ssoberni <>
on 08 Jul 11
- generic/nsf.c / NsfOConfigureMethod(): Configure adds frames to its callstack context, however, so far the callstack modifications have … Show more
- generic/nsf.c / NsfOConfigureMethod(): Configure adds frames to its   callstack context, however, so far the callstack modifications have   not honoured the fact that configure() can be called from uplevel'ed   call sites. The callstack context resulting from a prior uplevel was   erased by the call frame introductions. As a consequence,   parameter-dispatched methods found themselves in a wrong variable   frame context. The suggested patch adds uplevel awareness in the   most generic way I could think of. The entire test suite runs   against the patched NsfOConfigureMethod(). However, I might be   missing unwanted consequences for untested cases ... we need to think of   further test scenarios ...

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