# -*- tcl -*-
# An example for using MongoDB as a persistence store.
# Gustaf Neumann              fecit, Feb 2014
package require nx::mongo
package require nx::serializer
package require nx::test

#nsf::configure debug 2

# Define sample methods to use MongoDB as a simple persistence store
# for nx. The provided methods are
#   nx::Class "mongo persist" ?-db db? ?-collection name? ?-closure?
#   nx::Class "mongo fetch" ?-db db? ?-collection name?
# where "mongo persist" stores/updates the direct or indirect
# instances in the specified collection and "mongo fetch" loads 
# all instances from this collection
nx::Class public method "mongo persist" {
	{-db "tutorial"} 
	{-collection "nx"}
    } {
    set mongo_ns $db.$collection
    set count(update) 0
    set count(insert) 0

    foreach i [:info instances -closure=$closure] {
	set isNew [string match "::nsf::__#*" $i]
	set bson [list name string $i class string [$i info class] isNew string $isNew]
	lappend bson definition string [$i serialize]
	if {[::nx::var exists $i _id]} {
	    #puts "we have to update "
	    ::nx::mongo::db update $mongo_ns [list _id oid [::nx::var set $i _id]] $bson
	    incr count(update)
	} else {
	    #puts "we have to insert to $mongo_ns"
	    set r [::nx::mongo::db insert $mongo_ns $bson]
	    ::nx::var set $i _id [lindex $r 2]
	    incr count(insert)
    puts "$count(insert) instances inserted, $count(update) instances updated in $mongo_ns"

nx::Class public method "mongo fetch" {
	{-db "tutorial"} 
	{-collection "nx"}
    } {
    set mongo_ns $db.$collection

    set result {}
    set bson [::nx::mongo::db query $mongo_ns {}]
    foreach obj $bson {
	foreach {att type value} $obj {
	    switch $att {
		_id {set _id $value}
		class {set class $value}
		definition {set definition $value}
		name {set name $value}
	eval $definition
	$name eval [list set _id $_id]
	::nx::var set $name _id $_id
	lappend result $name
    return $result

# Sample usage of the two methods

# Establish connection to the database
::nx::mongo::db connect -db "tutorial"

# Make sure, we start always from scratch, so remove everything from
# the collection.
nx::mongo::db drop collection nx

# Define an arbitrary class

nx::Class create Foo {
    :property title
    :property {count 1}
    :public method ++ {} {incr :count}
    :public method hasArray {} {array exists :a}
    :public object method counts {} {
	foreach i [:info instances] {incr c [$i cget -count]}
	return $c
    :public object method countArrays {} {
	foreach i [:info instances] {incr c [$i hasArray]}
	return $c


# Create an instance of Foo containing e.g. arrays or dicts as
# instance variables
Foo new -title t1 {
    set :a(1) a
    set :a(2) b
    set :d [dict create x 100 y 101]
    set :count 100
Foo new -title t2

? {llength [Foo info instances]} 2 "Foo instances before persist"
? {Foo counts} 101
? {Foo countArrays} 1

foreach i [Foo info instances] {$i ++}
? {Foo counts} 103

# Save all instances of Foo (inserts)
Foo mongo persist

# Destroy all instances of Foo in memory
foreach i [Foo info instances] {$i destroy}
? {llength [Foo info instances]} 0 "Foo instances after destroy"

# Load instances from MongoDB
::nx::Class mongo fetch

? {llength [Foo info instances]} 2 "Foo instances after fetch"
? {Foo counts} 103
? {Foo countArrays} 1

foreach i [Foo info instances] {$i ++}
? {Foo counts} 105

# create one more instance, also with an array
Foo new {set :a(x) foo}
? {Foo counts} 106
? {Foo countArrays} 2

# Save all instances of Foo (updates)
Foo mongo persist

foreach i [Foo info instances] {$i destroy}
? {llength [Foo info instances]} 0 "Foo instances after destroy"

::nx::Class mongo fetch
? {Foo counts} 106
? {Foo countArrays} 2

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 2
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: