• last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- using a CSS sprite for small images (e.g. for *button includelets, form-usages,

notification-image, file link, external link, admin/index, admin/list)

- provide xowiki.css to admin pages index and list

    • -2
    • +2
    • -1
    • +20
    • -4
    • +8
  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
fixing security::get_https_port, minor host_name calc in security::locations, added ecommerce exception per long standing ecommerce requirement, and made a few more code optimizations and less clunky comments for security::locations

- improve skinability and performance by using CSS classes for rendering item-buttons (based on includelets)

- add "htmlmode" to slim configuration for xinha

- add a simple inplace editor for xinha form-fields (activate by setting property inplace=true)

    • -0
    • +171
- make compound view more compact

- generalize css class handling for form buttons

make numeric convert_to_external more robust

- adding "insert wiki link" plugin for xinha

    • -0
    • +70
    • -0
    • +59
fix a bug with the single upload form, make sure it resets after an upload

Set HomeName according to HomeURL (control-panel in this case)

    • -2
    • +2
Fix admin priv check (thks Raul for catching that)

    • -4
    • +1
Fix admin priv check (thks Raul for catching that)

    • -4
    • +1
- fix nested search for in compound structures

add new method to check if a subcomponent exists in a compound form structure

- allow nls_language to be passed along with the name to create-new

Check permissions before internal-redirecting to the template for that content type

Check permission before internal-redirecting to default template for that content type

reduce verbosity

Extracted sql from .tcl to .xql

    • -10
    • +2
    • -0
    • +20
    • -42
    • +11
    • -76
    • +105
    • -0
    • +38
    • -0
    • +44
  1. … 226 more files in changeset.
- bump version number and update dependencies

    • -6
    • +6
css improvements

- deletegate delete to package_object to ensure cache flushing

- deletegate delete to package_object to ensure cache flushing

- new www-method for Page:

"create-or-use": allows to create conditionally a page, if no page with the default name exists

- make sure to initialize instance_attributes for dynamically created FormPages

    • -2
    • +13
- new options for includelet form-usages: "wf" and "buttons"

wf: allows to specify a workflow

buttons: specify "edit", "view" or "delete" (or e.g. all of these, separate buttons by spaces)

- use always localized strings for boolen form fields

- use "info method" to check for existing methods

- bump version number

- avoid attempted upvars to adp_level in scheduled procedures

- check, if a prototype page was imported with language en, but the current language is different

    • -3
    • +13