• last updated 4 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
fixing application of attributes in qf_choice

adding/improving proc documentation, adding qf_choice changes to qf_choices.

fixed qf_choice; now works for radio and input list. Need to make similar fixes on qf_choices.

more fixes for qf_choice and qf_choices

fixes to qf_choice, qf_choices, qf_options

fixing html validation for example, ids must begin with letter.

fixing bug in logic for qf_close

adding working example for qf_* forms

    • -0
    • +14
    • -0
    • +126
minor revisions

procs pass preliminary tests with these fixes and adjustments.

more bug fixes, and reducing inconsistencies

bug fixes to form code

adding label tag to input

1st draft qf_choices, untested

1st draft qf_choce, untested

fixing typos, progress on general bulk inputs, untested

various code revisions, still working on qf_choice and qf_choices, all untested

more quoting..

starting higher level UI + adding user input quoting by default etc.

adding qf_input qf_insert_html, not tested

more revisions, untested

adding more code.. still incomplete

changing code to consistently handle cases of novalue versus empty string, other syntax fixes

revising argument passing for procs to be more flexible and intuitive

minor revisions, adding qf_textarea, untested

refining qf_open, adding qf_fieldset, untested

adding remember attributes feature for shorthand coding

adding dynamic forms procs for handling spreadsheet forms etc. status: untested

    • -0
    • +181
more details added

more spreadsheet procs added, untested