-- Data Model to support content repository of the Arsdigita Community -- System -- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation -- Author: Khy Huang (khy@arsdigita.com) -- $Id: acs-content-create.sql,v 2002/03/31 21:08:44 donb Exp $ -- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public -- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: -- http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html create table acs_contents ( content_id integer constraint acs_cont_content_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) constraint acs_cont_content_id_pk primary key, content blob, searchable_p char(1) default 't' constraint acs_cont_searchable_p_ck check (searchable_p in ('t','f')), -- stores the language of the content nls_language varchar2(50), -- mime type mime_type varchar2(200) default 'text/plain' ); comment on table acs_contents is 'Table for storing object content'; comment on column acs_contents.searchable_p is 'Include content for search?'; create or replace package acs_content as procedure new ( content_id in acs_contents.content_id%TYPE , mime_type in acs_contents.mime_type%TYPE default 'text/plain', nls_language in acs_contents.nls_language%TYPE default null, searchable_p in acs_contents.searchable_p%TYPE default 't', content in acs_contents.content%TYPE default empty_blob() ); procedure delete ( content_id in acs_contents.content_id%TYPE ); procedure update_nls_language ( content_id in acs_contents.content_id%TYPE default null, nls_language in acs_contents.nls_language%TYPE ); procedure update_mime_type ( content_id in acs_contents.content_id%TYPE default null, mime_type in acs_contents.mime_type%TYPE ); procedure update_searchable_p ( content_id in acs_contents.content_id%TYPE default null, searchable_p in acs_contents.searchable_p%TYPE ); end acs_content; / show errors create or replace package body acs_content as procedure new ( content_id in acs_contents.content_id%TYPE, mime_type in acs_contents.mime_type%TYPE default 'text/plain', nls_language in acs_contents.nls_language%TYPE default null, searchable_p in acs_contents.searchable_p%TYPE default 't', content in acs_contents.content%TYPE default empty_blob() ) is v_content_id acs_contents.content_id%TYPE; begin insert into acs_contents ( content_id, mime_type, nls_language, searchable_p, content ) values ( acs_content.new.content_id, acs_content.new.mime_type, acs_content.new.nls_language, acs_content.new.searchable_p, content ); end new; procedure delete ( content_id in acs_contents.content_id%TYPE ) is begin delete from acs_contents where content_id = acs_content.delete.content_id; end delete; -- update language column procedure update_nls_language ( content_id in acs_contents.content_id%TYPE, nls_language in acs_contents.nls_language%TYPE ) is begin update acs_contents set nls_language = acs_content.update_nls_language.nls_language where content_id = acs_content.update_nls_language.content_id; end update_nls_language; -- update mime type column procedure update_mime_type ( content_id in acs_contents.content_id%TYPE, mime_type in acs_contents.mime_type%TYPE ) is begin update acs_contents set mime_type = acs_content.update_mime_type.mime_type where content_id = acs_content.update_mime_type.content_id; end update_mime_type; -- update searchable p column procedure update_searchable_p ( content_id in acs_contents.content_id%TYPE, searchable_p in acs_contents.searchable_p%TYPE ) is begin update acs_contents set searchable_p = acs_content.update_searchable_p.searchable_p where content_id = acs_content.update_searchable_p.content_id; end update_searchable_p; end acs_content; / show errors