• last updated 23 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Rename constraints to follow coding standards (fixes automated test datamodel__named_constraints)

Renaming constraints on Postgres without dropping/rebuilding requires version >= 9.2

Trim whitespace

Whitespace trimming

Whitespace trimming

Fix reference to acs_object_type.table_name so that it points to real tables (fixes automated tests)

    • -2
    • +2
Whitespace changes

    • -16
    • +16
Whitespace changes

    • -8
    • +8
improve spelling

fix boolean expressions in .adp code

Align case of acs_object_type with that of the actual table (fixes automated tests), remove reference to non-existing stored procedure acs_action__name (fixes automated tests), comment out leftover sql script referenced nowhere

Align case of acs_object_type with that of the actual table (fixes automated tests)

This change intentionally ignores Oracle, as its behavior with respect to case is not clear to me.

Fix typos

Fix typos

    • -2
    • +2
Align case of acs_object_type with that of the actual table (fixes automated tests)

This change intentionally ingores Oracle, as its behavior with respect to case is not clear to me.

Align case of acs_object_type with that of the actual table (fixes automated tests)

This change intentionally ingores Oracle, as its behavior with respect to case is not clear to me.

Mark procs explicitly as public

Exploit ns_parseurl to streamline some tricky (and broken) protocol check (fixes automated tests)

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle

improved documentation of how to use hstore with xowiki

create hkey index for xowiki_page_instance automatically, when hkey field is defined

    • -11
    • +38
- toc includelet:

* new flag: "-renderer" (default "")

specify an explicit renderer. This is an alternative to the

classic "rendering by style", where there style determines the renderer.

* new flag: "-include_in_foldertree" (default true)

it is now possible to avoid inclusion of all folder-tree element

in the standard folder tree. Default set for backwards


- new tree renderer "bootstrap3horizontal" for rendering

a tree as a horizontal bootstap based menu with dropdown.

This can be used e.g. for rendering the table of contents

for a folder based on the page_order

{{toc -renderer bootstrap3horizontal -include_in_foldertree 0 -folder_mode 1}}

where the elements of the toplevel hierarchy (e.g. 1, 2) are displayed as

menubuttons, having the elements of the lower hierarchy as menu

entries (e.g. 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, ...)

    • -6
    • +90
align cache management to new implementation

improve spelling

fix for #3354.

bump version number to 5.10.0d5

Add doc to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc style, remove duplicated portlet definition

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), fullfill TODO by DRB, uniform doc style, improve legibility, comment out broken proc (missing sql), fix awkward db_transaction idioms

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle