
Clone Tools
  • last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
* nx.tcl, pkgIndex.tcl: Fix version number to include patch level: x.y.z

* properties.test: Add a case to test for the bug on cget/configure NsfFlagObjType sharing

let developer control NDEBUG via Makefile (Tcl seems to define it nowadays)

- fix for the reported by "manfred" on comp.lang.tcl

improve cleanness of compilation

improve fall-through markup for case statements

* appveyor.yml: Fix tclkit URL for win.

* apps/build.tcl: Fallback to curl, in case we run under a non-TLS-enabled Tcl environment.

* apps/build.tcl: Fallback to curl, in case we run under a non-TLS-enabled Tcl environment.

* apps/build.tcl: Fallback to curl, in case we run under a non-TLS-enabled Tcl environment.

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://alice.wu.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/nsf

Fix build environment to be able to fetch Tcl tarballs via https; updated tclkits for linux, macos, and win.

silence gcc7+: use attribute based approach for denoting fall through in case statements

make unused argument explicitly as unused.

improve cleanness of compilation when compiled without threads

fix missed version bump

Fix endless loop at exit, when compiled without thread support

Many thanks to Pavel Demin for reporting this bug.

Added NR callback for uplevel; to be tested (WIP)

Eliminate TCL_INTERP_DESTROYED flag (as suggested by TIP #543)

cleanup after merge

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://alice.wu-wien.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/nsf

add hints for re-tagging

Fix version bump

Bump version number to 2.4.0

Added CI entries to README.release [skip ci]

Whitelist branches on the branches themselves

Update branch settings in CI descriptors

Update branch settings in CI descriptors

update stats

update tcl.4 file (get rid of macOS warnings about obsolete option "-prebind", likely to become an error in future macOS versions)

    • -898
    • +276
    • -436
    • +273