
  • last updated 3 hours ago
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add ad_script_abort after ad_returnredirect to make termination intent explicit

  1. … 22 more files in changeset.
merged changes from the oacs-5-9 branch and resolved conflicts

  1. … 7834 more files in changeset.
- add editor hints to keep spaces/tabs in the furture more consistent

  1. … 754 more files in changeset.
cleanup and renaming of import/export procs in lang::catalog namespace. Now there are really only two public procs to know about: lang::catalog::import and lang::catalog::export. Updating all invocations of the procs and test cases. Adding proc lang::message::unregister for deleting message keys - used in test case teardown.

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
adding timezone support, adding auditing of edited messages, adding package scoped locale preference and package scoped locale

  1. … 40 more files in changeset.
removing debugging code

Splitting up the message keys into package_key and message_key in the datamodel, adding a message key table, changing format of catalog files to be xml based, cleaning up tcl API and its documentation, adding acs-automated-testing tests that test some catalog and message TCL procs

  1. … 32 more files in changeset.
Collaboraid: adding namespaces to the TCL API, adding new procedures for extracting keys from adp pages and parsing keys embedded in text, adding a translation web UI that was used at Greenpeace (at www/admin) and making it work with PostgreSQL, moving the old pages under www to be under www/admin/test, making the lang_messages table use locale rather than language, added upgrade scripts

    • -0
    • +11
  1. … 111 more files in changeset.