• last updated 4 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
updated for postgres


deleted unneeded files

fixed outer join bugs

finished cleanup of data-model, it now loads without errors

fixed more syntax errors

more cleanup

more cleanup

minor cleanup

added query files for ad_table calls

    • -0
    • +52
  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
initial revision

    • -0
    • +317
more cleanup

more cleanup

Fixed more syntax errors

more porting work

Changing file names.

modified acs_object scripts and fixed syntax error. This will now load

took out Oracle package dependency

started porting work

created postgresql sql directory

    • -0
    • +298
    • -0
    • +243
    • -0
    • +4
    • -0
    • +115
    • -0
    • +415
    • -0
    • +60
    • -0
    • +295
    • -0
    • +131

removed cancel and resume links from cases that are finished - use of these links throws an error

fixed oracle db api so that db_exec_plsql command would still work after the passed in sql query is converted to an empty string

fixed outer join query

fixed some bugs discovered by Vinod Kurup

added file_size to pg datamodel, pg queries. Moved calc (size = bytes/1024) from tcl to sql

Added db_map for oracle-specific partial queries.

Fixed problem caused by dimensional being used twice (renamed to


Fixed problem that had set archive_type_id to 'All' (not an integer)

aD used the var 'dimensional' in a query and then reassigned it, so when

the query dispatcher tries to acces 'dimensional', it accesses the wrong

one. renamed the second use to dimensional_html

added partial queries

Added partial queries