
  • last updated 7 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Reduce divergencies between oracle and postgres codebase, replace queries with proper api, exploit on delete cascade

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- reduce the dependencies on acs_object_party_privilege_map for PostgreSQL

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Optionally display only the bugs the user is participating in.

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
Fix broken list filtering.

fix date format to be ISO 8601 in preparation to date/time localization

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
commit to HEAD of merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20050111 and jcd-merge-5-1-20050224

  1. … 321 more files in changeset.
commit to HEAD of merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20040724 and jcd-merge-5-1-20050111

  1. … 2275 more files in changeset.
search and syndication for bugs

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
There was an extra acs_users_all assignee join in the first part of

the query which caused the set of returned rows to be the cartesian

product of the bugs X keywords X users on system = very very slow

for anything more than a trivial number of users.

It still returns bugs x keywords rows which is not great but seems tolerable.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
merge changes on oacs-5-1 branch to head, changes between jcd-merge-20040420 and jcd-merge-5-1-20040517 were merged, head pre changes is jcd-merge-pre-20040517 and post is jcd-merge-post-20040517

  1. … 834 more files in changeset.
in the bug listing query, setting parent_enabled_action_id to null in where clause to only get top workflows

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Unassigned query not ported to PG

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Using list builder for bug listing

  1. … 24 more files in changeset.
Latest version of bug-tracker/ticket-tracker, using workflow

  1. … 114 more files in changeset.
Cleaned up bug.tcl page, now using new form builder enhancements

    • -0
    • +104
  1. … 10 more files in changeset.