• last updated 3 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
modified content_item.get_title to return a useful label for extlinks (postgres and oracle)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
PG 7.3 doesn't support 'current_timestamp' as a literal any more (it still

is defined as a variable, of course). Also define_function_args assumes

NULL as the default value if none is specified, 'null' <> NULL ...

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
Fix content_item_copy2 to use NULL for target name instead of empty string.

Fix syntax error in content_folder copy.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Added define_function_arg calls to non-content-revision objects and to

create_type and create_attributes, so we can do these operations via

Tcl. Content revisions, due to LOB/non-LOB issues and the incompatibility

of LOB operations between DBs need their own "smart" Tcl API.

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
Added versions of content_item__copy and content_item__move to support

optional name parameter to copy/move and rename in one step.

merge of changes on oacs-5-0 branch to oacs-5-0-0b4 tag

  1. … 598 more files in changeset.
Added Jun's content_item__get_path plpgsql function.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
fix a couple missing stable/immutable flags

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Addresses bug 1148, bug 1149 (and performance problems generally with plpgsql functions).

eliminate with(isstrict,iscachable) in favor of the new syntax strict, immutable, stable.

bump version of acs-kernel, acs-content-repository to 5.0.0b4, upgrade scripts provided.

Fix bugs with the following plpgsql procs:

acs_object__initialize_attributes: raise exception on null input.

acs_object__set_attribute: exception on null input

acs_object_util__get_object_type: remove the exception after the return statement

apm__unregister_package: properly default cascade_p

apm__unregister_service: properly default cascade_p

content_item.get_parent_folder: infinite loop on input if not a direct descendent of a folder (fixed on oracle too)

content_item__get_context: exception on null input, fix bug in exception print (wrong variable name)

content_item__is_publishable: returned t on null and invalid items

content_item__is_subclass: did not short curcuit loop when subclass found

content_item__move: would silently ignore null target_id

content_revision__copy_attributes: generate an exception on null input

content_revision__export_xml: generate exception if called (unimplemented in postgres)

content_symlink__copy: generate exception if called (unimplemented)

apm_package__parent_id: returned -1 on not found rather than null

content_folder__is_registered: no default provided in code for include_subtypes

content_keyword__is_assigned: no default for recurse...

content_revision__import_xml: generate exception if called (unimplemented in postgres)

content_revision__index_attributes: generate exception if called (unimplemented in postgres)

content_type__trigger_insert_statement: now generates exception on null input (was silent failure)

number_src: infinite loop on null input

rule_exists: fix case folded lookup

Declare the following stable:

get_func_definition get_func_header acs_message__name

acs_object_type_insert_tr acs_message__message_p

acs_object_type__pretty_name acs_message__first_ancestor

acs_object_type__is_subtype_p acs_objects_get_tree_sortkey

acs_object__name acs_object__default_name

acs_object__get_attribute_storage acs_object__get_attribute

acs_object__check_path acs_mail_link__link_p

acs_object_util__object_type_exist_p acs_object_util__get_object_type


acs_object_util__object_ancestor_type_p acs_object_util__object_type_p

acs_rel_type__role_pretty_name acs_rel_type__role_pretty_plural

party__email person__name person__first_names person__last_name


acs_user__receives_alerts_p group_contains_p

acs_message_get_tree_sortkey acs_mail_body__body_p

acs_permission__permission_p acs_mail_multipart__multipart_p

content_keyword__get_heading acs_group__name acs_group__member_p

rel_segment__get rel_segment__name rel_constraint__get_constraint_id

rel_constraint__violation rel_constraint__violation_if_removed

content_keyword__get_description site_node_get_tree_sortkey

timezone__convert_to_local timezone__get_offset

timezone__get_rawoffset timezone__get_abbrev timezone__get_date

timezone__isdst_p rdbms_date apm__register_p timezone__get_id

doc__get_proc_header apm__parameter_p apm__id_for_name apm__get_value

apm__get_value apm_package__initial_install_p apm_package__singleton_p

apm_package__num_instances apm_package__name

apm_package__highest_version apm_package__parent_id

apm_package_type__num_parameters content_keyword__is_leaf

acs_sc_msg_type__get_id acs_sc_msg_type__get_name

acs_sc_contract__get_id acs_sc_contract__get_name

acs_sc_operation__get_id acs_sc_impl__get_id acs_sc_impl__get_name

acs_sc_binding__exists_p cr_items_get_tree_sortkey

content_keyword__is_assigned content_keyword__get_path

content_template__is_template cr_keywords_get_tree_sortkey

content_template__get_path table_exists column_exists trigger_exists

trigger_func_exists rule_exists content_folder__is_registered

content_folder__get_label content_folder__get_index_page

content_type__get_template content_type__trigger_insert_statement

content_type__is_content_type content_item__get_root_folder

content_item__is_published content_item__is_publishable

content_item__is_valid_child content_item__get_id

content_item__get_template content_item__get_content_type

content_item__get_live_revision content_item__get_revision_count

content_item__get_context content_item__get_latest_revision

content_item__get_best_revision content_item__get_title

content_item__get_title content_item__get_publish_date

content_item__is_subclass content_item__is_index_page

content_item__get_parent_folder content_revision__get_number

content_revision__revision_name content_revision__is_latest

content_revision__get_content content_symlink__is_symlink

content_symlink__resolve_content_type content_extlink__is_extlink

content_folder__is_folder content_folder__is_empty

file_storage__get_root_folder file_storage__get_package_id

forums_message__root_message_id content_symlink__resolve

  1. … 42 more files in changeset.
Merging bug fix from HEAD. Fixes bug#1163 and bug#1153.

New 19 parameter version of content_item__new and new

version of content_item__is_valid_child to allow setting and checking

or relation_tag. Fixes bug#1153 and bug#1163

Fix content_item__move error and bug in content-image.sql.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Added optional name parameter to content_item content_folder content_extlink

content_symlink copy and move pl(pg)sql procedures. Oracle and Postgresql.

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

  1. … 101 more files in changeset.
Removed the vile fs_simple_objects added by OF to store URLs in file

storage despite the existence of a non-versioned URL type in the content

repository. Upgrade scripts provided. I added Tcl API to the content

repository to honor our desire to export the SQL API to Tcl client code.

1. folder contents are now counted correctly (bug fix)

2. The fs_objects view is now usable in PG (it was a UNION view before and

therefore didn't scale)

3. Code in file storage is considerably simpler now and all file storage

objects are now stored in the content repository, as they should


The Oracle version may need some work I'll finish testing this afternoon.

  1. … 46 more files in changeset.
Partial conversion from timestamp to timestamptz for PG 7.3 (need to keep

time zone timestamps so dumps from PG 7.2 installs will still work)

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
register_child_type would only register one type per parent since it

ignored relation tag when checking if the relation existed.

is_valid_type failed with more than one type since it wanted to count

max_n but did not sum.

needs an upgrade script.

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
merge bartt PG 7.3 fixes from HEAD

  1. … 54 more files in changeset.
Patches to make OpenACS PG 7.3 compatible.

  1. … 54 more files in changeset.
removed content_item.update_last_modified, use acs_object.update_last_modified instead

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
added function for updating last_modified time of a content_item with cascading

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
applied patches 130,131,132,133,134,135,137

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.

Added code to make use of David Walker's wonderfully abusive hack on the

pg_proc table that showed me how to write recursive SQL functions. We now

have good use of the index on tree_sortkey when climbing the tree, woo-hoo!

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.

Changed the representation of tree_sortkeys from "text" to "bit varying".

  1. … 62 more files in changeset.

After importing openacs.org users, forums and messages I discovered that it

took literally several minutes to load the APM's home page. This was due

to a rather stupid subselect of the form:

select count(*)

from content_revisions r

where r.revision_id = content_item.get_latest_revision(item_id)

where item_id comes from the package versions table.

It's stupid in both PG and Oracle because get_latest_revision already

joins the latest_revision_id value from cr_items with the content

revisions table thus a simple check for a null return by get_latest_revision

would be sufficient.

It's *really* stupid in Oracle because Oracle won't use the index on

revision_id when checking NULLs so we get two sequential scans of the

cr_revisions table tucked into that one itty-bitty subquery (itself called

once for each package version in ths system).

Which explains why I hadn't noticed it while working on scalability testing

in PG - PG uses the index because its btree index structure handles NULLs.

Meaning this query only fell apart at a rate of O(log2(R)) rather than O(R)

as in Oracle (R being the number of revision objects in the system).

My solution was to rewrite the subselect using "case" rather than "count(*)"

and also to speed up get_latest_revision by having it check for NULL and

return NULL immediately rather than execute the query (in PG this is

accomplished by declaring the function "isstrict", and the executor won't

even call the function if the argument's NULL, making it REALLY fast!).

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

1. Fixed permissions bug in the PG version (missing OR clause in a view)

2. Added (untested thus far) site-wide-search to glossary

3. Added centralized support for importing files into the CR (either into

the filesystem or the database).

4. Fixed wp-slim. Fixed it some more. Fixed it again. It still needs

more fixing.

  1. … 61 more files in changeset.

Dave Bauer's patches ...

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
added support for multiple file storage areas

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
fixed definition of item relationships

fixed insertion order for insert statement in content_revision__copy routine

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.