# -*- tcl -*- # # This is an example how to use the nx mongo mapping. We show here # single class mapped to the mongo db with sing and multivalued # scalars together with some querying options. # # Gustaf Neumann fecit, April 2011 # package require nx::mongo package require nx::test #nsf::configure debug 2 # Establish connection to the database ? {::nx::mongo::db connect -db "tutorial"} mongo:0 # Make sure, we start always from scratch nx::mongo::db remove tutorial.persons {} if {[::mongo::count [::nx::mongo::db cget -mongoConn] tutorial.persons {}] > 0} { # when we create a capped colletion, we have to use "drop collection" to get rid of it. nx::mongo::db drop collection persons } # # Create the application class "Person" # ? { nx::mongo::Class create Person { :index name :property name:required :property projects:0..n {set :incremental 1} :property age:integer } } ::Person # # Insert a tuple to the database via creating an object, saving and # destroying it: # ? { nsf::is object [set p [Person new -name Gustaf -projects {nsf nx nxmongo} -age 53]]} 1 ? { nx::mongo::db is_oid [$p save]} 1 ? { $p destroy; nsf::is object $p} 0 # # The insert operation of above can be achieved with less typing via # the conveniance method "insert": # ? { nx::mongo::db is_oid [Person insert -name Stefan -projects {nsf nx}]} 1 ? { nx::mongo::db is_oid [Person insert -name Joe -projects abc -age 23]} 1 ? { nx::mongo::db is_oid [Person insert -name Franz -projects {gtat annobackend abc} -age 29]} 1 # # Quick check of the results: count all persons and count the persons # named Gustaf # ? {Person count} 4 ? {Person count -cond {name = Gustaf}} 1 # # Lookup a single Person, create an instance of the object ... # ? {nsf::is object [set p [Person find first -cond {name = Gustaf}]]} 1 #puts [$p serialize] # # ... change the age, add an project, and save it. # ? {$p configure -age 55} "" ? {$p projects add xowiki} "xowiki nsf nx nxmongo" ? {nx::mongo::db is_oid [$p save]} 1 ? {$p destroy; nsf::is object $p} 0 # # Lookup a single Person and create a named object # ? {Person find first -instance p2 -cond {name = Gustaf}} ::p2 ? {lsort [p2 info vars]} "_id age name projects" ? {p2 destroy; nsf::is object p2} 0 # # Test a few queries based on the user-friendly query language defined # for the class objects. # puts "\nProject members of nsf:" ? {llength [set persons [Person find all -cond {projects = nsf}]]} 2 ? {lsort [lmap p $persons {$p cget -name}]} "Gustaf Stefan" puts "\nProject members of nsf or gtat:" ? {llength [set persons [Person find all -cond {projects in {nsf gtat}}]]} 3 ? {lsort [lmap p $persons {$p cget -name}]} "Franz Gustaf Stefan" puts "\nProject members working on both nsf and nxmongo:" ? {llength [set persons [Person find all -cond {projects all {nsf nxmongo}}]]} 1 ? {lsort [lmap p $persons {$p cget -name}]} "Gustaf" puts "\nAll Persons sorted by name (ascending):" ? {llength [set persons [Person find all -orderby name]]} 4 ? {lmap p $persons {$p cget -name}} "Franz Gustaf Joe Stefan" puts "\nMembers of Projects != 'abc' nsf sorted by name desc and age:" ? {llength [set persons [Person find all -cond {projects != "abc"} -orderby {{name desc} age}]]} 2 ? {lmap p $persons {$p cget -name}} "Stefan Gustaf" puts "\nFind persons age > 30:" ? {llength [set persons [Person find all -cond {age > 30}]]} 1 ? {lsort [lmap p $persons {$p cget -name}]} "Gustaf" # # Define a special find method for "Person" named "oldies" by # extending the query interface (add sub-method to ensemble). # Person public object method "find oldies" {} { return [:find all -cond {age > 30}] } # # Use the special find method # puts "\nFind oldies:" ? {llength [set persons [Person find oldies]]} 1 ? {lsort [lmap p $persons {$p cget -name}]} "Gustaf"