• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added support for images in items and choices

    • -0
    • +21
  1. … 44 more files in changeset.
Closing an open table tag. Fixes the layout problems with the toolbar.

Two wheres = error. I changed one where to an and and hope this is intended.

Add callback to generate wiki_related cr_item rel type to keep track of backlinks.

Fix define function args for content_item__set_live revision

file upgrade-5.1.4d6-5.1.4d7.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

oops last commit accidently screwed up the xql file

Tch tch someone put some SQL code inline rather than in an XQL file 'cause

they thought it was DB independent and it was really PG dependent. I made

it DB independent and stuck it in the XQL file where it belongs anyway.

Fix bug in retrieving content and fix bug in query to get related pages

when there aren't any related pages.

    • -1
    • +1
Add wiki to oacs-5-1 branch.

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    • +0
    • -0
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    • -1
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    • -0
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    • -0
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Adding defaults grades

Fix define function args for content_template__new

Fix define function args for content_template__new to use the 8 parameter version.

file upgrade-5.1.4d5-5.1.4d6.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

Misspelled the query name for calling an Oracle function in package_exec_plsql...

Creation_date and object_type are optional with defaults.

Don't pass creation_date on new unless its not null.

Fix delete command to use plsql "del"

Fix delete procs to call pl/sql as "del" to work in Oracle and PG

Fix __delete functions to have __del variant.

Create __del functions to match oracle.

file upgrade-5.1.4d4-5.1.4d5.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

Add __del function to match oracle so package_exec_plsql will work

Deleting the calls evaluation_create__template and evaluation_delete__tempalte

Deleting the functions evaluation_create__template and evaluation_delete__template

Adding the param {-package_id ""} in the function content::template::new

Adding the define "define_function_args('content_template__new','name,parent_id,template_id,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip,text,is_live')" in the function content_template__new

Simple population of the bug tracker, incomplete though (the add comments

field does nothing at the moment)

file add-bugs.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

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