-# -form ::xowiki::PageInstanceForm \
-# -edit_form ::xowiki::PageInstanceEditForm
if {![db_0or1row check-xowiki-references-table \
"select tablename from pg_tables where tablename = 'xowiki_references'"]} {
db_dml create-xowiki-references-table "create table xowiki_references(
@@ -111,6 +86,10 @@
namespace eval ::xowiki {
+ #
+ # upgrade logic
+ #
ad_proc ::xowiki::upgrade_callback {
@@ -200,6 +179,10 @@
+ #
+ # Application specific forms
+ #
Class create WikiForm -superclass ::Generic::Form \
-parameter {
{field_list {item_id title page_title creator text description nls_language}}
@@ -311,11 +294,8 @@
### ad_form! don't do it in pageinstanceforms.
$data render_adp false
$data render -update_references
- } else {
- # for the subsequent pretty_link; in the other branch, render sets it up already
- Page set url_prefix [site_node::get_url_from_object_id -object_id [ad_conn package_id]]
- my set submit_link [::xowiki::Page pretty_link [$data set title]]?
+ my set submit_link [::xowiki::Page pretty_link [$data set title]]
WikiForm instproc new_request {} {
@@ -526,6 +506,7 @@
namespace eval ::xowiki {
Page proc requireCSS name {set ::need_css($name) 1}
Page proc requireJS name {set ::need_js($name) 1}
Page proc header_stuff {} {
@@ -549,15 +530,30 @@
- Page proc pretty_link {-lang title} {
- my instvar url_prefix
+ Page proc url_prefix {-package_id} {
+ my instvar url_prefix folder_id
+ if {![info exists package_id]} {set package_id [$folder_id set package_id]}
+ if {![info exists url_prefix($package_id)]} {
+ set url_prefix($package_id) [site_node::get_url_from_object_id -object_id $package_id]
+ }
+ return $url_prefix($package_id)
+ }
+ Page proc pretty_link {-lang -package_id title} {
+ my instvar url_prefix folder_id
+ if {![info exists package_id]} {set package_id [$folder_id set package_id]}
+ if {![info exists url_prefix($package_id)]} {
+ set url_prefix($package_id) [site_node::get_url_from_object_id -object_id $package_id]
+ }
if {![info exists lang]} {
regexp {^(..):(.*)$} $title _ lang title
if {[info exists lang]} {
- return ${url_prefix}pages/$lang/[ad_urlencode $title]
+ return $url_prefix($package_id)pages/$lang/[ad_urlencode $title]
} else {
- return ${url_prefix}pages/[ad_urlencode $title]
+ return $url_prefix($package_id)pages/[ad_urlencode $title]
@@ -570,19 +566,25 @@
Page ad_proc require_folder_object {
- -package_id:required
+ -package_id:required
+ {-store_folder_id:boolean true}
} {
} {
if {![::xotcl::Object isobject ::$folder_id]} {
- set item_id [ns_cache eval xotcl_object_type_cache item-of-$folder_id {
- set item_id [CrItem lookup -title ::$folder_id -parent_id $folder_id]
- }]
- if {$item_id != 0} {
+ while {1} {
+ set item_id [ns_cache eval xotcl_object_type_cache item_id-of-$folder_id {
+ set id [CrItem lookup -title ::$folder_id -parent_id $folder_id]
+ if {$id == 0} break; # don't cache
+ return $id
+ }]
+ break
+ }
+ if {$item_id ne ""} {
+ # we have a valid item_id and get the folder object
#my log "--f fetch folder object -object ::$folder_id -item_id $item_id"
set o [::xowiki::Object fetch_object -object ::$folder_id -item_id $item_id]
} else {
- ns_cache flush xotcl_object_type_cache item-of-$folder_id
- #my log "--f save new folder object"
+ # we have no folder object yet. so we create one...
