Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-authentication/www/doc/ext-auth-ldap-install.adp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-authentication/www/doc/ext-auth-ldap-install.adp,v
diff -u -r1.6.2.1 -r1.6.2.2
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-authentication/www/doc/ext-auth-ldap-install.adp	13 Jul 2023 12:44:56 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-authentication/www/doc/ext-auth-ldap-install.adp	2 Sep 2024 09:40:20 -0000
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
 <property name="context">{/doc/acs-authentication/ {ACS Authentication}} {Using LDAP/Active Directory with OpenACS}</property>
 <property name="doc(title)">Using LDAP/Active Directory with OpenACS</property>
+div.sect2 > div.itemizedlist > ul.itemizedlist > li.listitem {margin-top: 16px;}
+div.sect3 > div.itemizedlist > ul.itemizedlist > li.listitem {margin-top: 6px;}
 <include src="/packages/acs-core-docs/lib/navheader"
 			leftLink="ext-auth-pam-install" leftLabel="Prev"
@@ -11,18 +15,18 @@
 <a name="ext-auth-ldap-install" id="ext-auth-ldap-install"></a>Using
 LDAP/Active Directory with OpenACS</h2></div></div></div><div class="authorblurb">by <a href="" target="_top">John Sequeira</a>, <a href="" target="_top">Michael Steigman</a>, and <a href="" target="_top">Carl Blesius</a>. OpenACS docs are written by the named
 authors, and may be edited by OpenACS documentation staff.</div><p>
-<strong>ToDo: </strong>Add/verify information on
-on-demand sync, account registration, and batch synchronization.
-Add section on ldapsearch.</p><p>
-<strong>Overview. </strong>You do not want to make
-users remember yet another password and username. If you can avoid
-it you do not want to store their passwords either. This document
-should help you set your system up so your users can seamlessly log
-in to your OpenACS instance using the password they are accustomed
-to using for other things at your institution.</p><p>
-<strong>Background. </strong>The original OpenACS
-LDAP implementation (which has been deprecated by this package)
-treated the LDAP server as another data store similar to Oracle or
+<strong>ToDo: </strong>Add/verify information on on-demand
+sync, account registration, and batch synchronization. Add section
+on ldapsearch.</p><p>
+<strong>Overview. </strong>You do not want to make users
+remember yet another password and username. If you can avoid it you
+do not want to store their passwords either. This document should
+help you set your system up so your users can seamlessly log in to
+your OpenACS instance using the password they are accustomed to
+using for other things at your institution.</p><p>
+<strong>Background. </strong>The original OpenACS LDAP
+implementation (which has been deprecated by this package) treated
+the LDAP server as another data store similar to Oracle or
 Postgresql. It opened a connection using a privileged account and
 read or stored an encrypted password for the user in question. This
 password was independent of the user&#39;s operating system or
@@ -46,8 +50,8 @@
 <a name="ext-auth-ldap-setup" id="ext-auth-ldap-setup"></a><strong>Installing AOLserver LDAP support
-(openldap and nsldap). </strong>Install openldap and
-nsldap using <a href="" target="_top">the document Malte created</a> Next, modify your config.tcl
+(openldap and nsldap). </strong>Install openldap and nsldap
+using <a href="" target="_top">the document Malte created</a> Next, modify your config.tcl
 file as directed in the nsldap README. Here&#39;s what the relevant
 additions should look like:</p><pre class="screen"><code class="computeroutput">
 # LDAP authentication
@@ -76,12 +80,11 @@
 [10/Jan/2006:11:11:08][22553.3076437088][-main-] Debug: nsldap: Registering LDAPCheckPools (600)
-<strong>auth-ldap + driver
-installation. </strong>Next, visit the software
-installation page in acs-admin and install the auth-ldap package.
-Your OpenACS installation now has all the code required to
-authenticate using nsldap, so now you need to configure your
-site&#39;s authentication to take advantage of it. To add the
+<strong>auth-ldap + driver installation. </strong>Next,
+visit the software installation page in acs-admin and install the
+auth-ldap package. Your OpenACS installation now has all the code
+required to authenticate using nsldap, so now you need to configure
+your site&#39;s authentication to take advantage of it. To add the
 authentication driver to your OpenACS instance, go to: Main Site,
 Site-Wide Administration, and then AuthenticationHere&#39;s some
 sample Authentication Driver values:Name=Active Directory, Short
@@ -131,19 +134,19 @@
-<strong>Troubleshooting. </strong>If you&#39;re
-having trouble figuring out some the values for the ldapm, see this
-useful page on <a href="" target="_top">setting up Active Directory integration with
+<strong>Troubleshooting. </strong>If you&#39;re having
+trouble figuring out some the values for the ldapm, see this useful
+page on <a href="" target="_top">setting up Active Directory integration with
 Bugzilla</a>. It explains how distinguished names are defined in
 Active Directory, and how to test that you have the correct values
 for connectivity and base DN using the OpenLDAP command-line
 utility ldapsearch.John had an issue where nsldap was not loading
 because AOLServer couldn&#39;t find the openldap client libraries,
 but he was able to fix it by adding the openldap libraries to his
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH (e.g. /usr/local/openldap/lib)</p><p>
-<strong>Credits. </strong>Thanks to Malte Sussdorf
-for his help and the <a href="" target="_top">Laboratory of Computer Science at Massachusetts
-General Hospital</a> for underwriting this work.</p>
+<strong>Credits. </strong>Thanks to Malte Sussdorf for his
+help and the <a href="" target="_top">Laboratory of Computer Science at Massachusetts General
+Hospital</a> for underwriting this work.</p>
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