Index: openacs-4/packages/simulation/www/simplay/task-detail.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/simulation/www/simplay/task-detail.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.11 -r1.12
--- openacs-4/packages/simulation/www/simplay/task-detail.tcl 16 Jan 2004 10:20:39 -0000 1.11
+++ openacs-4/packages/simulation/www/simplay/task-detail.tcl 21 Jan 2004 11:17:34 -0000 1.12
@@ -1,107 +1,146 @@
ad_page_contract {
- Details for a task
+ Details for a task. If there is a recipient_role a message is created. If there
+ is not recipient role we upload a document instead.
} {
+ item_id:optional
simulation::case::assert_user_may_play_role -case_id $case_id -role_id $role_id
workflow::case::enabled_action_get -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -array enabled_action
set action_id $enabled_action(action_id)
simulation::action::get -action_id $action_id -array action
-if { ![empty_string_p $action(assigned_role_id)] } {
- set attachment_options [simulation::case::attachment_options -case_id $case_id -role_id $action(assigned_role_id)]
+set page_title $action(pretty_name)
+set context [list [list . "SimPlay"] [list [export_vars -base case { case_id role_id }] "Case"] [list [export_vars -base tasks { case_id role_id }] "Tasks"] $page_title]
-set title "Task"
-set context [list [list . "SimPlay"] [list [export_vars -base case { case_id role_id }] "Case"] [list [export_vars -base tasks { case_id role_id }] "Tasks"] $title]
+set action(recipient_role) ""
-ad_form -name action -edit_buttons { { Send ok } } -export { case_id role_id enabled_action_id } -form {
- {pretty_name:text(inform)
- {label "Task"}
- }
- {description:richtext,optional
- {label "Description"}
- {mode display}
- }
- {documents:text(inform),optional
- {label "Documents"}
- }
- {sender_name:text(inform),optional
- {label "From"}
- }
- {recipient_name:text(inform),optional
- {label "To"}
- }
- {subject:text
- {label "Subject"}
- {html {size 80}}
- }
- {body:richtext
- {label "Body"}
- {html {cols 60 rows 20}}
- }
- {attachments:integer(checkbox),multiple,optional
- {label "Attachments"}
- {options $attachment_options}
- }
-} -on_request {
- set pretty_name $action(pretty_name)
- set description [template::util::richtext::create $action(description) $action(description_mime_type)]
+if { ![empty_string_p $action(recipient_role)] } {
+ # We have a recipient role - use message form
- set documents {}
- db_foreach documents {
- select cr.title as object_title,
- as object_name
- from sim_task_object_map m,
- cr_items ci,
- cr_revisions cr
- where m.task_id = :action_id
- and m.relation_tag = 'attachment'
- and ci.item_id = m.object_id
- and cr.revision_id = ci.live_revision
- order by m.order_n
- } {
- set object_url [simulation::object::url \
- -name $object_name]
- append documents "$object_title
- }
- if { ![empty_string_p $action(recipient)] } {
- set recipient_name [simulation::role::get_element -role_id $action(recipient) -element pretty_name]
- }
if { ![empty_string_p $action(assigned_role_id)] } {
- simulation::role::get -role_id $action(assigned_role_id) -array sender_role
- set sender_name $sender_role(pretty_name)
+ set attachment_options [simulation::case::attachment_options -case_id $case_id -role_id $action(assigned_role_id)]
-} -on_submit {
- set body_text [template::util::richtext::get_property "contents" $body]
- set body_mime_type [template::util::richtext::get_property "format" $body]
+ set form_id action
- db_transaction {
+ ad_form -name $form_id -edit_buttons { { Send ok } } -export { case_id role_id enabled_action_id } \
+ -form {
+ {pretty_name:text(inform)
+ {label "Task"}
+ }
+ {description:richtext,optional
+ {label "Description"}
+ {mode display}
+ }
+ {documents:text(inform),optional
+ {label "Documents"}
+ }
+ {sender_name:text(inform),optional
+ {label "From"}
+ }
+ {recipient_name:text(inform),optional
+ {label "To"}
+ }
+ {subject:text
+ {label "Subject"}
+ {html {size 80}}
+ }
+ {body:richtext
+ {label "Body"}
+ {html {cols 60 rows 20}}
+ }
+ {attachments:integer(checkbox),multiple,optional
+ {label "Attachments"}
+ {options $attachment_options}
+ }
+ } -on_request {
+ set pretty_name $action(pretty_name)
+ set description [template::util::richtext::create $action(description) $action(description_mime_type)]
+ set documents {}
+ db_foreach documents {
+ select cr.title as object_title,
+ as object_name
+ from sim_task_object_map m,
+ cr_items ci,
+ cr_revisions cr
+ where m.task_id = :action_id
+ and m.relation_tag = 'attachment'
+ and ci.item_id = m.object_id
+ and cr.revision_id = ci.live_revision
+ order by m.order_n
+ } {
+ set object_url [simulation::object::url \
+ -name $object_name]
+ append documents "$object_title
+ }
+ if { ![empty_string_p $action(recipient)] } {
+ set recipient_name [simulation::role::get_element -role_id $action(recipient) -element pretty_name]
+ }
+ if { ![empty_string_p $action(assigned_role_id)] } {
+ simulation::role::get -role_id $action(assigned_role_id) -array sender_role
+ set sender_name $sender_role(pretty_name)
+ }
+ } -on_submit {
+ set body_text [template::util::richtext::get_property "contents" $body]
+ set body_mime_type [template::util::richtext::get_property "format" $body]
+ db_transaction {
- workflow::case::action::execute \
- -case_id $case_id \
- -action_id $action_id \
- -comment $body_text \
- -comment_mime_type $body_mime_type
+ workflow::case::action::execute \
+ -case_id $case_id \
+ -action_id $action_id \
+ -comment $body_text \
+ -comment_mime_type $body_mime_type
- simulation::message::new \
- -from_role_id $action(assigned_role_id) \
- -to_role_id $action(recipient) \
- -case_id $case_id \
- -subject $subject \
- -body $body_text \
- -body_mime_type $body_mime_type \
- -attachments $attachments
- }
+ simulation::message::new \
+ -from_role_id $action(assigned_role_id) \
+ -to_role_id $action(recipient) \
+ -case_id $case_id \
+ -subject $subject \
+ -body $body_text \
+ -body_mime_type $body_mime_type \
+ -attachments $attachments
+ }
- ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base tasks { case_id role_id }]
- ad_script_abort
+ ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base tasks { case_id role_id }]
+ ad_script_abort
+ }
+ set focus "action.subject"
+} else {
+ # No recipient role - use upload document form
+ set workflow_id [workflow::case::get_element -case_id $case_id -element workflow_id]
+ set form_id document
+ ad_form -name $form_id -export { case_id role_id workflow_id enabled_action_id } -html {enctype multipart/form-data} \
+ -form [concat {{pretty_name:text(inform) {label "Task"}}} [simulation::ui::forms::document_upload::form_block]] \
+ -on_request {
+ set pretty_name $action(pretty_name)
+ } -on_submit {
+ db_transaction {
+ simulation::ui::forms::document_upload::insert_document \
+ $case_id $role_id $item_id $document_file $title $description
+ workflow::case::action::execute \
+ -case_id $case_id \
+ -action_id $action_id \
+ -comment "Document [lindex $document_file 0] uploaded" \
+ -comment_mime_type "text/plain"
+ }
+ ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base tasks { case_id role_id }]
+ }
+ set focus "document.document_file"