Index: openacs-4/packages/invoices/tcl/offer-procs.tcl =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/invoices/tcl/offer-procs.tcl,v diff -u -N -r1.25 -r1.26 --- openacs-4/packages/invoices/tcl/offer-procs.tcl 29 Jun 2006 14:46:45 -0000 1.25 +++ openacs-4/packages/invoices/tcl/offer-procs.tcl 11 Aug 2006 18:06:28 -0000 1.26 @@ -301,9 +301,9 @@ set sum 0. db_multirow -local -extend {amount_sum amount_total category} items offer_items {} { if {$price_per_unit > 1} { - set item_units [format "%.1f" [expr $item_units * (1. + ($data(credit_percent) / 100.))]] + set item_units [expr $item_units * (1. + ($data(credit_percent) / 100.))] } else { - set item_units [format "%.1f" $item_units] + set item_units $item_units } set amount_sum [format "%.2f" [expr $item_units * $price_per_unit]] set amount_total [format "%.2f" [expr (1. - ($rebate / 100.)) * $amount_sum]] @@ -340,13 +340,15 @@ set data(am_name) $am_name set data(am_directphoneno) [ad_html_to_text -no_format $account_manager(directphoneno)] set am_directphoneno $data(am_directphoneno) + set am_directphoneno_int "+49 (0)[string trimleft $am_directphoneno 0]" } else { # Someone else is sending the offer. We need to mark this in the name contact::employee::get -employee_id [lindex $account_manager_ids 0] -array account_manager set account_manager_name "$account_manager(first_names) $account_manager(last_name)" set data(am_name) $account_manager_name set data(am_directphoneno) [ad_html_to_text -no_format $account_manager(directphoneno)] set am_directphoneno $data(am_directphoneno) + set am_directphoneno_int "+49 (0)[string trimleft $am_directphoneno 0]" set am_name "[_ contacts.pp] [contact::name -party_id $user_id]
$account_manager_name" } } else {