set o [::xowiki::Object create ::$folder_id]
$o set text "# this is the payload of the folder object\n\nset index_page \"\"\n"
$o set parent_id $folder_id
@@ -592,11 +594,13 @@
#$o proc destroy {} {my log "--f "; next}
$o set package_id $package_id
- #my log "--f package_id set, exists $o -> [::xotcl::Object isobject $o]"
uplevel #0 [list $o volatile]
} else {
#my log "--f reuse folder object $folder_id [::Serializer deepSerialize ::$folder_id]"
+ if {$store_folder_id} {
+ Page set folder_id $folder_id
+ }
Page proc import {-user_id -package-id -folder-id {-replace 0} -objects} {
@@ -704,7 +708,13 @@
set adp [string map { " "} $adp]
set adp_fn [lindex $adp 0]
if {![string match "/*" $adp_fn]} {set adp_fn /packages/xowiki/www/$adp_fn}
- set adp_args [concat [lindex $adp 1] [list __including_page [self]]]
+ set adp_args [lindex $adp 1]
+ if {[llength $adp_args] % 2 == 1} {
+ return "Error in '$arg'
+ Syntax: adp <name of adp-file> {<argument list>}
+ Invalid argument list: '$adp_args'; must be attribute value pairs (even number of elements)"
+ }
+ lappend adp_args __including_page [self]
return [template::adp_include $adp_fn $adp_args]
@@ -728,66 +738,42 @@
regexp {^(.*)[|](.*)$} $arg _ link label
if {[string match "http*//*" $link]} {
return "$label"
+ }
+ my instvar parent_id
+ # do we have a language link (it starts with a ':')
+ if {[regexp {^:(..):(.*)$} $link _ lang stripped_name]} {
+ set link_type language
} else {
- set specified_link $link
- my instvar parent_id
- Page instvar url_prefix
- [my info class] instvar object_type
- if {[regexp {^:(..):(.*)$} $link _ lang stripped]} {
- set lang_item_id [CrItem lookup \
- -title $lang:$stripped -parent_id $parent_id]
- #my log "lang lookup for '$lang:$stripped' returned $lang_item_id"
- if {$lang_item_id} {
- set css_class "found"
- set link [Page pretty_link -lang $lang $stripped]
- #set link [export_vars -base view {{item_id $lang_item_id}}]
- } else {
- set css_class "undefined"
- set last_page_id [my set item_id]
- set link [export_vars -base ${url_prefix}edit {object_type {title $lang:$stripped} last_page_id}]
- }
- my lappend lang_links \
- ""
- return ""
- }
- set link_type link
- regexp {^([^:]+):([^:]+:.*)$} $link _ link_type link
- if {[regexp {^(..):(.*)$} $link _ lang stripped_name]} {
- if {$label eq $arg} {set label $stripped_name}
- set name $link
- } {
+ # do we have a typed link?
+ if {![regexp {^([^:][^:][^:]+):((..):)?(.+)$} $link _ link_type _ lang stripped_name]} {
+ # must be an untyped link; defaults, in case the second regexp does not match either
+ set lang ""
+ set link_type link
set stripped_name $link
- set name [my lang]:$link
- set lang [my lang]
+ regexp {^(..):(.+)$} $link _ lang stripped_name
- set item_id [::Generic::CrItem lookup -title $name -parent_id $parent_id]
- if {$item_id} {
- my lappend references [list $item_id $link_type]
- #set link [export_vars -base view {item_id}]
- #return "$label"
- return "$label"
- } else {
- my incr unresolved_references
- set link [export_vars -base ${url_prefix}edit {object_type {title $label}}]
- return " \[ $label \] "
- }
+ if {$lang eq ""} {set lang [my lang]}
+ if {$label eq $arg} {set label $stripped_name}
+ my log "--LINK lang=$lang type=$link_type stripped_name=$stripped_name"
+ Link create [self]::link \
+ -type $link_type -title $lang:$stripped_name -lang $lang \
+ -stripped_name $stripped_name -label $label \
+ -folder_id $parent_id -package_id [$parent_id set package_id]
+ return [[self]::link render]
Page instproc references {} {
[my info class] instvar table_name
- my instvar item_id url_prefix
- set l [db_list_of_lists references \
- "SELECT page,,link_type from xowiki_references, cr_items ci \
- where reference=$item_id and ci.item_id = page"]
+ my instvar item_id
set refs [list]
- foreach e $l {
- #set link [export_vars -base view {{item_id {[lindex $e 0]}}}]
- set link [lindex $e 1]
- lappend refs "$link"
- }
- return [join $refs ", "]
+ db_foreach references "SELECT page,,link_type,f.package_id \
+ from xowiki_references,cr_items ci,cr_folders f \
+ where reference=$item_id and ci.item_id = page and ci.parent_id = f.folder_id" {
+ lappend refs "$name"
+ }
+ join $refs ", "
Page instproc substitute_markup {source} {
@@ -811,7 +797,7 @@
Page instproc adp_subst {content} {
- set __ignorelist [list RE __defaults name_method object_type_key]
+ set __ignorelist [list RE __defaults name_method object_type_key url_prefix]
foreach __v [my info vars] {
if {[info exists $__v]} continue
my instvar $__v
@@ -859,8 +845,6 @@
my instvar item_id references lang render_adp unresolved_references parent_id
#my log "-- my class=[my info class]"
- set package_id [$parent_id set package_id]
- Page set url_prefix [site_node::get_url_from_object_id -object_id $package_id]
set title [my set title]
regexp {^(..):(.*)$} $title _ lang title
set references [list]
@@ -969,7 +953,7 @@
- # Methods of the object Object
+ # Methods of ::xowiki::Object
Object instproc get_content {} {
Index: openacs-4/packages/xowiki/www/view.adp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xowiki/www/Attic/view.adp,v
diff -u -r1.12 -r1.13
--- openacs-4/packages/xowiki/www/view.adp 11 Apr 2006 09:37:58 -0000 1.12
+++ openacs-4/packages/xowiki/www/view.adp 15 Apr 2006 23:01:09 -0000 1.13
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@