# -*- tcl -*-

package prefer latest

package req nx::test

# The state of "substdefault" in object and method parameters:
# - general
#   * [self] is always set correctly
# - object-parameter:
#    * class-defined properties:
#       - When referring to instance variables, the user has no control
#         over the creation order of the variables. So, we cannot
#         recommend this praxis. Referring to global or namespaced
#         variables, this problem does not exist.
#       - [current class] executed directly in a subtdefault does not
#         return currently an expected result.  calling a method that
#         returns [current class] works. Defining methods to get
#         default values is therefore recommended.
# - method-parameter:
#   * It is currently possible to refer to instance variables in the
#     default scope (without the nsf resolver, without namespace
#     prefixes)

nx::test case substdefaultoptions-class {
  set ::X 123
  nx::Class create D {

    :property {a                    {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}
    :property {b:substdefault       {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}
    :property {c:substdefault=0b111 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}
    :property {d:substdefault=0b100 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}
    :property {e:substdefault=0b010 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}
    :property {f:substdefault=0b001 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}
    :property {g:substdefault=0b000 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}

    :public method show {v} {
      return [set $v]


  ? {D create d1} ::d1

  #? {::d1 eval :__object_configureparameter} ""

  ? {d1 show :a} {a $::X [set x 4] \t}    "no substdefault"
  ? {d1 show :b} {a 123 4 	}         "substdefault no options"
  ? {d1 show :c} {a 123 4 	}         "substdefault 0b111 subst all"
  ? {d1 show :d} {a $::X [set x 4] 	} "substdefault 0b100 -novars -nocommands"
  ? {d1 show :e} {a 123 [set x 4] \t}     "substdefault 0b010 -nocommands -nobackslashes"
  ? {d1 show :f} {a $::X 4 \t}            "substdefault 0b001 -novars -nobackslashes"
  ? {d1 show :g} {a $::X [set x 4] \t}    "substdefault 0b000 -nocommands -novars -nobackslashes"

  unset ::X

# same test cases as above, buf for object cases
nx::test case substdefaultoptions-object-slot {
  set ::X 123
  nx::Object create d1 {

    :object property {a                    {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}
    :object property {b:substdefault       {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}
    :object property {c:substdefault=0b111 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}
    :object property {d:substdefault=0b100 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}
    :object property {e:substdefault=0b010 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}
    :object property {f:substdefault=0b001 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}
    :object property {g:substdefault=0b000 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}}

    :public object method show {v} {
      return [set $v]

  ? {d1 show :a} {a $::X [set x 4] \t}    "no substdefault"
  ? {d1 show :b} {a 123 4 	}         "substdefault no options"
  ? {d1 show :c} {a 123 4 	}         "substdefault 0b111 subst all"
  ? {d1 show :d} {a $::X [set x 4] 	} "substdefault 0b100 -novars -nocommands"
  ? {d1 show :e} {a 123 [set x 4] \t}     "substdefault 0b010 -nocommands -nobackslashes"
  ? {d1 show :f} {a $::X 4 \t}            "substdefault 0b001 -novars -nobackslashes"
  ? {d1 show :g} {a $::X [set x 4] \t}    "substdefault 0b000 -nocommands -novars -nobackslashes"

  unset ::X

nx::test case substdefaultoptions-object-noslot {
  set ::X 123
  nx::Object create d1 {

    :object variable a                    {a $::X [set x 4] \t}
    :object variable b:substdefault       {a $::X [set x 4] \t}
    :object variable c:substdefault=0b111 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}
    :object variable d:substdefault=0b100 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}
    :object variable e:substdefault=0b010 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}
    :object variable f:substdefault=0b001 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}
    :object variable g:substdefault=0b000 {a $::X [set x 4] \t}

    :public object method show {v} {
      return [set $v]

  ? {d1 show :a} {a $::X [set x 4] \t}    "no substdefault"
  ? {d1 show :b} {a 123 4 	}         "substdefault no options"
  ? {d1 show :c} {a 123 4 	}         "substdefault 0b111 subst all"
  ? {d1 show :d} {a $::X [set x 4] 	} "substdefault 0b100 -novars -nocommands"
  ? {d1 show :e} {a 123 [set x 4] \t}     "substdefault 0b010 -nocommands -nobackslashes"
  ? {d1 show :f} {a $::X 4 \t}            "substdefault 0b001 -novars -nobackslashes"
  ? {d1 show :g} {a $::X [set x 4] \t}    "substdefault 0b000 -nocommands -novars -nobackslashes"

  ? {d1 object variable x:int,substdefault 1} {}
  ? {d1 show :x} 1
  unset ::X

# subst default tests for method properties
nx::test case subst-default-method-parameters {

  nx::Class create D {
    :method "current" {x} { return [current $x] }

    :property -accessor public {c 1}
    :property {d 2}
    :property {e 3}

    :create d1

    :public method bar {
                        {-s:substdefault "[current]"}
                        {-literal "[current]"}
                        {-c:substdefault "[:c get]"}
                        {-d:integer,substdefault "$d"}
                        {-e:integer,substdefault "${:e}"}
                        {-f:substdefault "[current class]"}
                        {-g:substdefault "[:current class]"}
                      } {
      return $s-$literal-$c-$d-$e-$f-$g

