• last updated 7 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Initial import of online-catalog, first draft

Initial revision

    • -0
    • +27
Initial import of spreadsheet, first draft

Initial import of shipping-tracking, first draft

Initial import of inventory-control, first draft

Initial import of fabrik, first draft

    • -0
    • +0
    • -0
    • +0
Initial import of accounts-receivables, first draft

Initial import of accounts-payroll, first draft

Initial revision

    • -0
    • +27
    • -0
    • +31
    • -0
    • +4
  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
Initial import of accounts-finance, first draft

Initial import of accounts-desk, first draft data model

Initial revision

    • -0
    • +28
i18n'd portlets title

i18n'd portlets title

i18n'd portal page title

Made sure that passing a package_id actually yields the expected results

Added fast locale switch taken from categories

fixing proc install error, updating comments

adding first draft of datamodel

Added fast locale switch taken from categories

Fix to make oacs work with aolserver 4.5: pass default output encoding via content_type to ns_startcontent in case it is not specified

Fix to make oacs work with aolserver 4.5: pass default output encoding via content_type to ns_startcontent in case it is not specified

makes xinha use subsite's FS instance, or main sites FS if no subsite FS

adding purge messages

adding the ability to purge a users searches if they mess themselves up or the code messes them up

adding links to full exports and messages to explain what each permission means to the permissions files

adding catalog messages that were missing and new messages related to full exports and permissions

using a catch instead of a transaction (which would hang) to get results count, this means that if one search is bad it doesn't break a users search page

fixing title creation for contact searches

removing notification emails from filling up the history log... if somebody needs this we might need a parameter