• last updated 15 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Prefer bind variables, use portable idioms

Add ad_library and a bit of doc

Whitespace cleanup

Move rel_segments_* procs in new rel_segment:: namespace to comply with OpenACS naming convention, create deprecated wrappers, replace occurrences

Whitespace cleanup

break overlong lines

bug-fix: don't use variable "screen_name" for controlling display of ScreenName,

since it used as value for the actual screen name as well.

as a consequence, user got e.g. a value of "none" set as their acutal screen name, which

lead to a conflict with the unique screen name constraint of the data model

the conflicst with CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

add missing SQL query

remove openacs-kernel-procs.tcl due to its misleading name and integrate its procs to the other utility procs

whitespace cleanup

avoid output of duplicate lines when an empty input line is encountered (many thanks to Franz Penz for the fix)

Replace parse_incoming_email with ad_parse_incoming_email, replace occurrences

Deprecate "multirow" proc as it does not comply with OpenACS naming convention

Deprecated get_referrer and NsSettoTclString, replace them with versions that respect OpenACS naming convention

Deprecate "form" proc, as it doesn't comply with naming convention

Reduce divergency between oracle and postgres codebase

Whitespace cleanup

Rename xmlrpc_decode_test_prep and add it to a namespace in order to pass the 'naming__proc_naming' testcase

Update italian localization

improve spelling

make passing name for temp tables optional

Provide convenience link to default locale (resolves issue #3430)

improve comments

Address suggestion from issue #3420

distinguish betweem Tcl command "file" and '::xowiki::formfield::file'

inclass-quizz: support as well participants, which are not logged-in

improve internationalization

    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
- add stopword list for word cloud

- use just lower case words in word cloud

fix for issue # 3429

generalize "transimit_always" handling for select, radio and checkbox