• last updated 7 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
add RegImplName parameter to set the name of the implementation used in the registration process

add RegImplName parameter to set the name of the implementation used in the registration process

Removing merge news implementations

    • -37
    • +1
    • -16
    • +0
Adding Merge implementations for news

    • -1
    • +37
    • -0
    • +16
Added false enabled_p tags for users without project-manager or dotlrn

Adding merge implementations for forums

    • -1
    • +49
    • -0
    • +32
Removing merge implementations of forums

    • -51
    • +1
    • -32
    • +0
Added support for image type. We have to think about a trick to search for all related items ...

well, you should be able to send the f*** mail...

Fix bug #2487, float filter does not accept negative numbers.

Fixing a fatal error when you edit a task and given empty strings for work required. In this event these values will be converted to 0 since that is probably what the user intended.

Added a column for links

added a callback for ::send as well

Added callback for acs-mail-lite::send

return the log_id

new function to create log entry

new function to create an object

Removed trigger and changed to track real message_ids

Added callback implementations for acs-mail-lite

Added the callbacks in a new file

Removed the callbacks

Added complex_send procedure

revert recent changes that overwrote previous bug fixes

if tcllib is installed we don't need these procedures

If tcllib is installed then we don't need these procedures

file bulk-update.adp was added on branch oacs-5-2 on 2005-11-30 15:31:02 +0000

Adding bulk-update. Admins can now update a date or option ams attribute for a large group of people at once

    • -0
    • +4
    • -0
    • +146
Fixed problem with I18n of actions

Fixed the actions display

Splitted the message.tcl into message.tcl, email.tcl and letter.tcl