Index: openacs-4/packages/dotlrn-ecommerce/www/admin/patrons.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/dotlrn-ecommerce/www/admin/patrons.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- openacs-4/packages/dotlrn-ecommerce/www/admin/patrons.tcl 2 Jun 2005 06:39:43 -0000 1.2
+++ openacs-4/packages/dotlrn-ecommerce/www/admin/patrons.tcl 4 Jun 2005 10:05:18 -0000 1.3
@@ -22,28 +22,93 @@
participant {
label Participant
- patron {
- label Patron
- }
relationship {
label Relationship
+ display_template {
+ @patrons.relationship;noquote@
+ }
+ patron {
+ label "Related User"
+ display_template {
+ @patrons.patron@
+ @patrons.patron@
+ }
+ }
+ patron_p {
+ label "Patron for this Section"
+ display_template {
+ Yes
+ }
+ html { align center }
+ }
db_multirow -extend { relationship } patrons patrons {
- select r.rel_id, person__name(d.user_id) as participant, person__name(r.object_id_two) as patron
- from acs_rels r, dotlrn_member_rels_full d
- where r.object_id_one = d.user_id
- and r.rel_type = 'patron_rel'
- and d.community_id = (select community_id
- from dotlrn_ecommerce_section
- where section_id = :section_id)
+ select rels.rel_id, rels.patron_rel_id, rels.participant, rels.patron, rels.direction, r.rel_id as patron_p,
+ from (
+ select d.rel_id,
+ r.rel_id as patron_rel_id,
+ (select first_names||' '||last_name||' ('||email||')' from dotlrn_users where user_id = d.user_id) as participant,
+ (select first_names||' '||last_name||' ('||email||')' from dotlrn_users where user_id = r.object_id_two) as patron,
+ 1 as direction,
+ d.community_id,
+ r.object_id_two as patron_id
+ from acs_rels r, dotlrn_member_rels_full d
+ where r.object_id_one = d.user_id
+ and r.rel_type = 'patron_rel'
+ and d.community_id = (select community_id
+ from dotlrn_ecommerce_section
+ where section_id = :section_id)
+ union
+ select d.rel_id,
+ r.rel_id as patron_rel_id,
+ (select first_names||' '||last_name||' ('||email||')' from dotlrn_users where user_id = d.user_id) as participant,
+ (select first_names||' '||last_name||' ('||email||')' from dotlrn_users where user_id = r.object_id_one) as patron,
+ 2 as direction,
+ d.community_id,
+ r.object_id_one as patron_id
+ from acs_rels r, dotlrn_member_rels_full d
+ where r.object_id_two = d.user_id
+ and r.rel_type = 'patron_rel'
+ and d.community_id = (select community_id
+ from dotlrn_ecommerce_section
+ where section_id = :section_id)
+ and not r.object_id_one in (select r.object_id_two
+ from acs_rels r, dotlrn_member_rels_full d
+ where r.object_id_one = d.user_id
+ and r.rel_type = 'patron_rel'
+ and d.community_id = (select community_id
+ from dotlrn_ecommerce_section
+ where section_id = :section_id))
+) rels left join acs_rels r
+on (rels.rel_id = r.object_id_one and r.rel_type = 'membership_patron_rel' and rels.patron_id = r.object_id_two)
+left join ec_addresses a
+on (r.object_id_two = a.user_id)
+ order by lower(rels.participant)
} {
- foreach category [category::get_mapped_categories $rel_id] {
+ foreach category [category::get_mapped_categories $patron_rel_id] {
lappend relationship [category::get_name $category]
set relationship [join $relationship ", "]
+ if { $direction == 1 } {
+ set relationship "$relationship »"
+ } else {
+ set relationship "« $relationship"
+ }
db_1row get_section_info "select c.course_id, s.section_name