  # Interesting is arg "-d", since it resolves without a further
  # namespace resolver to the name of the instance variable. This can
  # not easily avoided, but i do not see, why we would have to.
  # UNEXPECTED: For the value of "f" i would expect ::D.
  ? {d1 bar -c 1} {::d1-[current]-1-2-3-::nx::test-::D} "substdefault in method parameter"

  # the reason that "$d" works is due to the fact, that the method
  # frame has to contain the instance variables.
  D public method i {{-vars:substdefault "[info vars]"}} {
    set localVars [info vars]
    set locals [info locals]
    return [lsort $vars]-[lsort $localVars]-[lsort $locals]

  ? {d1 i} "c d e-vars-localVars vars"

  # Let us change the instance variables to make sure the resolving is
  # dynamic.
  d1 configure -c 100 -d 200 -e 300

  ? {d1 bar} {::d1-[current]-100-200-300-::nx::test-::D} "substdefault in method parameter"

  # To summarize, we can address instance variables in substdefault
  # with little syntax, and as well global variables. For other kind
  # of variables, we can use a method, such as e.g. in the following
  # case, where we have some modules "my-module" whoch might have some
  # configuration variables (here X), and we define a method to access
  # it.

  namespace eval ::my-module {
    set X 1001

  D public method file-scoped {x} {
    namespace eval ::my-module [list set $x ]

  D public method m {{-x:substdefault "[:file-scoped X]"}} {
    return $x

  ? {d1 m} "1001"

# subst default tests for object properties
nx::test case subst-default-object-parameters {

  namespace eval ::my-module {
    set X 1001

  nx::Class create D {
    :object variable Y 1002

    :property {a "[current]"}
    :property {b:substdefault "[current]"}
    :property {c:substdefault "[info vars]"}
    :property {d:substdefault "[:info vars]"}

    :create d1

    :public method show {} {
      return ${:a}-${:b}-${:c}-${:d}

  # The scope of "current" in the substdefault is "::d1", the same as
  # for method parameters.
  ? {d1 show} {[current]-::d1--}

  nx::Class create C {
    :object variable Y 1002
    :object property -accessor public {Z 1003}
    namespace eval [nsf::definitionnamespace] {set A 2000}

    :method file-scoped {x} {
      namespace eval ::my-module [list set $x ]
    :method "object getvar" {x} {
      namespace eval [current class] [list set $x ]
    :method "definitionnamespace" {x} {
      namespace eval [nsf::definitionnamespace] [list set $x ]
    :public method "current_definitionnamespace" {} {
      return [nsf::definitionnamespace]

    :method "current" {x} { return [current $x] }

    :property {e:substdefault "[:file-scoped X]"}
    :property {f:substdefault "[:object getvar Y]"}
    :property {g:substdefault "[current class]"}
    :property {h:substdefault "[:current class]"}
    :property {i:substdefault "[[:current class] Z get]"}
    :property {j:substdefault "[:definitionnamespace A]"}

    :create c1

    :public method show {} {
      return ${:e}-${:f}-${:g}-${:h}-${:i}-${:j}

  # One can use methods to access e.h.  for method parameters.
  # UNEXPECTED: for "g" where i would expect "::C".
  ? {c1 show} {1001-1002-::nx::Class-::C-1003-2000}
  ? {c1 current_definitionnamespace} {::}

# subst default tests for object properties
nx::test case subst-default-object-parameters-in-extra-ns {

  namespace eval ::my-module {
    set X 1001

    nx::Class create D {
      :object variable Y 1002

      :property {a "[current]"}
      :property {b:substdefault "[current]"}
      :property {c:substdefault "[info vars]"}
      :property {d:substdefault "[:info vars]"}

      :create d1

      :public method show {} {
        return ${:a}-${:b}-${:c}-${:d}

    # The scope of "current" in the substdefault is "::d1", the same as
    # for method parameters.
    ? {d1 show} {[current]-::my-module::d1--}

    ? {nsf::definitionnamespace} ::my-module

    nx::Class create C {
      :object variable Y 1002
      :object property -accessor public {Z 1003}
      namespace eval [nsf::definitionnamespace] {set A 2000}

      :method file-scoped {x} {
        namespace eval ::my-module [list set $x ]
      :method "object getvar" {x} {
        namespace eval [current class] [list set $x ]
      :method "definitionnamespace" {x} {
        namespace eval [nsf::definitionnamespace] [list set $x ]
      :public method "current_definitionnamespace" {} {
        return [nsf::definitionnamespace]

      :method "current" {x} { return [current $x] }

      :property {e:substdefault "[:file-scoped X]"}
      :property {f:substdefault "[:object getvar Y]"}
      :property {g:substdefault "[current class]"}
      :property {h:substdefault "[:current class]"}
      :property {i:substdefault "[[:current class] Z get]"}
      :property {j:substdefault "[:definitionnamespace A]"}

      :create c1

      :public method show {} {
        return ${:e}-${:f}-${:g}-${:h}-${:i}-${:j}

    # One can use methods to access e.h.  for method parameters.
    # UNEXPECTED: for "g" where i would expect "::C".
    ? {c1 show} {1001-1002-::nx::Class-::my-module::C-1003-2000}
    ? {c1 current_definitionnamespace} {::my-module}


# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 2
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: