• last updated 9 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
file message-unregister.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Extend aa_runseries proc to allow multiple package keys to be specified (goal is being able to select just the packages we want for testing)

Fix typo

Fix query and logic for retrieving a particular locale stats for acs-lang admin/index page. In particular, messages that do not exist in a certain locale are properly computed in order to calculate deleted and untranslated ones, at the price of executing one query per locale instead of just a big one.

Allow to specify and update the context_id for a CrItem (fixes xotcl-core.test_cr_items automated test)

Modifying IP really comes from the item and not from the revision (as normally comes from the automatically generated view ${table_name}i which says so)

new support function util::var_subst_quotehtml to perform variable substitution with ns_quotehtml

Update database idioms

use capitals for abbreaviation

- improve error message

- break overlong lines

Use a prepared statement

Update object memory image according to its new database values when we update (fixes xotcl-core.test_xo_db_object automated test)

Do not return empty context_ids for the test, make sure value will have to change

Save the object title as well when updating (improves xotcl-core automated tests)

template::add_event_listener: added documentation of flags "usecapture" and "preventdefault"

fix placement of <h1>: when placed inside the form, the form editing causes heading to be displayed right of everything

improve indentation of adp-file.

    • -107
    • +104
bugfix: propagate event on radio button via "-preventdefault=false", otherwise switching between all-day and hour event does not work

- Update jquery to 3.4.0

- provide URNs for jquery-ui

- bump fallback-version of bootstrap to 3.4.1 (used, when the bootstrap3 theme is not installed)

    • -6
    • +6
file jquery-3.4.0.js was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file jquery-ui.min.js was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file jquery-ui.js was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
file jquery-ui.css was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file jquery-3.4.0.min.js was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

- bump version number of bootstrap to 3.4.1

- use jquery 3.4.0

- use URN for jquery (one should probably create a own jquery package, although, jquery is losing it importance)

- make use of new "create_or_replace" feature of acs-subsite

added "create_or_replace" flag to subsite::new_subsite_theme

This feature is similar to the "create or replace" idiom for updating

SQL functions and eases the update of standard themes

bump version number to 4.11.4

fix ckeditor name from 4->5

revert "-version" change since

- appending the version to the URL is a hack, not compatible with other versioning approaches

- it is not compatible with resource URNs,

- a more complex version managemnt is needed when dealing with

multiple versions in an installation.

include themed versions of files in the "variants" display (just for the current theme)

fix for issue #3391