• last updated 21 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Bumped branch to 5.3.a1 for alpha release.

    • -5
    • +5
    • -3
    • +3
Added a top which works even when you need to set the environment

    • -0
    • +4
file top.sh was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

    • -0
    • +0
Added ns_limits clause for aolserver 4.5

bug in query solved

    • -1
    • +1
Added object_id

Removed sorting

Made sure to use resources instead of shared/images

Made sure to use the correct style.css

We now require PG 8.0, not 7.3 :)

closing div

Main site stuff was built in hard-coded english rather than using message

keys for the Oracle version. Big "oops" uncovered by automated testing.

If a test logs a user in it should log that user out. Particularly if it

then goes on to delete that user. Failure to do so screws up tests that

try to access the website, logically enough.

initializing variable

    • -0
    • +1
Localizing the group name in the party_search

Someone changed the local auth implementation to handle the "RetrievePassword"

operation (by e-mailing a note to the user which links to a reset password

page). This is cool. What's not cool is to change the behavior without

running tests on the package and correcting the one that looked for the

local auth implementation to return "not_supported" ...

Phew talk about obscure. This test case NEVER worked (why do people commit

tests that don't work in the first place????) because it used ad_library

rather than ad_page_contract to document the template. ad_library fails

in ad_make_relative_path in this case though I didn't track down why in detail.

Added apm_package_ids_from_key to get a list of all package instances

made sure the date is 24hour clock

Added sending of bcc and cc

Added link to billable projects

Made sure the labels contain the company and other information like the extended compnay information

The sweeper needs to run with a package_id

Move creation of the contact to the background

    • -12
    • +15
Allow the club to be recreated if an error occured previously

Fixed the checks for email and letter to be run only when we are actually sending the message, not when we try to send one

Fire callback failed because of a callback implementation defined in the

test callback create callback test. Each case would pass separately, but if

the create test was followed by the fire test, the fire test would faile.

Fixed constraint naming error caught by automated testing.

Made sure that an opening letter is printed when generating an invoice for a different recipient

Made sure an invoice is marked as billed as soon as the invoice is printed