# -*- tcl -*- # # This is an introductory example how to use the nx mongo mapping for # referencing some object. We use here an example of an Posting having # a single (possible compound) user as originator. All example work # the same way as well with with multivalued attributes. # # Gustaf Neumann fecit, May 2011 # package require nx::mongo package require nx::test # Establish connection to the database ? {::nx::mongo::db connect -db "tutorial"} mongo:0 # Make sure, we start always from scratch nx::mongo::db drop collection users nx::mongo::db drop collection posts ###################################################################### # The first approach to implement references simply as an property. # This is just feasible in cases, where the user has just a name and # not more attributes. # ? {nx::mongo::Class create Post { :property title :property user }} ::Post # Insert entry with the schema of ::Post into the database: ? {nx::mongo::db is_oid [Post insert -title "Hello trivial World" -user smith] } 1 # Retrieve the entry from the database: ? {nsf::is object [set p [Post find first -cond {title = "Hello trivial World"}]]} 1 ? {$p cget -user} smith ? {$p destroy; nsf::is object $p} 0 ###################################################################### # The second approach to implement references to other objects via an # property pointing to the object id of an other object. This is the # classical datbase approach. When the object is fetched, the # application developer has to care about fetching/dereferencing the # referenced object. # ? {nx::mongo::Class create User { :property name }} ::User ? {nx::mongo::Class create Post { :property title :property user_id }} ::Post # The method "insert" returns the object id of the newly created # object. We can use this value as a reference in the Post. ? {nx::mongo::db is_oid [set oid [User insert -name Smith]]} 1 ? {nx::mongo::db is_oid [Post insert -title "Hello simple World" -user_id $oid]} 1 # Retrieve the entry from the database: ? {nsf::is object [set p [Post find first -cond {title = "Hello simple World"}]]} 1 ? {nsf::is object [set u [User find first -cond [list _id = [$p cget -user_id]]]]} 1 ? {$u cget -name} "Smith" ###################################################################### # The third approach is to embed the object in the referencing # document. This might be feasible when the values of the embedded # objects seldomly change, When the containing object (the Post # instance) is loaded, the appropriate object structure is created # automatically. # ? {nx::mongo::Class create User { :property name }} ::User ? {nx::mongo::Class create Post { :property title :property user:embedded,type=::User }} ::Post ? {nx::mongo::db is_oid [Post insert -title "Hello embedded World" -user [User new -name Smith]]} 1 # Retrieve the entry from the database: ? {nsf::is object [set p [Post find first -cond {title = "Hello embedded World"}]]} 1 ? {[$p cget -user] cget -name} "Smith" ###################################################################### # The fourth approach is to use mongo db-refs for referencing. This # is similar to approach two, but provides support for dereferencing # and maintaining the reference lists. # ? {nx::mongo::Class create User { :property name }} ::User ? {nx::mongo::Class create Post { :property title :property user:reference,type=::User }} ::Post ? {nx::mongo::db is_oid [Post insert -title "Hello referenced World" -user [User new -name SmithR]]} 1 # Retrieve the entry from the database: ? {nsf::is object [set p [Post find first -cond {title = "Hello referenced World"}]]} 1 ? {[$p cget -user] cget -name} SmithR puts stderr "\nContent of the collection posts:" Post show puts stderr "\nContent of the collection users:" User show ###################################################################### # Output ###################################################################### # Content of the collection posts: # Content of the collection posts: # { # _id: 51fa2f29cb562e0000000000, # title: {Hello trivial World}, # user: smith # }, { # _id: 51fa2f29cb562e0000000002, # title: {Hello simple World}, # user_id: 51fa2f29cb562e0000000001 # }, { # _id: 51fa2f29cb562e0000000003, # title: {Hello embedded World}, # user: { # name: Smith } # }, { # _id: 51fa2f29cb562e0000000005, # title: {Hello referenced World}, # user: { # $ref: users, # $id: 51fa2f29cb562e0000000004, # $db: tutorial } # } # # Content of the collection users: # { # _id: 51fa2f29cb562e0000000001, # name: Smith # }, { # _id: 51fa2f29cb562e0000000004, # name: SmithR # } #