• last updated 6 hours ago
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merge from oacs-5-10

  1. … 8099 more files in changeset.
Rework of category UI:

- phase out usage of acs_named_objects, use object title instead

- rework pagination using builtin template::list features

- reduce hardcoded styling and markup

- rework strange database idioms

- remove divergency between oracle and postgres codebase

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
merged changes from the oacs-5-9 branch and resolved conflicts

  1. … 7834 more files in changeset.
- reduce dependencies on acs_object_party_privilege_map (for PostgreSQL)

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
committing the port of the categories package from Oracle to PostgreSQL by Michael Steigman

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
a) show only objects of a given package_id b) let user combine categories with and/or

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
a) removed sql from tcl files b) renamed some queries for better readability c) added query files for category browsing pages

    • -0
    • +55
  1. … 30 more files in changeset.