
  • last updated 7 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
puttin evaluation into oacs-5-1 to follow openacs release guidelines

  1. … 171 more files in changeset.
fixing revisions bug, now the references are made to the item_id instead of revision_id

  1. … 62 more files in changeset.
-fixing lot of bugs

-adding parameters to add the portles in a new page

-adding the option to enter the weight of a task in "net value"

  1. … 85 more files in changeset.
- Internationalizing

- Fixing small bugs found in the way

  1. … 82 more files in changeset.
- adding csv functionallity

- improving user interface

- solving bugs

    • -0
    • +30
  1. … 29 more files in changeset.