• last updated 17 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Further cleanup of the indexer logics

- unindexing an object in an own proc

- clarified idioms

- cleanup redundant operations

    • -56
    • +60
Claim coverage, bump version number

    • -2
    • +2
Factor some of the logic in the indexer into own procs for the purpose of:

- being able to tell programmatically if an object can be indexed

- being able to index an object programmatically using a simpler api

- better test operations

    • -87
    • +126
Rework file-to-text conversion with the goal of:

- also for LibreOffice documents, strip the XML from extracted content

- handle errors all at once outside the switch, as the behavior would always be the same

- avoid creating a tempfile

Fix more confusion

Fix rather confusing name of javascript library file

Ensure the namespace exists for template::form::export

Fixed runtime error, when "ns_cache" is viewed over the API browser

The problem was the method "flush", which is implemented via

alias to ::ns_cache__flush. In this case, "ns_cache info lookup syntax flush"

fails, because "info parameter" fails on the alias in command:

"::nsf::cmd::info parameter -context ::ns_cache ::ns_cache::flush"

prefer more efficient approach to iterate over all key/values of an ns_set

use case-insensitive access to configuration values

prefer more efficient "ns_set array" over single item ns_set access

use consistently case-insensitive access to attributes of tags

moved deprecated proc to deprecated-procs.tcl

documentation update: advertise more efficient and recent idiom

Extend user_message feature so that a "severity" information can be passed alongside the message

This allows theme templates to color code messages according to their severity. Severity follows the Bootstrap nomenclature of "info", "success", "warning" and "danger".

Default severity has been set to "success" consistent with styling applied so far by OpenACS to the user messages.

    • -3
    • +3
Bring existing doc into the object's documentation, so that tests would not fail...

    • -16
    • +20
Deprecate template::list::csv_quote and replace its usages in packages that we have been supporting

Introduce a new "label_headers" flag for template::list::write_csv that allows to revert to behavior before https://cvs.openacs.org/changelog/OpenACS?cs=MAIN%3Adaveb%3A20080908165252, e.g. use the column names as headers rather than the labels

For some use cases is in fact more useful to have machine-readable headers, e.g. when processing the csv via software

Rely on the csv Tcllib package to generate a csv from a template::list

reduce startup speed by running update_nx_docs in the background

don't add slot container or slot objects to proc_doc (at least for now)

bumped upstream version of jquery-ui to 1.14.1

finetuning object descriptions

- adding links to per-object methods

- make sure that leading colons are used for object names in procdoc index

don't write warning about unknown methodtype when encountering classes

Improve calendar responsiveness

    • -64
    • +67
Bump version number and dependencies

    • -3
    • +3
Improve automatic toolkit-specific css generation so that it works also with toolkits that do not come with custom styling

    • -20
    • +30
Provide a way to retrieve known css toolkits without hardcoding

Reduce hardcoding when rendering includelets

    • -3
    • +3
Provide some xowiki-relevant classes for the ui toolkit as well, fix pattern to detect w3css