• last updated 16 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Initial revision

    • -0
    • +212
Added photo-album portlet

Resolves bug #945. Merged two duplicate I18N keys.

Resolves bug #944. Merged two duplicate I18N keys.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- documented difference between -edit_request and -select_query. Fix bug #746

added missing template

file site-node.adp was initially added on branch openacs-org.

    • -0
    • +0
file site-node.tcl was initially added on branch openacs-org.

    • -0
    • +0
Fixed relative path, removed extra single quotes not needed outside plpgsql


Drop and recreate fs_folders view to get rid of fs-simple.

changing checkout script to use new dotlrn-prereq alias. Correcting rerun all tests URL in tcl-api-tests

    • -1
    • +1
fixing typo I introduced in last commit

fixing bug 957: adding recurring events broken in PG. Adding ::INT casts to arguments of add_months() and to_interval() calls

Latest version

Fixed bug in item::get_revision_content, upvar'ing happened after the variable had been populated

- Added item_id to array returned by bcms::item::get_item

- Split get_item_by_url up into separate get_item_id_by_url helper proc

- Various cleanups and bug fixing

nsv_get acs_application was failing sometimes on install and I wasn't able to track down why. To avoid further hassle I removed that nsv since we don't need it

Added procs

Latest version

  1. … 19 more files in changeset.
Make db_boolean public

Changed singular name

Adding curly braces, so the page will be cached

standardized list choices

removing ref-timezones from the dotlrn-prereq alias as it's also in the acs-core alias

changing package paths in dotlrn-prereq alias to not be qualified

adding the dotlrn-prereq alias with the set of openacs repository packages needed by .LRN

adding dotlrn-weblogger to dotlrn-core module

removing duplicate entry of acs-reference in acs-core module

adding the dotlrn-all alias with all dotlrn packages

updated docs for 5.0.0 alpha

  1. … 86 more files in changeset.