• last updated 1 hour ago
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Constraints: dates
Checkpoint 3.6 (level AA): mark up lists and list items properly. (list template outputs a table not a list. It's not appropriate when the list has only 1 column)

- added a some tests for filter expression to the regression tests

    • -1
    • +15
- allowing or in rhs of -where expression

Checkpoint 10.2 (level A): implicit association of label and form widget

Patch for checkpoint 10.2 (implicit association in forms). Approved by oct 15-oct-2008.

<nobr> is not valid html strict

Checkpoint 11.2 (level AA): Avoid deprecated features of W3C technologies. (<font> in this case)

extended message catalog

- pretty_value of form-fields of type richtext cares aout wiki flag to substitute wiki markup

- renamed FormPage->get_children to FormPage->get_form_entries

- allow _text to be included in attribute names for form-usages

- provide a richer set of operators in the where clause in form-usages (=, <, <=, >, >=)

    • -5
    • +5
Checkpoint 11.2 (level AA): Avoid deprecated features of W3C technologies .

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
Don't close the <master> tag, it would be output in the HTML and guess what! it's not valid HTML.

    • -2
    • +2
Checkpoint 3.7 (level AA): Mark up quotations. Do not use quotation markup for formatting effects such as indentation.

  1. … 57 more files in changeset.
Checkpoint 3.7 (level AA): Mark up quotations. Do not use quotation markup for formatting effects such as indentation.

Checkpoint 3.7 (level AA): Mark up quotations. Do not use quotation markup for formatting effects such as indentation.

  1. … 59 more files in changeset.
Checkpoint 3.7 (level AA): Mark up quotations. Do not use quotation markup for formatting effects such as indentation.

    • -2
    • +0
  1. … 17 more files in changeset.
Add missing translations

There's no reason to resize the window when entering a SCORM course and esp without informing the user that will happen (checkpoint 10.1 level AA)

Checkpoint 12.1 (level A): provide title for frames

Fix i18n message translations


Checkpoint 12.1 (level A)

Improving color difference in forms

Last shot at improving difference in color

- better alignment in version number listing

- added property "skin" to wymeditor. Possible values ares "default", "sliver", "minimal" and "twopanels"

- added a property to wymeditor: plugins

- added new plugins to wymeditor: hovertools and resizable

- upgraded wymeditor to version 5.0b1

    • -0
    • +1
  1. … 26 more files in changeset.
- passing object to sub-components and "get_single_spec" (needed for object specific roles)

heh. this tested fix works through the form workflow unlike the last fix attempt

fixing my mis-application of available_date

adding image alt and align attributes to some of the possibly soon to be deprecated ecommerce image procs